Tick tock

tick tock

the game

Destiny 2

Legend of Grimrock

fun is subjective

Mass Effect series minus 3 and Andromeda
Fallout series minus 3 and 4
Skyrim with mods
Stellaris with mods
Smash Bros.
Halo series minus all games not made by Bungie (except for Halo Wars 1 which was alright)

Sup Forums


Divinity Original Sin
DOOM (all of them except 3)
Hotline Miami (not 2)
Mount & Blade
GTA (3, Vice CIty and San Andreas, in order of best to worst)


Nothing came to mind within 10 seconds
I should probably stop wasting my time on vidya, I only come here out of habit

But you're objectively a fag.

Kingdoms and Castles


The state of playing games is an objective state (a balance of energetic input, focus, and mental quietness).

The only good thing to come out of Overwatch is the porn.

>Skyrim with mods
Fucking Todd is everywhere


Super Meat Boy

Mario Kart DS
Dodging Blue Shells is fun

Fuck you, now I lost.

mario 64

Dawn of war

GTAV Director mode

nuclear throne

>two and a half hours later
>not a single fun game mentioned

wow, I knew Sup Forums was anti fun central but I didn't realize it was this bad

Mariokart 64

The Valley

Shovel knight
still not bored with it

Counter Strike

lol of legends, but ironically

>using the "fun" buzzword

overcooked, super simple entertaining game