Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone DX launches on november 22 in Japan. Are you planing on getting it as an upgrade...

Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Future Tone DX launches on november 22 in Japan. Are you planing on getting it as an upgrade, import it or will you wait for a western version?


Two new songs will be added

Ghost Rule: youtube.com/watch?v=KushW6zvazM

Sand Planet: youtube.com/watch?v=AS4q9yaWJkI

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I actually wasn't a huge fan of the gameplay changes in Future Tone. I mean, I still love the game, but not enough to re-buy - especially for 2 extra songs and a physical copy.

Let's head to page 10 together OP.

wow he still alive?

Let's have a nice miku monday full of discussion instead. Like post your favorite songs.


I can't read Japanese so I'm waiting for the hopeful physical western release. I know it's a Rhythm game but I'm not shuffling through Japanese menus

This is really gay
You should be ashamed of yourself.

As someone who has imported the japanese version I can tell you that it's not too bad, especially when you already played FT and know the layout of the menues. But I can understand how you'd want to wait, especially since it has already been confirmed for a western release, at least digitally.

I want more Yuyoyuppe songs in Future Tone, they'll probably never add the ones I want though.


Miku makes my heart go Doki-Do-HNNNNG.

I really hoped they would've made the songs from Project Diva X as an additional songpack for DX.

My internet is ass so I'm really not into digital stuff. I hope it at least gets a collectors edition or something. I'd pay top dollar for that

Sure thing

They played Umiyuri at the end of the trailer, so I'd like to think there's hope.

I love this artist.

IA/VT sequel when?

I think happy boobman is busy with like 4 senran games right now. Give that poor man a break.

Ah, I guess that's true.
I can't wait to senran a kagura in that switch game.

After Jin makes enough songs to take up 3/4 of the game again.

So alive his song was the fastest to get a million views

That's nice.

I'm still playing Future Tone here and there so probably not.
I plan on importing Taiko when that comes out next month though.

You can upgrade your regular Future Tone to Future Tone DX as DLC.

Then I'd have to wait for the western version since I got the western version of Future Tone.

They have already announced it, I doubt it will drop the same day as the JP version but maybe in december / january or something.

>still can't beat intense voice of hatsune miku
>decide to play random songs to blow off some steam
>get 2 perfects in easier songs
One day I'll be able to do it.

Post dem perfects.

Same. 200 bpm spams are hard enough but with doubles and 360s it's not even clearable for me.

Oster project is worse than hitler and shouldn't be in the games.

Why would you think that?

Have you tried listening to their songs?

Have you?

Yes you bozo, otherwise I wouldn't have come to that conclusion.

Well so have I and funnily enough I didn't come to the same conclusion.

>Still haven't bought Future Tone because I'm hoping for a Switch port.
A Miku in my pocket is the only Miku I can truly love.

What does Sup Forums think of PinocchioP

He's okay.


I want to shove my fat cock in her mouth!


He gets lots of shilling here and /jp/


Also, enjoy waiting forever

Will Miku return for P3/P5 dancing all nighto?

SEGA has announced an official HORI controller for Future Tone. It is exactly the same as the Project DIVA X one, but with different artwork. It has detachable buttons so you can choose between DS4 or Arcade layout.

If you are interested, buy it on launch day because the Project DIVA X one sold out very fast.

Also, from a recent Famitsu Interview with Wataru Sasaki (Crypton Future Media) and Makoto Osaki (SEGA games):

- Makoto Osaki and Wataru Sasaki first met to talk about the idea of implementing collaboration items in Virtua Fighter 5. But in january, after seeing the first Project DIVA on PSP and after trying some things with Virtua Fighter 5 engine, they realized they could make the Arcade version of Project DIVA
- the first prototype of Project DIVA Arcade was running on the Virtua Fighter 5 engine, but then it moved to a brand new engine made only for Project DIVA Arcade. This engine has evolved a lot over all these years, and the latest version is the one running on Playstation 4 (Future Tone DX)
- Project DIVA Future Tone for Playstation 4 in Japan sold more than expected, in fact it sold more than doubled, SEGA is very happy with the results
- the main features of Future Tone DX are the new modules, the new songs and the new extra features added in the PV shooting mode
- Ghost Rule is using the latest version of Future Tone engine, and you'll notice it after playing (new effects, new cameras, new expressions, ..)
- November release and not August release because they want the final product to be perfect, so they are using the extra time to check everything
- Makoto Osaki is feeling "I can finally take a breath" in sense of completeness after Future Tone DX is released
- that doesn't mean no more Project DIVA games for Makoto Osaki. In fact, a new version of Future Tone Arcade is planned, but it won't come out soon, and there are other projects in the works that will be announced when the time is right
- Makoto Osaki is also interested about VR and MR (Mixed Reality), but still have to come up with a concrete project

>still no hibikase
>fucking sand planet

They would sell even more if they released it on multiple platforms

Hibikase is literally in the third DLC pack.

They already sold twice the expected though so...

Is there any hope that they will release a physical copy here in the west? I already bought the digital version but I'd double dip for Miku.

They should release a physical version, at least in America, but so far only the digital version has been confirmed.

I don't know what's worse. Magnet, magical sound shower, urotander or wibbly wobbly. They are all fucking bullshit but one of those has to take the cake.

I'm just leaving this here:



Jugemu Sequencer because it'd still be hard without meme note placements.

Whoa shit, finally. Guess I'm just gonna wait for preorders to open.

Oh my God.


Luka is already taken, you're not allowed to see her naked.

DO NOT SEXUALIZE THE MI- oh, it's just dumb old Luka with ninja magic thrown into the mix. Move along.

>tfw 200 dollar vocaloid album got sniped on yahoo auctions

fuck my life, I'll never have those files in FLAC or WAV ever AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Nice boob physics.

>Luka is already taken
Prove it.




>no Outer Science


I want to be Miku so I can love Luka

Uh. I want to be Luka so I can be with Miku. Wanna hang out or something? We could pretend...

There are people that don't put Len in all the girly songs

While we're discussing dykes, I'm gonna ask you fags which one should I pick up. Though the release date of the FT controller makes me lean towards Temptation a bit.

You guys play this stuff for the music or for the gameplay? Not a fan of the songs and the gamellay looks too easy compared to other rhythm games I play.


The left one has a nice dress. The right looks like something a 14 year old would buy. Case in point, the post above mine.


>Looks too easy
Yeah... Extreme and Ex-Extreme songs are not easy. Look for them on YouTube.

Both. Most of my rhythm game experience comes from this series and I picked up a taste for Vocaloid along the way. Extreme on FTs challenging enough for me.

MMD videos are a miracle of the universe:



That's MMD? Looks like the game models so much.

Miku sexualises herself, though.

Next NA concert tour when?

Sadly she has to provide some fanservice in this day and age, that's still not on the same level as forcing her to dance completely naked.

God damn it, SEGA release on PC already!

Maybe you'll be able to emulate it by 2025 or something.

I own two copies of obscure questions
He is great

its not exactly a rare album but it _is_ pretty good.

wouldn't mind having a 180gram vinyl of his recordings,only other producer I would want is ___________Cosmo________mmmaaayyyybbbeee Lamaze-P as well

their sound engineering is leagues above the rest of the producers.

Left no contest

anyone have sepia record/糞みゅむ埋葬ぽわぽわ風味 (by Powapowa-P) in lossless?