>Motion blur: On
Motion blur: On
>Motion blur: Off
there we go.
>Anti Aliasing: On
I just downloaded a 2017 game that I shit you not has 1 graphics option, the resolution. Thats it.
its Monopoly plus
>Anti Aliasing
I just assume the last is the best, I really have no fucking idea what any of them mean anymore.
Only kind of motion blur that is good is [subtle] object motion blur. If it's full screen motion blur then it's cancer of the highest order.
Just downsample my man.
What's that filter that puts a bordering radial shadow from the edges of the screen? I hate that shit.
>Bloom: On
>Lensflares : On
well it's a game that could literally be just text based so it doesn't really matter desu. Still retarded.
>select difficulty
>Custom Difficulty
>Difficulty sliders
>open google
>"what's the best setting to enjoy this game on?"
>"lmao just try it for yourself dude :)"
>never play the game because custom difficulty sliders are cancer
Thank you
>postprocessing: on/off
>Includes 5 settings that make the game look worse and 2 that make it look better
>Can't choose the ones I want
>Anti Aliasing: Off
>The Dark Souls of Graphics Settings
>v-sync: on
its a shooter too
>the dark souls of... meme
fuck this shit so much
Whats the deal with lensflares and chromatic aberration? That shit only happens with cameras. They have no place in videogames unless you're imitating a movie playback.
>Motion Blur
>Chromatic Aberration
>Camera Shake/Bobbing
anything I missed?
Actually lensflare is pretty realistic. Try to go out sometime and look into the sun.
>Textures: On/Off
>Motion blur
>Chromatic Abberation
>Depth of Field
>Lens flare
MSAA is best form of AA but downsampling is the best.
>film grain
Pretty sure it never looked like this outside. Maybe you're the one who should stop watching movies and go outside m8.
lensflare =/= bloom
that's not lenseflare, that's camera flare. Your eye has a lense as well you retard.
>Camera Flare: On/Off
Hmmm I wonder why I never see that option in videogames
>downsampling is the best.
Sure, if you want 3fps.
In terms of quality/performance ratio it's TXAA > SMAA > MSAA > SSAA >>> FXAA
>BGM on/off
>SE on/off
My card has no issues running most games at 1440p/60fps. I only play more demanding AAA titles at 1080p with AA.
>Graphics: On/Off
>post-processing: On/Off
Actual motion blur and anti-aliasing are the exact same thing. The first is for time, second is for space. You get more information on screen with both techniques. They don't "blur" the frame, they do the exact opposite.
Don't be fooled by half assed techniques like FXAA or motion blur that isn't object based. Those are cancer and don't actually solve any problems.
I'm not advocating for less than 30 FPS or low resolutions. Anti-aliased Quake at 120 FPS with motion blur in 4k would be glorious. Motion blur at 120 FPS would be barely noticeable unless you're moving really fast.
SMAA is still screen space so it's only slightly better than FXAA.
It can work well for some scenes but most of the time it's a blurry mess (like FXAA).