Why do you all say he lies so much? All the examples I've heard aren't lies, but rather exaggerations

Why do you all say he lies so much? All the examples I've heard aren't lies, but rather exaggerations


There is a very thin line between exaggeration and false advertising, so yes, people feel fucked when they realize most of his selling points were very vague, but you can't understand them unless you play the game and see for yourself.

>hurr durr you can climb that mountain

He never said there would be a climbing mechanic. You can hike the mountain by following the set path, but if you qualify jump exploits on bad mountain polygons, then yes, that counts as climbing.

>muh infinite quests
Quests really are infinite, but if you expected they put in infinite amount of dialogue instead of generic repeating quests, it's your fault for having huge expectations.

People should have learned by now not to trust E3 or any kind of presentation with unrealistc promises and pre-rendered graphics.

I'd unironically buy his games to be honest

Did you preorder Fallout 4?

Thanks for your input Pete

Pretty much this.

Anyone who dosent realize that e3 is just a demo for alpha/betas and that anything is subject to change is retarted.


It's just that the today's internet community is prone to bash everything on sight just to act cooler. Todd Howard lives in the future, that's all.

his games are shitty, the development team is too novice to handle the scope of games they make, so the quality ends up horrendous, but that's okay cuz MODS HURDUR, and now: PAY FOR FIXES HUR DUR

pls don't bully Todd

They can be both?
Saying you ate 10 burgers when you only had 3 is both a lie and an exaggeration.

They're just jealous of his obvious alpha male status

Hi Todd.

Fuck off.

Wanna buy a fun little game user?

But what Im saying is that Todds claims aren't lies.

He said that there are infinite quests in Skyrim and there are
He said you can climb the mountain, you can

He said Xbox was the best platform for Morrowind, a clear, undisputable lie.

What's wrong, user? Did you not enjoy the 78th re-release of Skyrim, now on the Gamesphere in stunning crisp 144p?

While you're at it, don't forget your season pass, only $30 on top of the $60 for the game as is!

Wasn't it Todd who said that every village and town in Skyrim would have their own economy that you as a player could exploit to a certain degree? Like one village was had a lot of iron and another had wood.

Hey kids, you wanna buy my game?

There's games, dlc and all sorts of suprises down here!

And mods, too, of all types.

>food analogy

That does not excuse any of it, you ARE aware?
Hiding behind technicalities like "it is not a lie, but an exaggeration" is even worse.

Exaggeration is a type of lie - a lie of degree - unless it is obvious that he is exaggerating just for the lulz or something.

>you can climb that mountain
>you can't climb
how is that not lying

They did. Different meaderies were owned by different families. You could even kill a family and install new mead owners.
One town had an entire economy built on hating the empire, with a museum about killing the empire literally on display.
Creep cluster only grew in the hotsprings area and was cheaper there than other alchemy shops.

When you climb a slope you walk up it. Climb has more definitions. It's tricky dialogue but it's not a lie.

Because Toddposting is unironically fun, and it's easy to make fun of a game that's ported to literally everything despite being years old and the best version being released on PC. I don't even play Bethesda games, and I get a kick out of Toddposting.