>Pikmin 3
>Bayo 2
>Dong Freeze
>Smash U
>Let's port Discount Tekken: Pikachu Edition instead XD!!!
Why the fuck is Nintendo so fucking retarded sometimes?
>Pikmin 3
>Bayo 2
>Dong Freeze
>Smash U
>Let's port Discount Tekken: Pikachu Edition instead XD!!!
Why the fuck is Nintendo so fucking retarded sometimes?
Other urls found in this thread:
The only wii u games they should ever port are the multiplayer ones
Because its year 1 and they dont want to release all the games together, faggot
I question why people like you didn't buy a Wii U if you wanted to play all those games listed in the first place.
Beggars can be choosers anyway.
The only noteworthy games on the Switch atm are BOTW, Splatoon 2, and SMO. The rest are shovelware trashes and indieshit. And yet Nintendo has the gall to release another shovelware turd like Poopken DX. Brilliant.
actually it's called DX
I'm sure they'll get round to those other ports user, they like making wii u owners feel like gullible cunts
>all these youngfags use the word to describe "thing I don't like"
>can't recognize what actual shovelware looks like
I want underages who don't remember trash like this to fucking leave.
What do you want? All the games together? What the fuck you want the next year? BOTW 2? Mario kart 9 deluxe definitive version? Splatoon 2.5?
Fuck off
>already made all their money back on those other games
>wants to make its money back on a game that game out without any fanfare and was completely forgotten at the tail end of their dead consoles life cycle
i mean i want a portable dong freeze port too but just dont buy the fucking thing
He wants (you)'s, dumbass. Stop feeding him.
>why do Nintendo want to advertise that there's a Pokemon game on the Switch
Gee I dunno user
Reminder that OP is a spamming faggot who keeps making threads shitting on pokken because he's an idiot who thinks that it's preventing other spinoffs being made: archive.nyafuu.org
He recently switched his format and image up to be the image he's using now, see Please ignore him and post your planned main instead
Pokken plays nothing like tekken though, it's way closer to traditional 2d fighters
fpbp, based nintendo realizes that piracy/cemu can already take care of the single player stuff
>implying there are people who give a shit about Flopken
Please fuck off, shill. There are so many great games on WiiU that deserve to get ported but no, let's port a shovelware trash that died a week after its release.
>get's called out for being a spamming faggot
nice try user.
Also, pokken isn't shovelware: It was made by the tekken team and was actually designed to be a competitive fighting game and is. It's got all the mechanics, gameplay systems, and fundamentals that other fighting games have, unlike smash
>Died a week after it's release
Then how come i started playing only last week and found plenty of people to play ranking against, faggot
it sold 1.3 million worldwide on the Wii U that's hardly a flop, especially considering it had lower sales in Japan because of the arcade version
>distract people
>P-puhlease ignore him and l-let's derail the t-thread by posting your planned m-main!
The irony is strong with this particular retard.
A bunch of zealous retards playing the game religiously everyday doesn't mean the community is alive, retard.
Yeah, let's talk mains
For me it's kind of a tie between Gengar and Machamp. Gardevoir and Chandelure are also cooler than i thought they'd be
>A bunch of zealous retards playing the game religiously everyday doesn't mean the community is alive, retard.
You get matches as fast as any other fighting game, it's at basically every FGC major, and gets good entrant numbers comparable to other active fighting game scenes
>Le indieshit xd
I hope this game becomes a huge success just so OP can get irreversibly triggered and ends it all.
But W101 and Bayonetta are practically confirmed.
When news for their 2018 lineup starts to surface I am sure we'll see plenty of them.
Had abysmal sales and there's hardly a fan base for it
>Pikmin 3
Why port this if there eventually doing 4 and they just released Pikmin 3DS?
>Bayo 2
Could've maybe happened but I'm pretty sure the devs of that are hard at work on something else and they don't wanna outsource it
>Dong Freeze
This will actually likely happen, albeit in le nostalgion DKC trilogy remaster with a shiny new 3rd game
>Smash U
Why would they make a lazy port. Think about the potentional cash/hype around a Smash 5, Nintendo has always had a new smash for every big boi console since the 64. Also smash games need to be released closer to the end of a consoles life cycle to reflect on that gen of gaming on nintendo
That game sold absolutely horribly, although it could succed on Switch. Doesn't make sense with Fire Emblem Warriors coming out soon and a new Fire Emblem game for the Switch also in the works
>Pikachu Tekken
This is to appease all of the poketards who felt they were scammed by not getting Pokemon Stars and to hold them over until Pokemon Switch happens. Also a game played by not to many on Wii U.
Game is honestly deeper than Tekken.
In Tekken every character has the exact same gameplan, Pokken actually has real zoners.
Tekken 7 only or all of the games?
>Breath of the Wild
>Pokken (handled by Bamco)
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>not enough ports Nintendo
They'll throw some pocket cash at Platinum to port the Bayos and TW101 over if they want 'em, Smash'll come later during a dry period and nothing else needs a port.
tekken hasnt really changed since T5.
FAST, though it's also an enhanced WiiU port.
>le obligatory [genre] Pikachu geimu XD
Yeah, I sure can't wait for FPS, RTS, MOBA, and Battle Royale cashgrab Pokemon game to be released after this.
>Greninja isn't in
>could be a perfect Yoshimitsu/Master Raven fusion
Come the fuck on. Just stick the frog in there, you sons of bitches.
>smash games need to be released closer to the end of a consoles life cycle to reflect on that gen
Not anymore, now that we have DLCs and patches.
They're not going to re-release Smash 4 this soon because they don't want it competing with Arms. Pokken has a solid fanbase, and people were asking for the DLC.
Naw fuck you im buying it on launch. The first game was rad with a surprising amount of depth and I'm excited to play this version
Fair point actually, didn't take that into account. I hope they don't fuck up Smash 5
Way to water down the meaning of the term, buddy.