
Hows that jewtube channel going user?

Being a vidya content creator sucks, huh? You now play games to make content instead of just enjoying it.

Also now you hate every other content creator cuz they are your 'enemies' now

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rewriting most of this after doing an original draft and recording it. It's not awful, but I have a better idea.

Already got all the game footage recorded and enough highlights sliced up to make upwards of a 10 minute video if necessary, though I'm trying to keep it between 5-7.

I never use youtube without AdNauseam since the censorship stuff. Fuck you all.

It's fine man, I don't monetize any of my stuff anyways. As long as you have fun watching the video I don't see the problem.

I'm enjoying making my MGS1 run. I'm almost at disk 2 as well so I'm basically past all the difficult parts.

It is annoying how I'm spooked by other channels potentially stealing my ideas. Hasn't really happened yet though.

Its ok my viewerbase are kids mobileviewers anyway.

Reminder that all of this ad bullshit only happened because of jewdipie. I don't need revenue from gaming vids anymore anyway. I make fuss tracks now.

Not video games.

I should make clickbait from mainstream stuff. But it's not that fun if I don't enjoy it.

Started making f2p guides for a soulless cashgrab mobile game, made some fun friends out of it and the 3-5 bucks a video is a nice little bonus

Fates tcg? Or that other one?

No it happened because the powers that be shit a brick when Trump won and started locking things down on Twitter, Facebook on Nov. 10th 2016 and eventually worked their way over to YouTube. Remember the faggots that wrote that fake Pewds Nazi hitpiece went to his employers with their report before ever releasing the thing to the public. If not him someone else. If not someone else then the changes would've still been made out of public concern or whatever other bullshit they thought they needed to say to get citizens on board with fewer choices and less rights.

I'm not doing YouTube but I am thinking about starting some sort of spooky podcast.

I know there are already a million spooky podcasts but it's what I know and love.

It has been difficult to say the least. It's a lot of time and money spent, but so far it's been a lot of fun and we're enjoying it. We release videos weekly, a single player quick play and a multiplayer clash.



Modern Youtube is for mouthbreathers. Both the people watching the assembly line garbage hosted and promoted there, and the people producing it. The site has been dead since like 2011.

The good ones don't do it for the money, otherwise they end up like DSP

>making a type of video I like that nobody else is doing
>start to get views at a reasonable rate
>suddenly a bunch of people are copying the style

Every time.

>My GF's father makes decent money doing voice over and editing/production for a spoopy podcast
>TFW he always needs me to provide "extra" voices whenever I visit
>TFW I'm always getting killed, maimed, tortured, or being a zombie

The only thing is, it's a lot of work, though he's able to pay the bills doing it without a "real" job these days, so it's not a bad idea.

Jokes on you. I've made $500 so far just playing what I normally play.

>after everything that Google has done over the past year

This is the time to get your foot in the door with user-driven platforms that aren't Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook.
Just found this channel holy shit.
Intro is so fucking gringy. He has gringy cartoon avatar. But god damn the videos are pretty good and games interesting. Just to rub to your faces, look at the views and likes, jesus christ this channel makes me sad.

Different one. Canon to the main series but drip feeds story content out so slowly it's far more worth it just to read the wiki

Not bad.
I agree, the intro and even the first part with the rhymes and "ye olde english" made me want to close the video, but I pushed through it and his review was pretty good.

I am using my E-marketing skills to prop up myself for the first time. If I am successful, I will reveal myself on Sup Forums.

What do you mean?

>intro that long

Look, the big youtubers can get away with basically anything they want but as a new and aspiring video creator the intro has got to go in favor of getting to the meat of your video as quickly as you can...

With what?

>another analysis utuber

>some fag starts reuploading my videos
>in low quality

Had to dmca these assholes a couple of times.

Never mind, I misread your post. My bad.

I'm just uploading random shit that I'd like to do.
I know I won't get anywhere as a channel but I enjoy doing it but recently my cpu has been spiking in heat when rendering videos in sony vegas so I might just give it up.

I'd post a video of mine but I did before so I don't want to shill them.

post fyw youre not americuck and can make videos with illegal software

i got retweeted by saint and now i'm up to 47 subscribers.
two most viewed: and
two most recent: and
favorite video:
i just play whatever interests me. i like video games, and i like the ones that are fun and interesting.


I enjoy working on it, even though I do not get many visitors.

Short cartoon by me about Samus Returns and amiibos:

Another short cartoon:

Not-so-short (47 minutes) review of Metroid for the NES:

>now you hate every other content creator cuz they are your 'enemies'
they been destroying vidya since the beggining, i allways hated them

I always livestream and my fanbase are sonic and halo kids.

>Believing this
>Still uses it
Choose one pleb