Origin skins you unlock by collecting lore

>origin skins you unlock by collecting lore
>standard doomguy with helmetless options is one of those skins
>only one person can grab the lore per game
>does not drop in order or even for the character you're playing

if quake champions wasn't fun I'd say fuck it

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im so close to getting Nyx's skin she looks so nice, thats seriously th eone skin i care about

Isn't it better than having to pay for it,though?

shit game

What the fuck? There's a new Quake game?

there is a new shitty* quake game

its f2p quake with hero shit with a $30 "all characters now and forever" pack, but f2p isn't open for a few months until they get the game polished up (if you were in the bethesda.net betas, you have f2p access right now)

pro players seem to actually like the hero shit, and they said they're working on classic mode and standard CTF I believe

it isn't quake it's just using the name.

t. haven't played it

>doom slayer
This name is cringy as fuck.

Jesus Christ that looks terrible.

Everything about Quake Champions is 2edgy4me so I didn't even notice.

lol actually i played it for about 2 minutes until i hit a ledge while strafe jumping and just continued forward like nothing happened, gianing speed even

but you wouldnt know if it felt wrong would you?

not that forgiving newbie shit is the worst of its mistakes, when it has three different currencies, heroes, skills, and fucking different hitboxes, no servers, no modding and no mapping. LOL.

"quake" my ass. It's more titanfall, halo, call of duty, for honor, uncharted 4, literally everything else than quake.

Except Nyx's titties and ass. Those aren't edgy at all.

easy with those buzzwords champ

they probably wanted a more marketable name than doomguy or doom marine. but the lore scrolls do confirm that he is in fact doom 1/2/64 doomguy and not some shitty rebooted version. they also have all the versions except 64, even that fag from doom 3 with his own face model

I get caught on walls and shit with slash's sliding mobility all the time, you're either making shit up or found a piece of bugged geometry and gave up after 2 minutes

>even buzzword has become a buzzword now

>no criticism is valid, you're a liar or it's a bug!

wow you sound like an adult

Wait a minute, that autism....


The future is now, old man. Go back to quake world with the other 40 year old never-weres, where you can bitch about the old days when people just played "for fun"

As for me? I'm having the time of my like playing Slash Pro Skater 2. If this isn't Quake, I never want to play Quake.

>they probably wanted a more marketable name than doomguy or doom marine
They didn't do a very good job.

We need to think of a new word.

Wattwords? Shockspeak? Ohm-vowels?

>go back to odl blah blah

i haven't played quake in 10 years nor do i care about it apart from quake1 map releases

i'm simply just helping people understand that this game isn't quake and has nothing to do with it


It really amazes me that you get paid to type this shit.

I'm not going to suck the game's dick, it has two very real and very major issues that aren't dumb bullshit -

1 - Rockets are wonky as fuck. Sometimes they don't register on direct hits, and sometimes the splash doesn't work as intended.

2 - Tribolt, the replacement for grenade launcher, sucks huge dick. That's basically down to either a projectile speed increase or an AoE increase, but right now its worthless.

Not even going to try, huh?

>"Quake" game
>fundamental issues with netcode and hit detection

oh lol keep going it just keeps getting better

>"helping people understand" it "isn't quake"
>hasn't played quake in 10 years


>try Slash as my first character other than Ranger
>lods of efun
>Slash gets a stack buff in beta
>having even more lods of efun
>even though I'm fucking awful
>watch the Pro Skater 2 video, immediately start jerking off because Quake and THPS are my favorite fucking series of all time and outright defined my youth
>play more Slash
>get stuck on geometry, rubberband into walls, game still uses just a bit too much upload bandwidth to play comfortably and even then I have a third world connection so sometimes it'll just shit out anyway
>can barely break 30% LG and 2K/D
>rockets are apparently spitwads
>still having lods of efun
>sit around twiddling fingers waiting to find games
>watch Slash spin and twirl for what feels like hours on end
>she has a really nice body
>and a nice face
>sit there staring into her eyes
>staring and staring as she twirls and twirls
>keep playing Slash
>start thinking about Slash when not playing
>start dreaming about Slash
>send help
>it's not stopping

>he thinks there's shills for a Quake game

I feel sorry for you. Marketers live in your head for free, you don't even need to see ads and they're already affecting you.

Where were you in 1999?


That shit is annoying

>get into beta
>can't ever actually get into a match without disconnecting
I don't imagine the game is very good but I'd at least like to be able to fucking try it.

>wooooooooooow not even going to try huh
goes both ways faggot. an equal response is all you get

Wow, never heard that one before.

Masturbating to Hunter instead, of course. However Q:C has no bronze Amazonian ladies so instead the annoying punk girl will have to do.

I should have quit when I stopped finding her singing annoying and started humming along instead. O Carmack and Hall, please come down from the heavens and smite me before I start seeing the spiders, too.

Please cite where in this comment chain I made a post that said "yes."

>only a 7 second leave penalty

I've got slash sliding down pretty well, but I think I'm at the limit unless I start remembering what walls and ceiling shit I need to avoid to keep the slide going

she's directly referenced in sorlag's lore, she'll probably be one of the sooner heroes. the biggest ones I keep hearing people wanting in game are orbb, bones, and crash though.


So, if you want to, it could be a "30$ dollars game with none of that free to play bullshit"? That doesnt sound good :^>

It is Quake though. It's more Quake than certain mainline games in the series

I'm waiting.

Is Hunter and Tank not playable champions? Why even bother then?

