This game is going to fucking suck. Horrible hit boxes, shitty animation, awful monster design, stale character design...

This game is going to fucking suck. Horrible hit boxes, shitty animation, awful monster design, stale character design, and uninspiring areas. Why does people ever like this series?

Monster Hunter thread.
Favorite game?
Favorite weapon?
Favorite Monster?
Favorite type of area?
Ready to enjoy Worlds?

Other urls found in this thread:

We already had one shitposting thread earlier today, give it a rest until TGS.

FOR FUCKS SAKE FUCK THIS SHIT GAME I wish powders were not a thing otherwise I'd have less than 300 hours in gen

>Favorite game?
Freedom, AKA 1, not FU
>Favorite weapon?
4u CB, then lance
>Favorite Monster?
webm related followed by G R A V I O S
>Favorite type of area?
Snowy mountains
>Ready to enjoy Worlds?
Yes, I'm already hating it but I'll love the consolewar bullshit between ps4 and PC

When's TGS? I'm kinda out of the loop

Next week.

how do bows work without adept? picked it up in Gen

Just fine. Adept was just an extra safety net, but otherwise it's the same.

What's the meaning behind the "game sux" but then >mh thread in spoilers?

what about the instant charge?

seems like it's always been that way

Obviously you don't get instant charge after the bushidodge, because there's no bushidodge to begin with.

I can't stand Capcom's fucking incompetence anymore. The "epic action" shit in the trailers looked like it was straight out of Horizon: Zero Dawn, if I want to play stupid wannabe Western Sony shit I'd play fucking pls buff gunlance capcom, it has suffered enough.

>Horrible hit boxes
At least it's better than Dark Souls

Because bait is the only way to get people to talk about the game, other wise it's 20 replies and dead

that's my main concern about losing adept with bow

P3rd, even if it is a bit easy
Jungle or Swamp
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes

>pls buff gunlance capcom, it has suffered enough.
From the looks of it, it has been
Got quite a few new moves and no heat management anymore

They just wanted to show off the new features like environmental interaction. You can still just 1v1 monster with a GS if you want to.

Best zone

Wyrmstake seems pretty strong

Well, you'll just have to learn to play without the crutches then.
Bow was already very mobile to begin with, Adept barely added anything to it. You better not try the bowguns without adept. Although... in World you can shoot while walking.

Can someone explain Brave to me? I don't get it at all; gimped moveset until you enter Brave mode, where you get your full set back, get a block that's vastly inferior in most cases to Adept dodge except maybe on certain weapons, and... that's it? I'm clearly not understanding it.

wasn't MH4's reveal trailer like that too?

get used to it, huh? okay then

I should play FU. I got to HR and dropped it shortly after. But I kinda like that zone in that little time I got to spend in it.

capcom need to fucking die, when this game is going to fail I going to laugh so hard

It was more of a joke. My real problem with the trailers, while I get that they want to show off the new features, is that the gameplay is shown off by absolute retards that don't even know the basics. You have morons using Level 1 GS charges and another hitting the monster's legs with his Hammer instead of the head, as a GS and Hammer main, it's painful to watch.

>4U (I preferred when everything was more grounded. Generations was a bit much for me)
>Zinogre or Mizutsune
>Nothing particularly, anything with decent platforms/elevation are good fun

If you're still playing Gen right now, just get rid of Adept style on your sets and go Guild. Preferably without Hunter Arts too. Just to get the hang of the basics before World comes out.

You mean those gameplay trailers recorded by various gamejournos, like IGN? Well, yeah, they suck at games, nothing new here.

Lance and longsword
Naruga and zinogre
Not one in particular
You can't even image how hyped I am for World to come out. It's a godsent to me.

i just got a 3ds xl and mh4u. i've only emulated mh games on psp and played the wii u port so you could say i'm new.

uh... is it possible to get good with bows and guns on a handheld? i can't aim for shit but i want to be a gunner. pls help.


Wish he was rideable in stories

will there be underwater combat?

I hope there's a lot of fun/cute outfits to wear. Enjoy the cat armor at least.

I hate Agnaktor and hate people that don't hate Agnaktor.

Tour brave moveset is generally a hell of a lot better than your regular one, GS for instance gets a demon dance sidestep for dodges and can strong charge for a sheath attack, brave stance is a lot more forgiving than adept dodge because you can hold it for as long as your stamina lasts

Underwater combat is never coming back.

yeah I soloed most of mhgen with hbg, but tbf aerial and adept are both really busted at the same time.

>I hope there's a lot of fun/cute outfits to wear.
I thought literally the exact same thing when I saw that picture too. I'd like cosmetic and functional armour slots so I can minmax armour pieces but not look like dogshit

You're a pleb and an enemy of my household from now on.

is mhstories good?

I keep putting off updating my 3ds from a9lh to b9s for so long that I don't think I can actually run mhstories until I bother to update.

I came there to REEEEEEEEE at Capcom for not translating DGS.

It's a decent little rpg, it's fun training monsters that you would normally be fighting

Not 100% on this but I think the clean rom works anywhere. Got it off 3dsiso with the QR code somebody uploaded, same QR code should be at titlekeys, try it with FBI. If it worked on my Gateway emunand it should work anywhere.

Also yeah, its pretty addicting. Story is generic but compliments the game imo.

post your face when MHW CB has all the old AED shortcuts back and can now deal KO damage with the sword

I mean sure for GS that basically is 'max charge: the weapon', but for weapons that rely on the finisher of a combo to really rack up the damage, losing that finisher seems like a really bad trade-off. does Brave Mode or the combos in give more damage output when it's active or something?


