What's your opinion on achievements? Would you replay BotW for achievements if they got implemented?

What's your opinion on achievements? Would you replay BotW for achievements if they got implemented?

Why do you think the virtual console is taking so long? Anything to do with the mini consoles?

Also, do you think we will see hardware updates soon? A 64 gb version? A pro version? A mini version?

Switch future discussion thread

>What's your opinion on achievements?
I've never really cared about them and I've certainly never gone out of my way to get them
>Would you replay BotW for achievements if they got implemented?

>What's your opinion on achievements?
They're a lazy way to pad out games
>Would you replay BotW for achievements if they got implemented?
I don't think I'm going to replay BotW for a long time, it's one of those games where the sense of exploring the unknown is what makes it fun. I've seen most of what it has to offer already.

>Why do you think the virtual console is taking so long?
Hopefully they're working on a netflix-like streaming service for Virtual Console titles
>Anything to do with the mini consoles?
They're probably waiting until the paid online starts, I bet we'll see VC by Christmas.
>Also, do you think we will see hardware updates soon? A 64 gb version? A pro version? A mini version?
No, no, no, maybe a miniature version in a few years.

What will we be seeing on TGS next week?

>What's your opinion on achievements? Would you replay BotW for achievements if they got implemented?
Nah. I wouldn't give a fuck about them. But if they help expand the user base and thus the dev interest in the console, why not.
>Why do you think the virtual console is taking so long? Anything to do with the mini consoles?
>Possibly. Also the online paid service. If the Netflix-like service is real, then it will come next year.
>Also, do you think we will see hardware updates soon? A 64 gb version? A pro version? A mini version?
Maybe in 1-2 years. I could see a 64gb version next year, but for an actual HW revision we'll have to wait like 2019-20 I think.

>What's your opinion on achievements?
Cancer that ruined secrets and unlockables for shiny baubles to try and "impress" random faggots online.

Tales of Switch was promised to be revealed and released before next March.

Completely pointless. Another thing about the console peasant mindset that cannot be understood.
>switch update
I assume after a year we'll get the switch 2.0. Maybe for thanksgiving next year

fun at first
>beat campaign with only pistols
>break every trashcan in the level
>pop culture jokes
then they turned to shit
>you beat level 1!
>you beat level 2!
>you beat (insert quest line here)
>kill 40 thousand enemies!

>virtual console
running emulators is shitty because the hardware doesn't match up. Re-creating games is almost impossible to make it feel exactly like the old game. Also trying to run along marketing and manipulate hype trains instead of releasing the games in bulk and drying out like the wii shop.

>hardware updates
not without pissing off all the normies.


The best thing about the size of the Switch is that I can reuse my old Game Gear carrying case for it since the size is about the same.

There's achievements on Steam to babbie

Make them like Xbone achievements where you get neat art to make as a background.

Hes just an idiot

>What's your opinion on achievements? Would you replay BotW for achievements if they got implemented?
Never cared for them, I probably won't replay it for that reason.
>Why do you think the virtual console is taking so long? Anything to do with the mini consoles?
Probably, they need to make sure people buy the minis or else they invested in something they themselves are gonna kill.
>Also, do you think we will see hardware updates soon? A 64 gb version? A pro version? A mini version?
Nope. Maybe in 2 years, maybe later.

you know those adhesives will ruin the plastic on your joycons right?

Hopefully more on the online service and something on the VC

>using steam

>Still achievement systems in 99% of mmorpgs or mobas


Unless i can use trophies or points or whatever achievment sum they use to get stuff like with club nintendo then its just pointless

Wow, such a badass
Can we hang together during our break?
U so kool, man!

Arent games pointless in a way, mr pragmatic?

>What's your opinion on achievements?
I like that they exist but I usually don't spend much time going for them.
>Would you replay BotW for achievements if they got implemented?
Probably not because I already have 100 hours in BOTW and I'm not replaying it.

You know the only time I ever seen a lynx was on an episode of CEIA back in the day.

>he plays mmos and mobas

at first i hated them, then nintendo implemented them and now i love them

>What's your opinion on achievements? Would you replay BotW for achievements if they got implemented?
I hate them. They're annoying and exploit human psychology to keep you hooked on shit games
>Why do you think the virtual console is taking so long? Anything to do with the mini consoles?
They probably want it to be integraded into their new paid online system. And who knows how long that will take
>Also, do you think we will see hardware updates soon? A 64 gb version? A pro version? A mini version?
Not until long after they get their supply chain sorted out and their production ramped up. It's been over 6 months since launch and they're still difficult to find in the US. It's going to be retarded after black Friday.
That being said, they wont release a pro version until long after Nvidia finishes the Tegra X2. An XL version with a larger screen and battery would probably be a good move for the holidays next year if sales start waning.

I like the surface level idea of achievements. And have since I first started playing videogames long before modern achievements were even a thing, made up my own challenges for games I play since doing that kind of thing is fun.

But the forced implementation of modern games is just pretty shit overall and tends to result in pretty damn lazy and uninteresting challenges. But they're implemented anyway so that they can check the checkbox stating that the game should have achievements. And games don't really benefit from this at all.
They aren't really hurt much either but still. Why does everything have achievements? If you want achievements though make good ones.

getting that diamond achievement for Forzathon quests will never get old