What's the most difficult videogame level of all time?

What's the most difficult videogame level of all time?

mile high club

Cuphead tutorial level

this is objectively correct


What the hell is a level?
Don't you mean map, chapter, mission, instance, dungeon or sidequest location?

I'm frankly disgusted I even share a galaxy with you.

Uh-oh, seems like you have to spend a few more minutes solving modern captchas before your next post

Gotta be more specific on what is diffiult, there are autists that beat tetris and romhacks. Or if you mean difficult by winning then someone can program a tic-tac-toe bot to always tie and you can never win.

6 is unnecessary though

*blocks your path*

IsnĀ“t there anything that i can do in order to avoid these fucking c4pch4ss, im so butblasted with them.

Enable legacy captcha

Go to settings and set the options to legacy captcha.

What the fuck is Captcha even doing?

The first attempt never works, you need to attempt about four times to actually get somewhere.

Can anyone explain the significance of solving the same exact captcha over and over is doing for the machine learning of the google AI? I mean are they studying how people are trying to get around it in the easiest way possible?
Fuggin spooky

Car and street sign identification in self driving car ai.

3 in left down corner and don't you dare thinking about fourth.

Captcha requirements are increased during Australian hours.

Not making this up.

None of you normies better say Dark Souls

this particular image pops up so frequently that it has to be the verification captcha to check if your other inputs are reliable.

You should be able to solve this.

The first captcha is usually their "control" to test if you're actually doing it right.
The second one is usually the new problem that Google wants you to solve to train its algorithms, so you can usually give a deliberately wrong answer and it will still work.

The significance is tracking what you are posting so you can get targeted advertisements

>hump 70 yo's

You dont need 6, 5 is good enough.
