>he plays games younger than five years old
He plays games younger than five years old
>he posts frogs on anime imageboard
Why do frogposters always make shit threads?
>he's doing a useless uni degree and wishes he was a programmer instead
Oh wait that's me
Name ONE good game in the last five years, kid.
>he aspires to be a programmer
Dumb frogposter.
Breath of the Wild
>20fps vaporware on a kiddie toy riding solely on nostalgia
Try again, kid.
Name ONE good frogpost ever.
Like clockwork.
slow down buzzy buzzwords.
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
>shitposting on a mongolian stamp trading forum
try again, kid
You're not very smart, are you?
>t. buyers' remorse
>he's right so let's respond with the buzzword buzzword
Like fucking clockwork.
>he thinks he won't die a virgin
>Replying to bait
Well. I don't want to sound like a dick, user, but..
>he's still a virgin that places importance on his virginity
It's the literal definition of vaporware, copy pasted from dictionary.com-
>software made with the distinct intention of selling a device, often sub-par in quality and the file disintegrates after a few months of use leading to ugly textures in many 3-dimensional applications, such as childhood-oriented males, or "ingrown hummus homies," as referenced by Cambridge social scientist analysing the low sexual activity of white males."
Try harder baiting fags, BOTW is vaporware. Look at those textures. Long-stay-ware has good textures, like Witcher 3 and PUBG.
My thoughts exactly, except about women.
>i was only PRETENDING to be retarded xD
No, he's right. You're dumb as fuck.
>it's a never ending marathon of reddit complaining about "frogposter"s on Sup Forums
>it's a never ending marathon of reddit "frogpost"ing on Sup Forums
>good textures
so close yet so far, maybe next time my friend