This game is absolutely fantastic but what the fuck were they thinking with that soundtrack?
This game is absolutely fantastic but what the fuck were they thinking with that soundtrack?
I'm sorry everyone but you loves it
Nah it's pretty shit
No, it's garbage. It's pure generic buttrock
if you love it its because you have zero taste, its just utterly generic
plebeian tastes
>DOOM soundtrack
>generic buttrock
no kiddo we were just born before 1999 so we experienced music that was hard and used driven guitars. thats what everything fucking sounded like before you were born.
this is bait
randy please
>all those implications in a single post
i was strafe jumping around at the sound of HUH with my coworkers way before you were even inside your father's testicles
lmao clearly you don't know what that word means
i liked all the music except one track which is was like some dubstep shit, i think it was the arc or lazarus level.
Is it a bait? The graphics and the soundtrack are the best things about this game. It makes you forget the bad level design.
>Thread about Doom 4
>Assume he's talking about the original Doom
Yeah, you're clearly confused, alright.
I used to hate the soundtrack too, but then I watched this video and understood how impressive the soundtrack actually is:
I'm not into this industrial dubstep shit that comprises a huge chunk of the soundtrack, but the way they made all the music dynamic is genuinely impressive.
>the title theme is a chainsaw revving ran through a synthesizer
I really fucking liked this game but holy fucking shit did I hate the upgrade bullshit. Pixel hunting wasn't fun. It was a fucking chore, even with a guide.
Sounds like two gorillas shitting on a street corner
Reading comprehension
Wait.. so DOOM is 'great'? I literally haven't even bothered to play it yet because everyone was telling me it was complete shit?
>Sup Forums is so ignorant about music outside of vidya sountracks they characterise djent as "buttrock"
wew lad
buttrock is creed, staind, puddle of mudd, nickelback, generic-post-grunge-squinted-eyes-as-you-sing-about-your-tortured-soul
The only people who are calling it shit are contrarians ore nostalgiafags who are mad at the fact that it's not a carbon copy of the first game
>I am 45+ years old posting spongebob on a video game forum
So these are the people who like this trash music
>This game is absolutely fantastic
if you were born in the year 2000.
>Sup Forums is so ignorant about music outside of vidya sountracks they characterise djent as "buttrock"
it's embarrassing how true this is
why is this generation of kids who play video games so sheltered
Yeah it's pretty pathetic
It's good when it strays away from the dubstep.
Played Doom 1 in 1994. Had a blast. Still like this game.
Sorry about that.
people who overgenrify music have always been are and will always be first order losers
"Sheltered" its fucking sheltered kids that do that overgenrification shit EVERY TIME
if you existed in 1999 you would have argued about darkwave vs. coldwave youre the same fucking pathetic watse of oxygen person
Stop making up words.
The game is best played with minimal upgrades anyway since they completely fuck up the difficulty curve and end up making the final parts of the game almost trivial even on nightmare
HURR IT'S NOT BUTTROCK IT'S (completely made up word)
>being this butthurt that you got called out
being a music nerd is better than being a video game nerd who only listens to video game soundtracks, which is most of Sup Forums by the way things look
not that pointing out you're misusing the term 'buttrock' makes you a music nerd
There was honestly not a single memorable track for me in this game.
>Pixel hunting wasn't fun
for what? the automap and suit upgrade show you where everything is. only thing you had to actually look for was classic map levers.
I can't really remember anything great about the bgm, it just 'fit' and blended into the background.
The sounds of gunfire and muscle tearing are the actual soundtrack to the game though.
This, holy shit. Fucking grinding and menu-surfing does NOT belong into a goddamn Doom game.
Nor does fancy, cinematic QTE finishers and endless lock-down wave killing rooms.
I'm gonna have to agree with you on that. It's probably one of the worst sound tracks out there. It's out there with that shitty music that plays in Mad Max Fury Road by that fucking moron playing guitar. Fuck my ears hurt just thinking about it.
>that game breaking rune combo that gives you unlimited ammo at 75 armor combined with chaingun in turret mode
the game may as well just you use idkfa
b8 or shit taste.
You clearly didn't even listen to the soundtrack. I personally can name a bunch of the tracks off the top of my head.
Rip and Tear, At Doom's Gate, Hellwalker, Authorization Olivia Pierce, Flesh and Metal, BFG Division, VEGA Core, Damnation, Rust Dust and Guts, Harbinger, Mastermind, Transistor Fist, etc etc.
Having listened to the track recently, it's basically the same thing repeated with slightly different variations for 30 tracks.
Pick one song from the game and you've basically heard every song from the game. It's basically a nothing special soundtrack.
>I didn't find the music memorable.
>You're wrong, I found a lot of the tracks memorable.
you're clearly a teen who hasn't ever heard metal music before
or rock in general probably seeing nigger shit and electronic is all that's popular these days
>Nor does fancy, cinematic QTE finishers and endless lock-down wave killing rooms.
