Hopes? Dreams?

>Sony's TGS conference [Open]

>Livestream schedule:

>List of relevant games confirmed (no mobile shit):

Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown
Code Vein
City Shrouded in Shadow
Dragon's Crown Pro (PS4)
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker’s Memory
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Gintama Rumble
Gundam Versus
Girls Und Panzer
Kamen Rider: Climax Fighters
Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time
Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite
Monster Hunter World
Bullet Girls Phantasia
Earth Defense Force 4.1: Wing Diver The Shooter
Earth Defense Force 5
Happy Manager
Dynasty Warriors 9
Atelier Lydie & Soeur: Alchemists of the Mysterious Painting
Metal Gear Survive
PES 2018
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III
A Certain Magical Virtual-On
Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Daro ka: Infinite Combate
Hokuto Ga Gotoku
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Sonic Forces
Steins;Gate Elite
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom
Final Fantasy XV: Comrades & Ignis DLC
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
Lost Sphear
The Evil Within 2
Gran Turismo Sport
Project Octopath Traveler
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux

>Rumored/Possible announcements



>Square Enix

DQXI Switch
VII Remake news (they showed some new screenshots last year)


Resident Evil 2 Remake
Deep Down/Dragon's Dogma 2
Devil May Cry 5


13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

Other urls found in this thread:

I thought it starts on 27th.

Dragons Dogma 2 please capcom I'll nut 10 times in a single day if you release it and send my jizz to your offices in japan.

>Dragon's Crown Pro (PS4)
>Earth Defense Force 5
>A Certain Magical Virtual-On
>Sonic Forces
Kinda excited, I guess
>Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux
Will likely buy it, but it's Strange Journey through and through so I already know what to expect. Doubt any new trailer will make me any more hyped.
>13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Also unlikely.

Also you used the wrong OP pic.

On the 21st, but Sony's press conference is tomorrow.

THREADLY REMINDER to not expect any of the following to avoid disappoinment:
>Death Stranding
>Shadow of the Collossus Remake
>FROM Software
>Atlus showing anything at all other than just words
>Vita 2.0

Death Stranding is gonna be at PlayStation Experience

I really wish Sony hadn't gone full Microsoft with the PS4. It's really hard to motivate myself to care nowadays whenever they announce stuff. Even though before it used to be my highlights of the year.

>A Certain Magical Virtual-On
Can't believe they revived Virtual On just to ruin it.

>Shadow of the Collossus Remake
Why not? It was announced.
>Atlus showing anything at all other than just words
So was "SMT HD" project.


>gone full Microsoft
Elaborate. Please. I was PC-only until around 2013, comparisons of console makers are new to me.

I'm guess he's talking about paid online but even Nintendo is charging for it

There are two Ace Attorney time slots so I guess they'll either announce AA6 for smartphones or a new game.
Does Trails of Cold Steel III have a time slot in Konami's presentation?

>Vita 2.0

What's wrong with it?

They made the quality of their premium service completely plummet, all while also making it a required subscription for any online play. Even if the games don't use their servers or any servers at all.

That doesn't really make any of it any better. It just makes it even worse.
Seriously. It's hard to imagine things ever improving from this point.
In a couple of generations they'll have most likely succeeded in defeating used game sales and or physical games too. And will likely manage to make that a premium """""service""""" too.

>>Shadow of the Collossus Remake
But this is already a disappointment. It was confirmed it will have no additional content.

Japan Studio are confirmed to still be sitting on a few unannounced projects, so hopefully we'll see something new from them. The "ambitious project" that the Soul Sacrifice and Bloodborne guys have been talking about the past year or two being the one I'd like to know most about.

>Project Octopath Traveler
Can't wait for more info, I loved the demo

>Soul Sacrifice
Now that's a game deserving of a sequel. The original and Delta were some of the best games on Vita.


But the 360 had some really good (mostly) exclusive niche Japanese games, PS4 really doesn't.

>PS4 really doesn't.

Not sure if serious or retarded

Primrose pleases old men for their absolutely magnificent swordsmanship!

Go pleasure yourself, user

>Devil May Cry 5
(X) Doubt

Anyways, I was hoping From would finally show at least ONE of their new games, kinda disappointed.

>[YouTube] “2017 PlayStation® Press Conference in Japan”(English)

Plebs. Enjoy your stuttering pseudo-interpreters.

>getting exited for sonic forces
Do you have shit tier tastes?

So do we imagine it'll be for the latter or former half of 2018?

Dragon's Dogma 2, baby!

Name 3 exclusives that aren't B grade garbage.

Is sonys conference tonight or tomorrow night? Always get confused with Japan time

Last Guardian
Ni Oh
Gravity Rush 2

inb4 those are shit

>inb4 those are shit

You're kind of tying my hands except for nioh.

I really need info on REmake 2 but now that RE7 gold edition is coming out December I might have to wait until next year.

>Last Guardian
The sub20fps cinematic experience with shit controls?