Haha sorry m80 but the game is good.
As someone that has actually played it I can say that the game looks and feels great to play.
The game's not gonna fail and we will see more games on consoles other than the 3ds
Sorry nintenbro but you have to accept that MH is no longer a DS exclusive

I mean I'm not too worried. The art design when they first showed it off made me wonder what they were thinking but more videos showing things off made me ok with what they are doing.

look at him and laugh

Well, you are not wrong, whether you mean it or not. The animations are beyond horrible and the game looks almsot unplayable for weapons that require more precision. You would get nauseous after a time.

he is getting paid for it

>tfw can't play 4U online any more because Nintendo bans anyone using custom firmware

I just wanted to uncap the system's CPU, I never even pirated anything. Fuck Nintendo.


Do you have any other examples, aside from this cherry-picked 8 seconds long low quality video? I don't remember monsters lagging like that in any other gameplay videos from Gamescom.

they brought Barroth back are you fucking kidding me

>area with the highest potential for verticality, especially Narga's spawn area
>never made it into 4thGen

Bros I loved m3hu on the Wii U and since XX isn't getting localized anytime soon I suppose I'll settle for the 3ds games. Which should I play?

so you just got better with practice?



Shut the fuck up

>being so bad at hacking your 3ds gets banned

XX, that way you're prepared for how World will play.

anyone going to pax south? pretty sure they're going to have a playable demo there, really excited to get my hands on it and actually see how it is

>acting this smug and cute
>after killing hundreds of bunnies for this outfit

At this point I'm pretty sure the banwave was a hoax. I played MH online and pirated games via FreeShop this whole time, and didn't get banned.
What I didn't however, is play Pokemon or FE games before release, since I don't have interest in Ninty's first-party games anyway.
And I'm sure the only people who got banned are those that did that. Most of whom are Nintenbros themselves, quite ironically. And posts claiming otherwise, how they got banned when they dindu nuffin, are just bullshit.

Only person I know who got banned was because they played pokemon sun online when it got leaked prior to the actual release date

Objective thread for actual MH fans:

Criticize the game, let Capcom know how you feel.

No Capcom Twitter shills allowed.

The animations are always awful. See the first two seconds of this webm, for example. That water monster:

It's moving like an epileptic.

>let Capcom know how you feel
I'm super hyped for World.

Stay in that thread, 3Ubab.

blow it out your ass, I can be hype for a game but also acknowledge that it has issues that need to be addressed. the two aren't mutually exclusive.

Oh, good. A containment thread.

I've been saying that the 3DS MH games are shit since 2011. Capcom never cared and kept making them for 7 years.

I envy your naivete, I wish I could go back to that optimism.

Should I buy a Slim or a Pro for this game?

Favorite game?
Favorite weapon?
Tied between SnS, GS, and Tonfas
Favorite Monster?
Kushala Daora
Favorite type of area?
I have a soft spot for arena-type areas,
boil it all down to just you and a monster.
Ready to enjoy Worlds?
I'd prefer to have a demo first, but I'm waiting for it expectantly all the same.

I honestly never played a MonHun before.
I was fucking hyped when Sony revealed Horizon, thinking it was about hunting mecha-dino, but trailers after gameplay videos, I realized it was another casual A-RPG (kinda) without any depth, I didn't buy it.

Then this MH World appears, and it's just what I wanted. Huge areas, living world, monsters, big stilly weapons, and fun.

Maybe Deep Down is dead forever, but at least Capcom did good with this MH.

pro is nothing but a marketing meme

or rather, ignore my previous post, if you are patient enough there's high chance you will be able to run this at 1080p, 60fps, smooth as fuck with good graphics on a medium-low tier PC because they are using MT frameworks

I am playing MH on the PS4 no matter what. Larger player base, and PC doesn't release the same time.
Also, I am just afraid the Slim will be only 30 fps and pro smooth 60...
guess no info on that yet

>and pro smooth 60...
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong(with sources), but wasn't it announced it will be locked to 30fps, at least on consoles?

Go back to neogaf you shilltter

Literally one of the first things the devs said about the game is they're "targeting stable 30 fps on all platforms (consoles)".

They've already stated 30 fps on consoles is the target, but there was a recent article about the Pro having "support for the game will come in an option choice between 4K resolution, better frame rate, or a focus on graphics which would make backgrounds crisper."

So take that as you will.
PC will have a better player base of English speakers.

>"targeting stable 30 fps on all platforms (consoles)".
Tasty flashhbacks from ffxv, fuck not this shit again

Friendly reminder 4K resolution is upscaled 2k. People eat it anyway without making a proper research. I remember many "improvements" on pro but only "improvements" i've seen is my wallet not hurting as much whenever I sit down for long periods of time.

meh, don't care I'm gonna play it on PC I think.

I wish I hadn't put this out in such a shitty quality.

GL main here, I hope it continues to suck because I'm a smug hipster who loves low-tier weapons

Oh yeah because its quality was shitty to begin with.

What think the nips about this game? the franchise still big there right?

Yes, they're excited, as always. But the situation is also a bit different there. It's very mainstream there compared to the west, so there are always lots of people excited about the new entry in a big name franchise, no matter what.

WORLD target audience

>grab youtube comments under ANY video game trailer
>[insert game name here] target audience
The shitposts write themselves.

>Dark souls meets Gears of war

fucking lmao

Stop pretending that the 2ch sonybro containment board is representative of the entire country. World will hit a ceiling at around 1 million, just by being a home console game.

i actually found adept to be terrible for the bow because of how long the adept dodge takes away control of your character. also in gen you can back hop into a roll that gives you and instant max charge as well, dont need adept to do that.

it's pretty easy to not get caught up in vocal Sup Forums's ultra-negative outlook but it's a choice you have to make.