>the absolute state of PC gaming
The absolute state of PC gaming
nice thread you gay retard
>socks don't have a razer logo
that tells me that he's not committed enough
I think you may be confusing Razer faggots with PC gamers. You see PC gamers actually play games whereas Razer fags just spend there time replacing there overpriced chinese hardware and shilling their edgy trash. Also poster confirms this.
I'm gonna take a razer blade to your throat if you don't delete this thread right now
This faggot doesn't even have a razer blade, he has a fagbook. what a poser roflmao.
Rate my room Sup Forumsros.
Imagine going through 9 months of pregnancy for it to become this.
H-how would one defeat such a beast?
back to baby^3 with you
PC gaming is about to become invadid by kids and normies. The amount of youtubers now playing and pushing for PC is growing. Not to mention games that are bringing them in.
What's the consensus on their mice? There was a deathadder on display and it felt really nice but I'd probably be fucking ashamed of myself if I bought it.
i have one on standby. the mouse buttons r-click/l-click are a poop. it is however like 4 years old. naga for mmos.
using a corsair scimitar atm, again for mmo play.
it's not to bad..macros etc etc
i put new feet on my g400, and retired it. best mouse i've ever owned.
More powerful than north korean war room
I guess.
What are those two big flat things on the bottom shelf and the one above it? Just behind the hat and speakers?
Maybe some mousepads.
this is a joke right?
nah, they're LED socks. give you higher APM
someone post the "drawn from memory" one
>fell for the serpent merchant meme
>curly hair
>brown eyes
>large nose
Hmm, I wonder why (((he))) is proud of this snake garbage.
Who would win
>t. razer kid
After vista came out it has been way too easy, thus now it's filled with morons
The Deathadder is probably the only decent thing they make. I used to have one and it had a pretty good run until the rubber padding started to fall off after about 4 years of heavy use.
I second this
Outside of America it is the normie choice and has been for a few years now (apart from extreme dudebros/children).
They aren't enemies.
One obviously evolves into the other.
why do people like white socks again? they're so ugly
I like red socks, now what?
what's he listening to?
I only wear fancy businessman socks. Cheap white socks look and feel gross.
>edgy stickers on your door
Never understood this, why would you do this...
passenger of shit
Fuck you, who cares what your socks look like anyways who the hell stares at people's feet? Especially in your own house
this, grown men wear black socks
It's either some Frank Sinatra tier fedorattry or a playlist of songs from apple ads.
I wear white socks when I go running.
>ragging on frank sinatra
You can be better than you are
Regardless of whether his music is good or not you cannot deny that he is popular among shit people.
RAZER was a mistake