Life is stranger

What do you thinks going to happen in episode 2?

Hopefully slut shaming.


I hope they all die and this shit series is cancelled. Forever.

i hope this cunt die

I hope it doesn't exist, this "game" is better off as a novel or some shit, get the fuck off steam

when will it come out?

I think October?

I hope it more or less becomes a series of ever increasing ludicrous situations in order to stop Chloe from dying constantly.

Almost like a Final Destination movie. Like the entire natural order of the universe wants Chloe dead and its up to Max to try and fuck with everything to fix it.

Then lesbian sex

Sequel will not feature Max and co, iirc.

I didn't bother playing the game

Did I predict it right? Is Max and Chloe a couple now? Or did they developers pussy out


We'll before the storm is a prequel. But yeah in the last episode they make out

Libtards got to write it again.

wow progressive xd

>They make out

Fuck sake I want some god damn hardcore scissoring action. Who the fuck just makes out and doesn't finger blast in the process

Its really like the people that made this game are guessing what teens do

Doing God's work anons.

The dialogue in these interactive movies is actually so fucking bad. It's not even normal stuff angsty teenagers would say it's just really really bad

Leaks are everywhere, A kiss is confirmed.


>shitposting like any other thread

Its different when it's a life is shit thread.

I've never read Catcher in the Rye. Is the main character in that book really as unbearable as the cunts in this game?

As for episode 2, I hope they all die, then Max appears, turns back time and they all die once more.

It's because they're trend lesbos, not real ones.

your loss


This game made me realize how alone I am and cry a little bit. Like that scene on the train sharing the headphones.
Maybe it's cause I used to do that back with my gf back in high school.

No, I like Holden more than any of these faggots.