What are you playing?
What are you looking forward to?
What are you playing?
What are you looking forward to?
Other urls found in this thread:
Bravely Second
Pokémon USM
Just started a Link Between Worlds
Pretty fun
I guess I'm looking forward to the new Kirby game
The Alliance Alive
>looking forward to
I don't really know what titles are coming out in the next few months so at the moment, nothing.
Monster Hunter Stories
Pokemon USUM
just marathoned Samus Returns. going to start Monster Hunter Stories next
Picross 3D Round 2. The puzzles are getting freaking hard and I'm only about 170 shapes in.
Waiting for USUM assuming the leaks are true.
What leaks?
Metroid Samus Returns
Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions
I loved that game on the GBA
There is a screencap being tossed around on /vp/ of someone predicting the Ultra Sun/Moon names back in March along with a bunch of shit that turned out to be true so far (eg. new Ultra Beasts). It says the battle facilities will be back and that Hau will "pull the Blue".
Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl
Drawing maps while trying not to fall asleep to the sweet soothing comfort of anime jazz music.
Im interested in 3ds. Should i buy the 2ds xl or get the refurbished 3ds? New 3ds xl cost as much as a ps4 in my country so im not buying that.
Nothing at the moument, I finished ALBWs recently and I'm waiting on something else to catch my interest.
Looking forward to that Mario Party game though.
Nothing. The games are too childlike to capture the interest of a mature gamer such as myself. I find myself more and more going to my vita for my gaming sessions. For those games that, you know, the 3ds hardware could never hope to run. I play a bit of Final Fantasy 7 here, Persona 4 Golden there. The vita is truly the JRPG machine. While I level up my party I wager you are all eagerly anticipating rebuying pokemon again. Sad really..
Miitopia, killing time until Friday when Pokemon Gold comes out on virtual console.
How is monster hunter stories?
Could never get into monster hunter no matter how hard i tried with several games.
Was thinking I'd give this one a shot.
Finished Ace Attorney Trilogy onto DQVIII, Pokemon Emerald and Pokemon Black.
Starting Samus Returns once it comes in the mail. Looking forward to the Superstar Saga remake, Kirby Battle Royale, and Strange Journey Redux. I loved Sun/Moon but I'm not all that interested in USUM, might pick it up anyway since there's not much else in November.
How is the quality on these things?
Been playing Trio of Towns while waiting for EOV's release.
Playing Samus Returns, just got the Plasma Beam. I've been wasting time backtracking to older areas looking for upgrades, especially energy tanks considering how stingy the game has been with them.
I'm excited for Etrian Odyssey V, gonna continue with the demo when I finish Metroid.
If you can get the 2DS XL for cheap, go for it. Personally, I wouldn't stand playing games in the regular 3DS' small screen.
I bought 3DS yesterday and the firmware version was 11.5 so am I doomed forever with homebrewing or do I just need to wait for them to update?
You can either hardmod, system transfer from an already hacked system, or wait and hope for a new exploit.
Well the new 2ds xl is of the same price as a refurbished and modded 3ds xl with a memory card full of games.
Picked up Samus Returns yesterday, waiting for Hurricane Maria before starting it for maximum atmosphere/comfy.
I also have Dragon Quest V, VI,VII and XI to get to. And Specter of Torment.
>mature gamer
>plays weeb shit
I'm playing smt 4 apocalypse. So far it's much easier than smt4
Playing on War because Apocalypse difficulty is annoying with how random it is for moves to actually hit
Wish i still had my 3ds but got a switch instead gutted cause i really wanted to play metroid too.
Not playing anything since my old 3DS is pretty damaged. I repaired it myself a couple of times, but I don't think I can do more for her.
I was thinking of getting the 2DS XL, the pokéball one. Can I install CFW on the 2DS XL?
Right now I'm switching between Pokemon Moon, Link to the Past on VC, and Samus Returns. After those I'm looking forward to Link Between Worlds, Ocarina, Majora's Mask, Dark Moon, and Ultra Moon.
>It's an user Realized He Actually Enjoys Zelda and portable gaming again episode
How do you like miitopia? Thinking of playing it.
Currently playing Monster Hunter Stories and the Etrian Odyssey V demo.
Only thing I'm looking forward to is the full game of EOV.
It's alright, though don't expect a "real" Monster Hunter game.
It's something like a Pokemon clone in that you hatch eggs and raise tiny monsters and battle other monsters with them, but in an MH setting.
>Link to the Past on VC
Fuck you and your New 3DS
Radiant Historia. Really fun game, though the beginning is slow. Set it down a few years ago and just picked it up again the other week.
My original 3DS broke a couple of months ago but I'm in heavy debate on getting a new 3DS or a nintendo switch just because I know the 3DS is on it's way out. I just miss playing animal crossing and the new FE game.
I'm wondering about buying 3DS or 2DS soon.
Is the price difference worth it to get New 3DS/2DS instead of old one if I'm not interested into Xenoblade Chronicles?
Finished Samus Returns, playing Fire Emblem Valentia now.
