Played 1 and loved it, If the story or writing isn't as good that sucks but i'm most concerned about the gameplay.
How is F.E.A.R 2?
Complete and utter ASS.
If you want more FEAR play the two standalone expansions.
2 is still pretty good, but as said, play the expansions if you haven't already.
No matter how muc hyou want more FEAR, NEVER touch 3.
Play the EXPANSION PACKS of Fear 1 instead, and then forget the series.
There's a school level that's pretty cool but otherwise it's not nearly as good.
it was streamlined and simplified a lot for the consoles. Avoid it.
2 is really great, much better at horror than 1 is. Some parts of 2 are actually spooky but 1 is mostly just jump scares.
3 is not scary at all and is also a really bad shooter
Has very little to do with F.E.A.R honestly (It really doesn't, other than a few things here and there). It is FINE, not the best, but the gunplay can be fun, but overall it is just an okay experience. Play it once, and then go back to the first game and its expansion packs.
>no matter how much you want more FEAR never get fear 3
So if i want more fear my options are limited to the first game and it's 2 dlc's?
Why does this feel so bad?
that fucking ladder....
I think of it every time that I get on a ladder in a fps.
>Why does this feel so bad?
the question is why do you want more of the simplest fps gameplay of all time? people who think fear is good have bad opinions. have you played soldier of fortune? max payne?>
FEAR 2 is a good game don't listen to those retards.
Pretty much yes.
The IP got stuck into a copyright limbo for a while, and different folks did different games, meaning looots of retconning. By the time F2 arrived, console-shooter boom was at full speed already, and they literally made the thing to be first and foremost playable on Xbox gamepads. Besides the character models, the game also looks worse than F1
I've played max payne, F.E.A.R is way better bud, Max payne 2 is pretty good though
this absolute delusion god damn
>that ladder
are you talking about THE ladder?!?!
Play it for your dick, its alright.
So much this
hello oc
Dude it's today cock. Don't even try it. The hitboxes after shit. The story is shit (it's about your own character's PTSD rather than the main story). The gameplay is shit. There's LESS guns. The girl is your cousin or some shit. It's cock man don't try it
>this absolute delusion god damn
What delusion?
The IP switched hands multiple times before F2, a lot of F1 stuff was retconned, and F2-3 are pure console shooters through and through.
F.E.A.R 2 is step backwards in every possible way.
The game has one decent level about 70% of the way into the game and the DLC is miles better than the base game.
F3AR gets a ton of shit (rightfully so) but a lot of the problems F3AR suffers from are the direct result of FEAR 2
Letting europoors onto this site was a mistake.
Fucking retards don't even have a basic grasp on English
Alma dindu nuffin
F.E.A.R and its two expansion is the best of the serie
F.E.A.R 2 is where it started to decline but is still somewhat "decent", the story kinda shat the bed and people praise it just because they got to see hot ghost sex
F.E.A.R 3 is an abomination
Point Man in 3 has a stupid goatee.
its absolute shit, anyone who praises it is a fucktarded console babby
2 is just console trash
The only fuckin way to make FEAR 3 enjoyable is that you play with a friend and you play as Fettel instead of Point Man.
The pistol in 2 was terrible and you couldn't even dual wield.
The shotgun sounded like garbage.
That's all you really need to know.