The beta was pretty bad for that, especially since you pretty much had to restart to get back in afterwards. It's only happened to me twice since early acccess and now it doesn't require you to restart the game.

There's still a memory leak issue though that around 6-10 games really makes the game jutter at the slightest things

>I think I'm at the limit unless I start remembering what walls and ceiling shit I need to avoid to keep the slide going
>today I will play Slash!
>Burial Chamber
>ha ha I guess I'm not playing Slash

>she's directly referenced in sorlag's lore, she'll probably be one of the sooner heroes.
The next four in line are Athena (Q2), Death Knight (Q1), Keel (Q3) and Strogg Infil (ET:QW), not necessarily in that order. No matter how much lip service Tim 'Big' Willy gives about Hunter and how many feathers she has in Sorlag's lore, it's still a very big 'if' and an 'if' that won't show up for ages.

I tried again about a week ago and still had the same issue.

>i'm simply just helping people understand that this game isn't quake and has nothing to do with it
By that logic, no quake after Quake 1 is quake
begone quake poser

Does BJ have some classic skins? I'd hate to be stuck with his TNO design since that game was so bad.

What did they mean by this?

He has his shirtless Wolfenstein 3D cover art if you collect all his lore scrolls :^)

He also has the return to castle Wolfenstein fatigues? I didn't play that one but I assume that's where his army outfit comes from, the other two are from TNO and look virtually identical

So what's the deal with this lore stuff? Do you have to hunt for it in every match and hope you get it first? Because that seems like a horribly bad system that makes players put more effort into finding scrolls than going for the primary objective.

Yes, but on the other hand all you get for your trouble is some shoddily-written backstory tidbits and if you collect 'em all, ugly character skins.

>if you were in the bethesda.net betas, you have f2p access right now

i do? i guess the caveat is that i need the bethesda launcher and can't download it through steam?

Lore is hidden in a random breakable pot somewher eon the map
more often than not, someone that's not you spawned right next to it
to make matters worse, you can still collect lore after you've already found all of them already for crafting shards so you're still competing with everyone

You'll be able to go on Steam for the full release, but for now you're Bethesdashit only.

Yep, the ride never ends for lore.

You need the Beth launcher, yeah, but once it's installed you can play the game right from the exe without worrying about the launcher.

The more I hear about this game, the less sad I am that I wasn't able to get into any matches.

It's fun when it works and table-flippingly infuriating when it doesn't.

It's not only the rocket, it's also the nailgun and shotgun, the latter which often registers single digit damage point blank. Even Rapha who has the most chill streams on twitch is at the point of visibly raging. These devs keep promising and never deliver; they're now paying people to give positive reviews or infiltrate threads to namecall people who express legitimate criticism.


I agree. Almost as cringy as Anarki sounding like Chris Rock.

lore scrolls are really the least of its problems
hitboxes and hit registration are fucked, especially for projectiles
supposedly they're being (fixed) but there's not a lot of room for hope
aside from that though, it's still super fun

Stop responding to the shills. They have nothing to defend their shit game with so they resort to ad hominem.

>the latter which often registers single digit damage point blank.
Not to mention the SSG's spread doesn't play nice with the netcode at all and ensures you need to be getting Point Blanks with basically every shot or it's rubbish. The starter shotgun is surprisingly good, though, which is interesting.

>Chris Rock
>not Oliver Swanick

This way the skin is worth something. I hate it that everyone gets everything for free or to buy today. Nothing is special anymore. Remember when in wow only one guy per server could get the mount for opening ahn'qiraj? You really got something special there. Now every fucker can get or buy literally everything Ingame. Fuck this attitude.

>being that guy who needs to feel special for validation

>being the guy that whines about not getting his special hat without effort
two way street bucko

Lol fucking hell that webm. This massive patch they're releasing in October better come early October. The game's 24hr peak is under 1k now... just after a weekend. The game is so fun beside the game breaking netcode etc that makes you want to never open it again AAAAAAHHHHH

I should add before anyone retorts with "Bethesda Launcher" or that with regards to numbers, stats show the game has 51k owners! That alone speaks about the state of this game.

i dont think that will ever be "fixed"

The game will be saved as soon as they release hunter

>implying that'll ever happen and Timmy boy isn't just stringing us along

Yeah, netcode has been my biggest issue. It's not game-breaking but you see blatant stuff happening often enough that it spoils the fun and then makes you wonder about those 'near miss' type things where you're not sure if you actually missed or were another victim of shit online.

I remember hitting the feet of people with rockets and getting like 5 damage, it's frustrating.

I literally don't give a solitary shit about the lore scrolls because it's too much of a grind.

I wonder what Hunter will do? Maybe she'll be able see a footprint trail or something to track enemies.

Multiple people have suggested something similar, but it just sounds like a crappier version of Visor's ability.

when will quake die

no one wants to play oldschool pure quake
no one wants to play nu quake

but the playerbase is still going to complain after their 50th quake "WHY NO NEW QUAKE GAME THE ONLY REASON WE DONT PLAY IS BECAUSE STILL NO NEW QUAKE REE"

this series needs to die desu

this is pretty reasonable, although I think galena varies quite a bit depending on the map
ranger, sorlag and anarki are spot on though

be sure to take totalbiscuits cock out of your mouth before you shitpost

Scalebearer is definitely a dick and dishonest

i would welcome a new iteration where theyd keep the whole thing intact but add better textures/geometry now this hybrid shit they released they can fuck off id never ask for such a joke


>Dude, I'm not looking. You're an idiot, take off that fucking hat

Meaning if I had TESO beta, I can play that?