Rain Rain

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more like stilborn etc


You guys are privileged as fuck to grow up when games can have constant updates. Back in the day you got the game the way it was released and had to deal with it.

My empire of dirt

If you listen closely, you can hear Randy crying

Borderlands 2 got an update 4 years after its release, and it isn't even a competitive game in any way. Borderlands 1 on ps3 got an update to save its servers after Gamespy shut down.

Battleborn must have flopped incredibly hard.

ok grandpa

Is this you?

randy should make a song about

They just should have kept making coop games that try too hard to be badass and awesome.
Instead they wanted a share of the e-sports meme.

I cry everytiem

Post yfw Battleborn officially confirmed ded.

No you fuckin didn't

You could get updates through magazines and mail orders if you weren't a fucking retard




And you had to find and download patches on the old internet through websites.

So.. uhm.. do you think this means no Battleborn 2?

I never knew how good it could feel to watch someone fail who deserves it.
Battleborn, Lawbreakers, Mighty No.9, No Mans Sky, its all absolutely great.

>15 months after launch
>15 fucking months


I'm gunna go out on a limb and say chances are low.

Back in the day we used to get complete games and not beta versions that required updates.

Im sure Randy wont let us down :)

God fucking DAMMIT


Looks like it blade ran out of time

>tfw their season pass obligations are up
>tfw Randy won't have to waste anymore money on this piece of shit game

It's a little disappointing, but I'll be damned if Battleborn won't be remembered as one of the biggest blunders in the industry's recent history.

Will it outlast 15 months?

What are you hateful faggots so fucking content with? It was a flop, but what is it to you?

>Gearbox will FINALLY die in your lifetime

Go to sleep, Randy


back in the day we wouldnt get turds like this.

lawbreakers announcement when?

Seeing Gearbox fail.

I'm content that a shit company's shit game was a complete flop and ended up costing them millions of dollars.

>actually thinking this

Randy pls


Honestly after DNF, Colonial Marines, abomination after abomination, Gearbox just needs to go fucking bankrupt already. Surely they'll run out of money soon, right?

Can we make this a Randy fails thread? Cmoooonn

They are producing games, what merit does it even bring that they stop producing games? At the very least they are not doing SJW pandering tumblr shit. Sorry that you are all triggered by word 'badass'

I'm content that inadvertently, SEGA is getting the justice it deserves.


I never thought of it like that

Poor battleborn slaves

It took 16 months for this stillborn rather than the usual 9. Gearbox can't do anything right.


>Going F2P was the only chance the game had to break even
>Randy couldnt make the game F2P the first year because of season passes
>1 year after release when the game finally went F2P Overwatch decided to do a free weekend

>At the very least they are not doing SJW pandering tumblr shit.
someone missed the memo

So, will it finally become f2p? I honestly liked Battleborn, but not enough to pay for it. Would love to mess around with that Shinto Mushroom dude, he seemed cool as fuck

His Kinect video is still my favourite. So much money wasted on absolute trash.

>AoE had updates
>Quake had updates
>Everquest had updates
>Ultima Online had updates
>Even fucking mud games had updates

What a waste of a good design, too bad literally every character has an extremely bad voice.

I mean ACTUAL SJW pandering shit, not some miniscule details that /polv/ blows out of proportions

Never, Lawbreakers will never go F2P

As someone within pissing distance of Gearbox, who knows people who've interacted with their higher-ups. They're pretty much just as bad as Sup Forums envisions them.

High on their own fumes, and unable to have their pre-conceived notions of how they should make games challenged.

I guarantee Blizzard did that on purpose.

Didnt the kinect was profitable for microsoft?

They bough dnf and barely did anything, acm yeah, battleborn was made pretty quickly and doesn't take as much work as a singleplayer game with mp added on. They put out that homeworld remaster around the same time as battleborn, are still milking borderlands in multiple ways, and probably have some kther junk. They just opened on museum in tejas, and randy opened a high end bar. They're doing fine money wise

Did you miss the voice line from the generic soldier character which is literally:

"Everyone be advised: FEMINISM IS AWESOME!"

Stop defending this stupidity.

the E3 ones are fucking great too.

>people still get hyped for that kind of shows

>All the butthurt he caused because of the WE WUZ KANGZ part

pun acknowledged

>not some miniscule details that /polv/ blows out of proportions
>uhm, did you miss that single, out of cotnext voice line from one of 30 characters?

like clockwork

>Blizzard with the finishing blow
with impunity

No shit, m8.

Issues with Blizzard aside, it's actually kind of entertaining to watch them kick Gearbox while they're down.

Honestly this art isn't ugly or anything, it's just too normal and everyday to be interesting. I mean I get the idea of realism and accurately representing people, but this art is just so regular that it doesn't have any appeal at all. It's kind of embarassing that this character pretty much looks like my coworker, and she doesn't give a fuck about video games at all. It's like, why are you putting generic people in a game instead of game-type of stuff?

I don't understand people like you that try so hard to valiantly defend a developer who is renowned as being massively SJW to the point their director goes on stage and sings cringe-inducing songs about people with different political leanings to himself.


There is no need. Randy is a cuck and that's enough to not support any of his games.

how long until Lawbreakers also goes?

Already in production baby

lawbreakers has went, just like battleborn a year ago

>I have some money I need embezzled

woah woah people are not playing this BADASS video game???

Randy is SJW. The game itself has close to no SJW content, the line you mentioned comes from the fact Montana exclaims that he is happy for feminism, because it lets him kill women. If anything, it is misognistic, but truly, it was meant as nothing but comedy.

Why does he even try? He really isn't very sharp.


Im just afraid developers will catch on what pandering to SJW who dont buy games is a bad idea, thus we will get less flops

The full might of the LGBTQQIA+ community is behind Lawbreakers, as such it will never die.

Not him, and I understand that's the joke, but it's an incredibly roundabout joke and definitely has the purpose of playfully celebrating feminism. It combines the unfunny self-hating humor of gearbox with heir willingness to throw out a word like this where it doesn't belong for its own sake.

I will be happy either way, its fun to see bad games flop and its fun to play good games.

An interesting take on the line, but I feel it's generally at odds with the general overtones of the studio and it's director.

Amidst the games industry there is this ever-growing dumpster fire. And all I can say despite my feelings of empathy towards those individuals caught up in it via a simple desire to create something is "Burn, baby. Burn." Because while the innocent do exist, there exists a group that absolutely deserves to have everything tumble into dust and ash.

>TF2 fanboys raging at him for daring to show how the game lowered its graphics over the years

Fucking babies

I like seeing retards that are full of themselves like Randy Pitchford be unsuccessful.

>Faggot in Reddit and Memey shirt
>Complaining about Overwatch being too immature

>Caring about bathrooms in a shooter game

Are these niggas serious


Why does anyone care?

>unlike the last you envision
What does he mean by this? Also I know he thinks that's kind and natural, to put in gender neutral bathrooms, but he should have the clarity to know that in a game about the future, that inclusion is a suggested prophecy about the victory of a divisive political faction, and not just an innocent and kind thing to do.


Did the game even get new content since it went f2p?

This can't be real.
Why he is doing that?

Sure, tell that to my jowood collection

Randy is like Spoony given authority.

That's just cruel.
