What are you hoping for?
Metriod 4
more hentai by butcha
less halo more prime 1 and 2 but most likely we will get metalo 4 with qtes and gimmicks will have 7 hours campaign and class based multiplayer puzzles will be dumb and nonexistent
I hate butcher art and his shitty doujin
I would also like more oriental cartoon pornography by butcha
Real Samus.
Metroid 4 already got released user.
You mean Metroid 5.
More porn by Space Jin
and just like that im gone
Exactly this. With less insects and weird things and more focus in samus' anus.
Hopefully they make it feel like Prime did. I fully expect them to make it shiny, brightly colored and with simple textures, which will be disappointing. The Metroid series has always felt a little bit gritty to me.
I think the style is really nice but a lot of his content has shit I really don't care for.
get your 3DPD shitskins out of here
I hope it's like Prime 1 and set on one planet. I didn't like 3/Hunters for being set on multiple planets/space stations. Also hope they have the focus on exploration instead of just running and gunning. And no shoehorned in multiplayer shit.
What about it?
I hope that it doesn't get outsourced to some horrid studio.
Is he making a new samus doujin or is this pic just a one-off?
Metroid 4 is called Metroid Fusion.
The shittest of taste.
I expect a complete REMODELLING
Metroid 4 came out in 2002, user
>99,999% of her porn is her depicted as a sub
>only a handful of dom Samus pics
Truly the worst timeline.
>99.9999% of her porn is her getting fucked by some ugly ass space thing
>no lonely bored bounty hunter solo masturbation pics
>99,999% of her porn is her depicted as a sub
It to not exist. Metroid is absolute cancer thanks to this stupid bitch, and I was so happy when it seemed like Samus was finally given the ax and leaved the braindead, women obssessed pieces of shit waifufags and sjws without their previous 'icon', but NIntendo had to fucking bend the goddamn knee like cowards
This post shows what exposure to 8gag does to your brain, kids. Don't follow his example.
a girl worth fighting for
Fusion came out 15 years ago, dipshit.
Jesus christ
i'd fug it
she's cute
that the zero suit gets deleted from existence
you said it like 5 times already in this thread
Women made me hate women, you child.
So that she'll be nude under the power suit?
This. Very disappointed nothing came of RE7's release.
I really want a Samus Returns version of Fusion with even more SA-X encounters.
>*music cuts*
>*tap tap tap tap tap tap tap*
weeb black girls are cute
I'm glad you get your share of lewds user, but I also want mine damn it!
Is there any artist who draws better anal than butcha-u?
Aw, poor baby. Show me where they hurt you.
>yfw Metroid 5 has Samus face against Space Pirates, Galactic Federation and evil Chozos
Gratuitous nudity and violence
she's not bad looking but fucking cow nose piercing and blonde wig? fuck off
The more proud and defiant she is, the more satisfying it is to break her.
a shower scene where samus plays with herself for about 5 minutes. and then also a track suit skin.
All I want is something new.
We have Metroid and remake Zero Mission.
Return of Samus and Samus Returns.
Super which is again on Zebes.
Fusion which is on shitty space station.
Give me a new planet and new power ups.
This guy knows. Metroid was good back when it was just a robot shooting aliens. Now it's a bimbo in a skintight suit talking about her feelings.
I'm hoping for the game to bomb since I don't like Nintendo and it is not on Steam
Metroid 5 should be on a planet where the native population is balls
like everyone is a little metal sphere
samus has to go undercover but luckily she can turn into a ball
spider ball everywhere
I don't think Samus is an SJW icon.
>Metroid 4
Is this a fusion thread?
Onomeshin's Samus is the cutest.
If you mean Prime 4 then i want prime exploration, echoes level of cool powerupd, and cool ship integration like in prime 3 (without segregating the map).
I want Eroquis to follow up that one doujinshi with futa Samus shenanigans. Why the fuck did he just have the last page be that and then never make anything more?
Crash landing on a planet.
Federation sends their soldiers in power suits/machines based on Samus' power suit but larger and bulkier because they don't have Chozo technology
At the begining you have to avoid them like SA-X while exploring the planet
Integrate planet's technology into your power suit making you more powerful (new power ups, new suit designs)
Fix your ship and get out of there
Much like her father figure.
that's a fucking weird chin
are there any doujins where Samus has a Metroid on her head that makes her gradually dumber
this man knows whats good
hoW the FRINK does she PEE IN THAT sUIT
it probably exists.
Oh hey I have that tee
>Samus will never look at you like this while she bullies your dick
My suffering is endless
The suit absorbs her body fluids like the bed in Sword Art Online ofc
Space-Jin needs to stop wasting his perfectly thicc girls on ballbusting trash.
>like the bed in Sword Art Online
Go on.
Hunters style multiplayer to be included.would be a shame if it died on the DS of all things
hello shit taste
Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of your helium high voice.
What are you, gay?
Cute but I'm tired of seeing jumpsuits with hexagons plastered all over them. ZSS doesn't have those in Brawl OR Sm4sh.
>ywn catch Samus out of her suit while your armed to teeth and try to jump her
>she will never beat the ever loving shit out of you with her bare hands and legs
>she will never finally pull out her stun pistol to run electricity through your dick as she chokes you
>you will never wake up naked in a tube and see samus relaxing on a couch across the room
>you will never make out the backwards text for "weapon test ginea pig" on the glass
>Nose ring
Its shit.
could be worse I guess
So anime Jesus here was in a coma while playing his VR game. When he was transferred to the hospital for monitoring, he was laid on a bad which absorbed all his piss, shit, and cum. Yes, cum, because the VR game they played had an +18 rating and anime Jesus apparently emptied his balls of 2 years worth of semen into his waifu. The security cameras will obviously see his comatose dick stand up and ejaculate but nobody gives a shit.
The series is set in 2022 so it's not that hard to imagine that Samus can get a skintight suit made of the same material with greater efficiency.
wish I had a black weeb gf
Came here to post this, never played a single metroid but I love them doujins
>Metroid 4
this is the prouf that op is an unintelligent and ignorant dumbass who've never played any metroid
also, samus need more hentai
No way fag
we need more amazon samus porn if anything
I'd like to play it.
Maybe see it before it comes out.
I expect extensive TUUUUUBES remodeling
>Septum piercing