Why is Metroid so boring to play compared to Castlevania?
Why is Metroid so boring to play compared to Castlevania?
There's about 3 different attack types and your reward for exploring for secrets is more ammo.
>missile capacity increased by 3
oh boy I sure do need 120+ fuckin missiles. thanks game
The enemies have such bloated health-pools that it's now possible to go through that many, or at least I have.
Is there a way to toggle missile mode so I don't have to hold down R?
Because numbers aren't constantly going up to sate your thirst for instant gratification achievement.
You're playing possibly the worst Metroid game, so there's that.
You are a retard.
never played castlevania and now that it's a dead franchise, I don't even want to but I am enjoying the new metroid game
My game keeps black screening after "see you next mission" how do i fix it
Other M exists, you know.
Then why don't you try to refute me?
I did admittedly make the mistake we're talking about Metroidvania games exclusively rather than including Classicvania.
I thought you meant classicvania, carry on
I find it weird how seeing any gameplay for this game just bores me to tears. But playing it just has me "WHOOSH. SWHIP, SWHOP. PEW PEW. BOOSH BOOSH. CLANG, PEW PEW PEW." It's a fun game.
but the combat is always unsatisfying in the metroid games.
Completely normal. A game that's fun to watch usually ends up boring to play as it is more than likely to be a cinematic type of game. The budget mostly went into the graphics rather than into improving gameplay. It's why when you see buzzwords like 'Retro-style' or '4K GRAPHICS', it's a safe bet that it ends up a chore to play.
Metroid is popular?! I hate metroid now!
The fanbase
>Is there a way to toggle missile mode so I don't have to hold down R?
Play AM2R.
See now that I think about it it's true. Recently I saw some gameplay for Absolver and For Honor just to compare them. For Honor looked fucking sick with all their animations, but it's as deep as a puddle. And Absolver looked boring, yet it's mechanically challenging. (Although the game's flawed)
I already did. Not as soon as SR
Have you played the new 1.3.1 version though?
He's right you know?
Sales figures are only used for shitposting ammo anyway.