Eh it was actually ok

Ace combat apparently canceled. Might get a new trailer though.

Last Wild Arms game came out in 2006.

Japan, please, please, PLEEEEASE tell me another one is in the works.

>Ace combat apparently canceled


>Dragon’s Dogma Series 5th Anniversary Special Stage
I'll do a lot of cummies if DD2 drops here.

>implying won't be an hour of DDO and a new gaijin ban on sight policy.

I'm EXPECTING an hour of DDO, but I want DD2 instead. We just have to be stupid, optimistic cunts.

Stage appearance and live stream were canceled.

Demo only for attendees. No word on if we will get to see any new trailer.


Looking foward to more info on Lydie & Suelle. I'm also dying to hear about FromSoft's new games but I'll keep my expectations low because we're probably not getting anything announced yet.

Aren't they not going to be there?


>Deep Down/Dragon's Dogma 2
lets not get ahead of ourselves

Well, then again. Why would they have three fucking directors, two voice actors and a singer just to announce more DDO DLC's?

Worst case scenario, it's actually a DD1 port for the Switch or some equally stupid shit.

Yeah, I think. Unless Sony Japan announces something from them. Honestly i just want a tweet or something that teases when they'll announce it.

>Dragons Dogma: Stories the tie in with Monster Hunter
>also Dragons Dogma gear in Monster Hunter

Can't wait for Ni No Kuni II.

I don't expect shit. Nips are retarded, so they don't wait for big shows like this to reveal their games.

It doesn't matter to me honestly, I have total confidence in Kono

Scroll down to ace combat 7. All they have is demo and screening for a trailer. No live feed or stage event.

trips confirm the truth, TGS will be a whole lot of nothing.jpg


Remember when NiOh was first revealed at TGS and LITERALLY no one gave a fuck until the literal same trailer was shown at PSX the same year, where it blew up in popularity?

I'm sure the biggest devs are actively avoiding TGS now, for reveals at least.

>Go pleasure yourself
I just might.

Just give me TWEWY 2 already, I can't take this anymore.

>Dragons Crown at 4K 60fps
I love my vita, but 30fps for game like that is meh

I was legitimately uncomfortable playing as someone who has sucked off an old man for years.

>.hack not in the list

That's coming out soon, right?

But brave.
Not all adventurers can be the chosen boy hero. It's good to play as someone who is so hard that they'll suck dick for years just to get revenge. She's The Punisher of sucking dick!

has a panel during TGS too, probably only recode but perhaps some nice extra stuff

>Hopes? Dreams?

Making me miss Unicorn bro.

Maybe in 10 years, when Nomura is done with all the projects in his pipeline, and he can push for it to be made...

Dragon's Crown Pro is what Atlus is showing though, granted it's a VW developed game

It's """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""60""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" even on Shita, not 30.

I'm hoping for an Ape Escape 4 like the first three, DMC5, Wild Arms and a new Megaman game in recognition of his 30th. I may not get any of that, but I'll keep hoping.

>All they have is demo and screening for a trailer.

Was already announced, retard. It's SWITCH EXCLUSIVE.

I think it's a perfect time for Falcom to announce something since Cold Steel 3 comes out in a week and after that they have nothing.

Who /cityshroudedinshadow/ here


>announced at nintendo event
>not switch exclusive
hahaha sonybros will never cease to amuse me

>He actually think it's gonna be exclusive
>because of the event
Oh boy

I honestly hope it's a Switch exclusive, I have too much games to play on my PS4.

Sometimes I'm a bit sad that this board is all anonymous. You'd never show your face again here after getting BTFO by atlus :(

>getting BTFO
>Atlus has all it's actually relevant and high budget projects on the actually superior console which is the PS4

Fuck off

How long would it take to bring Dragons Crown Pro to the West? Was Dragons Crown released worldwide on the PS3?

>>Atlus has all it's actually relevant and high budget projects on the actually superior console
You must mean the switch then because SMTV is switch exclusive. :)

That's a different game you posted picture of that will be on PS4, SMTV however will be exclusive to Switch.

Not while Nomura still has 2 very large incomplete games on his plate


ofc. Though Atlus had some issues with something and it became hard to get it in europe, it was even removed from ps store. I had to imort it from usa.

Do they announce PC ports at TGS?

Neogaf insider has said fromsoft and sony have not begun deving another exclusive together

Upcomming projects are all multiplat and definitive on all other platforms!


Ports? No. They talk about some games that are already announced for PC though, like ace combat.

Yes, Yakuza 0 will come out on PC for 29,99 or 45 bundle with Kiwami on Steam.

>Ace Attorney
>new game
What time do you expect the announcement?

After playing the beta, can't wait for more news.
Need to know if this semen demon will be playable.


no but 90% of that list on the OP are on PC so technically yes

I'm a sucker for games like these and pre ordered some time ago, hope it will be decent or at least have some good amount of content for that price.