Mom comes in to bring me dinner

>mom comes in to bring me dinner
>quietly says "you are again on your blue website", puts the tray on the desk and walks out

Get off Facebook then lol

what blue website are you on?
use the Tomorrow skin.


hurts the eyes. yotsuba b is perfect.

>not using Yotsuba B

Literal niggers..

>being this new

To be fair though, Skeet should have at least recognized Jimmy as an innovator and given him the proper accommodations so that the both of them could work together to grow and expand the future of McSpankies. Jimmy wasn't necessarily wrong, he missed the point of certain company polices and practices but his heart was in the right place. True success is never borne of complacence, and stagnation will persist until ambitious souls like Jimmy decide to break the mold. He just had to approach it a different way, that's all, and Skeet could have helped him do that were he not so comfortable with the status quo.

>tfw mom is going to walk in any second when she wakes up to go to work to see her freeloading son playing vidya and staying up until sunrise. again

>going on nsfw boards when people are around

Well, just don't reply to to this post and she'll never wake up, user.

>he doesn't have his own place
>he doesn't visit his mom once a week for a slow cooked meal and a night of mummy cummies

>>Sup Forumslue
Use tomorrow dumb frogposter

>Not using the Tomorrow style
Die monster, you don't belong in this world.

The day my kid makes their first post on here is the day I tell my wife to stop being his maid and make him do his own goddamn laundry and to get his own damn food

>Ever coming here before nightfall
In the dark with the lights out Tomorrow is best

>used to switch to a different tab when mom was walking by while I'm browsing Sup Forums
>just leave it on and don't even care anymore

>dark colour hurts eyes
>bright blue doesn't

Yotsuba b hurts my eyes, Tomorrow is perfect

Thank fuck for Tomorrow. Doesn't burn my eyes.

Futaba looks like it belongs back in the 90s.

using anything but tomorrow literally hurts my eyes. I wish more sites had the option for black background.


>he doesn't just switch to the desktop whenever somebody else can see his screen

>using Tomorrow
>nice and comfy
>switch tabs to a website with a bright colour scheme

that aint sadfrog that's frog master buzz bullshit from hedgehog games

Her fault for being a breeder, OP.

tomorrow makes it look like an adult site

>lights always off
>all screens have the darkest options
>phone screen even as dim as possible
>can't see for like 10 seconds when I go outside

That'd be suspicious, user.

Move out of home you little fuck

haha op youre a disappointment

Am I the only one who uses burichan? I just find it the easiest to read.

It looks like your average early 2000s website mid-loading images on a dial up connection.