The finishers really aren't that bad and encouraged aggressive gameplay in the same way Space Marine did, but while I did enjoy the wave killing rooms, did they REALLY need to use five or more of the damn things per level?
It's more true to Doom 1 and Doom 2 than Doom 3 is.
The original doom games are largely about running around blowing the fuck out of demons in a creepy completely unknown mars base and that is pretty much what doom 4 does
Doom 3 is more true to Doom 1
If anything, D44M is more true to Painkiller
When the choir kicks in when in hell.
doom 3 is really slow paced, it's more like alien isolation than doom
desu I liked the game's OST but that might be because I also really like Wolfenstein TNO's and Killer Instinct's
Good lord. Kill me if I'm ever this immature at 45.
It's pretty ingenious, actually
He didn't say he didn't find them memorable, he flat out said none of them were memorable.
You're clearly a teen who thinks he's cool just because he listens to old music and hates new shit (I do too, but don't think I'm cool because of it).
>He didn't say he didn't find them memorable
>There was honestly not a single memorable track for me
>for me
>I can't explain it so here is a youtube video
You've convinced me, user.
And the video basically illustrates that the music adapts based on the player's context which has been done in games for YEARS, particularly in games like Left4Dead and Red Alert 3.
>It's new so it's shit!
You faggots cling to MUH NOSTALGIA way too fucking much. Why can't people appreciate both the old AND the new?
"glory" kills ruin the game
I'm getting tired of this "every criticism of the game is just a nostalgiafag" meme.
It's new and it's shit
The fact that original Doom is old and good just makes it worse
>no remix of flesh and metal with the tasty parts ANYWHERE
Rip and Tear, BFG Division, Cyber-Demon, Mastermind. I can name more if you like.
like BOTW the music isnt great on its own but it fits the game in a way other music wouldn't
>BFG division starts playing
We can easily pull Doom 1993 to absolute pieces just as Doom 2016
Yes, those are names of tracks that were in the game. Good job, user.
Don't understand why I can't use a video that more eloquently states a position I agree with.
>which has been done in games for YEARS, particularly in games like Left4Dead and Red Alert 3
Sure but it's in the method through which it accomplishes this that differs from many other titles.
I have never looked it up but the fact there really is nothing is truly sad.
Yeah, so what? How does that invalidate any criticism of this game?
youj can try but your criticisms would be invalid. that's the rub with places like this: you talk and you think your voice has the same value as mine. you're wrong though
I like how after the game got cracked it still was getting nothing but praise but now after months of most people liking or loving it its come full circle to being contrarian to try and fit in.
Thematically, BFG division is different from say Flesh and Metal
But at the end of the day it is a soundtrack which is made in a way to respond to the moment to moment action, so it's moot to put the full songs and compare them.
>it's basically the same thing repeated with slightly different variations for 30 tracks.
this sounds exactly like the kid who argues with the metal heads in HS
Stop replying to your own posts.
Well why even argue in the first place
I don't get it either, grinding would imply enemies respawn or that you need to stay in a level to get all of the weapon upgrade stuff instead of just playing the game.
What music would you have preferred, OP?
the soundtrack won awards over stiff competition
maybe Doom isn't for you if you don't like rock
metalheads have terrible taste in music
Pleb test.
lurk Sup Forums before pretending to know anything about music
>video game soundtrack awards
>video games
>stiff competition
i honestly cant imagine how much of losers some people who come here are in real life thank god i am not you
all that stiff competition in video game soundtracks in 2016 like uhhh
pardon me while i fail to be able to recall a single piece of game music since like 2002
lol nice bait
Dear lord please do not let a single 45 year old man with this phenotype procreate.
Shroud his genetic failure in a permanent cloud of virginity, humilation and wizardhood.
Doom sound track thread?
Man, the 3DO had some nice games/ports. Too bad the console was so expensive.
im not saying they were wrong, im just saying its the exact thing ive herd countless times when i was in HS
personally i dont give a fuck what you listen to.
If Rip and Tear does not make you want to punch the nearest living thing, you are 100% certified homosexual.
It's pretty much what you expect from a Doom soundtrack though. Being djent, it'll probably age just as badly as the original's soundtrack as well.
can I download D44m without downloading the MP yet? the game is fuck huge
>the original OST
>aging badly
its easily my favorite song, and in itself is already great
however sometimes i just wanna listen to the metal parts without all the interludes and there is literally no remix doing that
It's not a bad soundtrack but you can tell that it's very much of that era. Thrash hasn't been seen as "cool" for decades now. Djent will go the same way, probably worse.
>Thrash hasn't been seen as "cool" for decades now
Fuck you, thrash never stopped being cool.
what the fuck do you mean not as "cool"
That's idiotic, /pitchfork/ doesn't know anything about music.