What are some comfycore games?

What are some comfycore games?
Also whats the current "STALKER sequel" game to be hyped and disappointed about?

dead thread
dead genre

>"STALKER sequel"

doesn't get much more comfier than Talos Principle

Also whats the current "STALKER sequel" game to be hyped and disappointed about?
Escape From Shillkov

>nothing will ever be as comfy as playing modded SoC while swapping stories in the daily thread
Those were the good times.

the daytime segments of This War of Mine are pretty comfy



if it's open world it just might be the new STALKER we've been waiting for

>designed for consoles
no, it won't be

Mount and blade Warband with Anno Domini 1257 mod

if you're waiting for that pc only experience of yesteryears I'm afraid it's never coming again, ever.

>if you're waiting for that pc only experience of yesteryears I'm afraid it's never coming again, ever.
funny, there's been one or two such games getting released every single year so far.

I'm honestly more hyped for Escape From Tarkov's co-op and campaign modes.

I'm an easily enraged brainlet, and I get frustrated when I can't solve puzzles. This ruins the otherwise very comfy game for me.
The eastern roman levels were so nice to explore and look at.

>stealing food from grandpa is comfy
>killing the supermarket tribe for stuff is comfy
>watching your depressed tribe drift towards either suicide or murder is comfy

That game is PTSDcore.

>funny, there's been one or two such games getting released every single year so far.
Name the games for the last five years.
inb4 multiplats like Witcher 3 or Original Sin 2

>I'm an easily enraged brainlet, and I get frustrated when I can't solve puzzles.
That's one reason I LOVE Talos: it's not linear.
If you get "stuck" on a puzzle, you can go roam around and try some other puzzles, or even other areas. There's also tons of easter eggs and optional story content to be found in the lands.

>Name the games for the last five years.
Killing Floor 2
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
The Talos Principle
Underhell: Chapter 1
Legend Of Grimrock 2

...want me to go on?

>failed games and unknown indies

None of these will be "the next STALKER". They are all small scale, small budget, small scope.
Large open games with simulations for a bunch of factions, environmental events, NPCs roaming doing their own thing, thats not going to come from the guys who make Legend of Grimrock, as much as I liked that game.

If we get STALKER 2, it will be a game from Bethesda or some russian money laundering studio.

is this game good? honestly

it's a puzzle game, a very gorgeous puzzle game though

are puzzles logical? are they interesting?

wew lad, you sure love to live under a rock AND push them goalposts!

>none of these will be the next STALKER
did I imply they would? It was all about pure PC exclusive goodness, not held back by wider audiences. Small scale and scope is always better, period.

>If we get STALKER 2, it will be a game from Bethesda or some russian money laundering studio.
Hah! It won't.
Bethesda is a laughing stock and doesn't own jack shit of STALKER, and GSC is Ukrainian.

well, those are quite subjective questions so I can't really say, but I will say some puzzles did get quite complicated for me but not really "illogical" to say

I personally only got to play it late last year, and it skyrocketed to become one of my top-10 games of all times. And I've been playing a lot since early 1990s.

The visuals are gorgeous, optimization superb, the gigantic Options menu(s) will make any mustard cum buckets, the writing is pretty neat, and the puzzles are fine to great, getting more challenging towards the end obviously. Plenty of optional content, and the game isn't exactly "linear" like so many other puzzle games.

I'd recommend grabbing the "Road to Gehenna" story DLC as well. It cranks up the level-design and puzzle challenge up a notch or two, and has some neat new ideas. Obviously you should play it only AFTER the main campaign, as it's a direct sequel.

>slavs still can't handle the fact that everyone just calls them russians
If its east of Berlin and north of Africa, its Russia.

>Bethesda is a laughing stock
Bethesda has the tech and money to make STALKER 2, they just need a few writers and twenty code monkeys to script it. Should open a studio in Russia and hire them for $799 a month.

You're not a true stalker.

thank you. i will try this game. does it have any plot or just roaming?

>are puzzles logical

Of all the puzzles I solved, not one let me feel tricked or "how was I supposed to know that?!".
They all make sense and when you get them right, you beam with light and glory.
A lot of them you have to "cheese", as in seemingly use game mechanics in ways other than intended. It is actually exactly as intended. Its a clever game. The background plot is clever too.

>If its east of Berlin and north of Africa, its Russia.
t: Burger neckbeard

>Bethesda has the tech and money to make STALKER 2,
but none of the skills or soul. And nobody plays consoles in Eastern Europe.

it has some story giblets I don't know if you can call it a plot though

>does it have any plot or just roaming?
it has a very good plot and lore. How much time you invest into finding out about it, is totally up to you.

Like said, it's a quite well designed game, having something for every type of player.

>does it have any plot or just roaming?

When the game starts it looks like the plot is this:
>humans are gone
>some human made AI remains
>its trying to recreate human history/cultural evolution with a robot, to revive humans
>you are the robot

It develops later. Heavy biblical themes. Egyptian/roman history themes. Some casual philosophy.


And amazing gunplay imho.
For comfy killingsprees.

stalker have a big community but im not sure how popular it is to justify a triple A development

Wolfenstein, The Evil Within and Prey got funded heavily by Bethesda's mafia, however their mother studio was called. These games are comparable to STALKER in their fanbase.
Marketing will bring the normies over.

and comfy racism

That's up to you. Be an equal opportunity crazed lunatic murdere. Or go full pol and only kill them negros.

>literally giving away the whole plot
why the fuck would you do that?

>t. potato pc owner

You get the things I said within 10 minutes of the game starting though.

i'm playing Zelda BOTW on cemu recently and it's very comfy

>t. CoD babby

>not a true stalker
>never played dozens of mods that improve on gameplay
no faggot
you are the one who is not a true stalker

There is nothing to improve. STALKER is perfect as it is. Mods only fuck with the delicate balance and turn it into shit.
>can't aim, so install laser accuracy mod
>can't manage gear, so install repair mod
>can't navigate anomalies, so install mod that places them elsewhere
Mods are for casuals.

You are fucking stupid.
>mods are for casuals
>pinnacle of open stalker modding
>Call fo Chernobyl
>for casuals
I just assume you are shitter and ignore you.
Go to /sg/ and stop being a faggot

Mods are there so that you can change the game in any way you feel like it. I personally don't like the super-difficult mods like Misery, but I don't mind that people play them.

>mod is literally called CALL of Chernobyl
>not casual
Nice try, scrub.

oh wow so you are this type of shitposter what is next? misery is for casuals too? even tho it makes game much harder?

Sir, You Are Being Hunted can be comfy, once you have anything to defend yourself.

I guess Call of Pripyat is a casual game.
Your shitposting is bad and you should feel bad.