Looking forward to Strange Journey as I missed it the first time around, Radiant Historia remake too.
What does "pull the blue" mean
Just bought MH Generations for $16. Did I make the right choice?
I are to say 3d works almost flawlessly on N3ds, aomw gmes look better and id the peice difference is not that big Id def. go for that version.
>phone user
opinion discarded
I cant type for shit on mobile. 3d works very good, games look better, quality is better. If its not too expensive go for it
Looking forward to Metroid. I just love pre-ordering a game and paying for a subscription service (for faster shipping) and still not getting my game for an entire week after it releases.
Most of my backlog is 3DS games.
Currently playing Samus Returns, my New XL is starting to wear, when I need to replace it should I get a New 2DS XL or the smaller size New 3DS?
Just pirate it, Nintendo got your money anyway.
Good luck finding a Small New 3DS. Those were all limited editions in the US.
What? Is LttP only on New DSs?
Yes. All the SNES games are New 3DS only. Nintendo couldn't figure out how to make 25 year old roms work on the older hardware.
Sly 2 on PS2
>What are you playing?
Monster Hunter XX, Monster Hunter Stories
What are you looking forward to?
Etrian Odyssey V, Style Savvy: Styling Star.
I can't believe I'll be entering 2018 while still getting hyped and having fun with my 3DS. The last console that lasted so many years with me was my PsOne.
Yeah, apparently a 2011 handheld isn't powerful enough to run SNES roms and needed a 2014 revision.
In the meanwhile a fucking PSP with nightly emulator builds can run 90% SNES games just fine.
What games do you guys recommend where i can put dozens of hours in it? Currently playing Super Mystery Dungeon and its fun.
Any good RPGs?
playing mh4u while i'm gathering strength to play smt4:a
it's such a nice handheld we got to have these last years
Is there any reason to get the N3DS XL over the N2DS XL if I don't use 3D?
He means the blue pill.
Currently working through my MASSIVE original ds backlog. Finally picked up Ever Oasis too, excited to get into it.
Monhun Stories just released and it's pretty nice.
>tfw always wanted a white 3ds
>nintendo is selling a white new n3ds for $120
>still have my blue 3dsxl
>still don't think it's worth getting since 3ds might be getting replaced soon
Still waiting on my samus edition to arrive
Didn't know this was coming out, looks nice
Is that from their official site or something?
Then go for the 3ds xl,
If both are xl then there is not a reason to not choose the 3ds
Just finished monhun stories, the main story at least, I dont have time for post content shit so I'm moving on now to EO IV
Kinda looks like a pokedex more than a pokeball.
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate... any hunterbros wanna bro op?
Fug looks like it went up to $125 since last night but yeah that's the price.
I have the white New 3DS. It started to look dirty after a while.
7th dragon III is a gem that was completely passed over
Thank you, i'll try them
you can hack it if you're in 11.5
this looks pretty cool. never even heard of it
So what happens if i hacked my 3ds and then buy a new game? Do the system needs to update to play the newer game? Is there a safe way to update it?
Is anyone hinting simplified CFW installation on 11.5? I don't have good memories with magnets and electronic devices.
I am not hyped enough for USUM, I will buy New Style Boutique instead
A kiss for you all
Oh fuck wow, that's ridiculous. Glad I upgraded. I just did it to be able to use amiibo, but that's a much better reason. Although a lot more of the games I want are Wii U and I don't have one
Metroid Samus Returns, looking forward to Pokémon Gold this week, already preordered and got my theme, feels good
monster hunter stories or bravely default?
I have a new 3ds xl but ever since sun/moon came out its battery life got shorter and shorter. Now it only lasts 5-10 minutes from full charge to blinking red and shutting off. Is there a way to replace the battery myself or is that something I would have to send my 3ds in to Nintendo for?
As for games I just finished Samus Returns and it was fantastic.
update the system the only way you know how.
Is Ghost Recon Shadow Wars any good?
I'm looking for a turn based game on the 3ds with guns instead of a fire emblem fantasy setting, more like xcom.
I wasn't going to buy a new 3ds, but that creamsicle one they showed in the direct is beautiful
Monster Hunter Stories
>What are you looking forward to?
English Patch finished for New Love Plus 3DS.
I want my Nene BACK!
They're both pretty fun.
Though Bravely shits the bed once you get to the looping, while Stories remains consistent.
I'm so mad. I wanted the creamsicle one but it wasn't available in the US. I begrudgingly got the black and blue, and now it's available!
You're just pulling the sleep mode magnet in, there's 0 risk.
Something tells me to get a N3DS despite having both XLs. Convince me to/not to bite the bullet.
Another thing is how strong it needs to be.
Fridge magnets work perfectly fine.
Strong enough.
What are some good "generic" (read turn based) DS and 3DS RPGs outside of the classic like Final Fantasy, Bravely Default, Dragon Quest, Radiant Historia (super hyped for the remake) and such? I'm really craving some classic gameplay.
SMT: Devil Survivor 2
monster hunter stories
shin megami tensei games