>10 years ago: >Everybody was a polite chad. >Teamwork was super import in video games. >Everybody enjoyed vidya. >Games ended with "Thank you kindly, old chaps"
Today: > rage and toxic behavior everywhere. >"kys" and insults have become the new norm. >Companies enforce draconian rules to keep the games away from complete chaos >Games end with "I report u!", "Fuck ur mum!" and "Gg ez n*ggers"
What happened, Sup Forums?
pic related
Hunter Collins
Andrew Bell
>10 years ago >join a low ping dedicated server >become a regular >don't treat the people like shit because you get to know them
Ethan Evans
this + there wasnt a billion "gamerz"
Christian Rogers
drop in drop out matchmaking there aren't really communities anymore at this point people might as well be bots considering the insults people say are generally exactly the same its concerning but boring
Jason Gomez
>things that never happened spot the BBT retard who actually literally believe watching 5 episodes made him a hardcore gamer.
Brody Perry
10 years ago was only 2007 dota was made in 2003 and gaming communities have been full of raging autists since then afaik that was the turning point i suppose it could be linked to the generation that was starting to get on the internet at the time
Cameron Nguyen
bretty gud b8 m8
The only thing that changed was the inability to deal with banter because "muh special snowflake" generation.
Parker Sullivan
Yeah the best thing about dedicated servers was you got to hang out with bunch of friends. Now games force you to play with literally whos every time.
Parker Edwards
This. We had a local TF2 server/community, everyone knowing each other, meet-ups, LANs etc. The internet just got too big for it's own sake
Leo Murphy
Turning point was the year that tbbt was released and glorified the nerdy lifestyle of sheldon and company. Bazinga
Easton Robinson
>not the sense of anonymity breh, it's just internet culture in general
Jace Ross
If you're never going to see someone again, there's literally no reason not to be a piece of shit.
It's based in logic at least, I've seen tons of shit talkers and only remember one name because me and a friend made fun of him relentlessly.
Nathaniel Lewis
>New generation players no longer respect other people I remember when I started playing online and I was like 15 or so (29 now). I was affraid of saying anything, thinking everybody were grown-up people and I was the kid there. Now you know that 90% of players in every online game are underage behaving like little bitches
Jaxon Nelson
The rage and toxic behavior is not new - easy competitive play is what has changed. All the shit people complain about was going on back in the day in organized competitive play but most people were either too bad or just didnt know how to get into it. Pre-matchmaking in a team game meant to "get good" you'd have to get a team of other horrible players and get stomped over and over by way better teams to figure out the game, and toxicity was par for the course. Now anyone can play competitive games that have some sort of meaning (e.g. ranking) and so now everyone can witness this behavior.
Dylan Miller
>2003 was the turning point oh, child
there was a time when people would l33t sp34k and "pwn n00bs" completely unironically
Evan Edwards
>He raged at the world, at his family, at his life This should have been "at his family, at his life, at the world".
Levi Young
>l33t sp34k and "pwn n00bs" completely unironically So what?
Jonathan Lee
when i was 12 and playing warcraft 3 online everybody was being a piece of shit as usual
nothing changed
Luis Peterson
Jaxson Watson
I found the only cunts were in the dota lobbies. I never even managed to have a single game because they all kicked me before it even started. Everything else was fun though
Jack Gray
BM'ing started before this fucking website even existed you literal child. People have never been nice to one another online, so shut the fuck up.
Luke Williams
suggesting venom and retardation didn't really hit the internet until 2003 is like saying first person shooters didn't really come out until halo
Justin Robinson
no, people were never this salty in the days of kali
leetspeak elitists had nothing to do with the current brand of crying and raging
Adrian Anderson
post your favorite one drops, Sup Forums
>tfw I slam down a 1 mana plainswalker on turn 1
when it's banned in modern, you know that shit's busted
William Jackson
I think that 10-15 years ago, when people started playing online, it was something so new that we just wanted to enjoy the game and cooperate together.
Kayden Ramirez
Nice card for casual fun.
Jackson Morales
Kill yourself honestly
Isaac Rogers
back in the day that was actually a pretty staple card in aggro, especially with decks that had counter manipulation, definitely better than ops one drop, kek
Isaiah Turner
in no particular order.
1.Facebook and the big bang theory start to draw a very large crowd of low iq dreggs onto the internet. (starts around 2007). 2.Companies want that new core demographic and start to get really aggressive with marketing and skinner box design. 3. Alot of 2nd world countries are getting p.c's that may be 5-8 years old but due to technological stagnation these people can now play modern games. 4. Consumers in the videogame market continue to support shit companies. 5. Everyone has mics now, maybe they weren't always this stupid. But a great deal of shit was simply never voiced before.
Parker Scott
>"Thank you kindly, old chaps"
Blake Phillips
>"""toxic""" gr8 b8 m8
Sebastian Baker
That's a nice fetchland. It'd be a shame if anything happened to it.
Hunter Richardson
sure m8, waste a stifle on a small tempo play, top kek
Adam Sanders
You made shit up about an era you weren't involved in is what happened.
John Perez
>"Waste" a stifle by using it as a stripmine
Josiah Thompson
years ago: >>Everybody was a polite chad. >>Teamwork was super import in video games. >>Everybody enjoyed vidya. >>Games ended with "Thank you kindly, old chaps" What games were you playing? Fucking neopets online?