Life or Hometown?

Life or Hometown?

Those are big ass sushi rolls.

Why does it always have to be or? Why can't you enjoy Life and your Hometown?


Both, but small and cute.

Legs and feet

>7even is gonna be a Monster Hunter Senran
How excited are you and how likely is that gonna be true, anyway?

Everyone has to eventually leave their hometown and move on with their life.


Give me life or give me death

But I like hometown too much to want to do that.

You mean we might get to hunt the dreaded Tetsuasuka?

>Life or Hometown?
I choose Yumi!

I think the idea is pretty cool.
SK has a heavy focus on different outfits already, make them otainale and craftable by slaying certain Yomas.
I could see it work.

>I choose literal fecal matter!

dumb frogposter

Not an argument

Not an argument

This is why you're an underachiever.

>yumifags can't provide arguments, only parroting

Which 1 was which?
Either way, if I REALLY couldn't choose both, then tits.


Without Life, there is no hometown.


He's right tho


I love her paizuri window.


Seriously now, what is it with you guys being so borderline autistic and cringy with your foot fetishes?

Because it gets replies like yours

Are you sure? You sure is not something wrong with your head?

if tits are life and ass is hometown, then what is (puffy) pussy?

Start posting snek, you fucks



But without a good hometown, you won't have a stable life.

Mai Laifu

All of us are alive, most of us have a hometown.
It would be stupid if you asked us if we liked our lives or our hometowns more, the point is that we have both.

Anyone got their PBS yet?
They said they would send them out since last Friday...
But I have not even get a delivery mail yet.

Nope. I'll post a NEET instead.

Why can't japs into ass?

Shiki should go full ganguro, desu.

Best girl.


Lets turn that frown upside down.

i dont know but they still seem to be fixated on breasts like cave men. dont they know modern men no longer have any interests in cow tits?

Smiling Murasaki is a miracle of the universe.

There are characters with canon big asses as well, like the not-loli flat girl and the poorfag.

>the not-loli flat girl
Based Ryoubi

Its always a treat to see her happy and smiling.

Jesus what the fuck is that smell?

I like legs more than feet, but what makes it so different to liking boobs and butts? Especially butts.

The smell of love.

Miyabi is so handsome and cool, I want to marry her

Its the pizza she just pulled out of the oven.


Both, that's the whole point. Also, the equivalent for long hair.

I don't know whether to eat the pizza or her pussy

But ganguro is shit, user. Shiki's perfect the way she is.

What are you freaking out about he said three words and posted a simple image

God damn she's so fucking perfect

The pizza. You can only do the latter after you marry her.

How much would it cost to have her sit on my face and dominate me like the pathetic pussy slave I am?

>give a girl purple hair
>name her murasaki
Wew lads

B-but I want to lick her and taste her NEET juices

Its a fitting code name. Nobody knows her or any of the other girl's real names.

I am sure Imu knows her real name and vice versa.
Same with the Ry-sisters.

She'd do it for free since she enjoys doing it.

Hell fucking yes, sign me up. This is why Shiki is best girl

Then you got to put a ring on her finger.

What is this, the mafia?

They know but we don't.
I would guess its used to protect their identity and make it harder for other ninja's to track them down, but ninjas are pretty good at stalking and collecting intel so I'm not sure why.


This is a perfect representation of Yumi and her fans

Dumb babu

I want to fuck kafuru

haha wouldn't it be funny if they were both dressed like babies and made out haha

So do I.

Yumifags confirmed diapershit fetishists

I think they actually mentioned it in Burst, but I forgot since it has been some time since I played it.
I am almost sure by now Marvelous don´t even remember themselves anymore that those names are not their real names.

>didn't even realize the feet were in the picture until I see this
So your eyes were drawn to the feat instead of anything else? user I think you might be a closeted footfag.

Someone asked about it on an interview and Takaki said we'll probably never know their real names. I don't think is really that much of an issue in story where everyone uses one anyway.

>tfw you will never hatefuck Yumi

On one hand, I despise her, her character and everything she represents. On the other hand I find her to be one of the most attractive Senrans currently in games.

No it´s not an issue at all. It´s just a nice bit of lore.
I wish there was more of it, those tiny bits of world lore.
I hope 7even will deliver that in some way.


I hate her but I wouldn't give her the desire of pleasing her vagina with my dick, I would rather just choke her to death with it

There are a handful of other Senrans which I think look better, even ignoring the New Wave-exclusive girls. I'd probably be a bit more interested in her fighting style, if it wasn't so dull and her personality unlikable. I mean, I get that they were intentionally trying to make her wrong and that burning Hanzo to the ground isn't exactly a goal the developers wanted to promote, but Yumi just seems to not care too much. About anything.

Well, outside murdering the fuck out of your allies because they ate your strawberry rice balls.

Yumi isn't even the best Gessen to be quite honest.


Depends on the Senran but in most instances life.

>Yozakura will never fist you

This is your paizuri partner for tonight.


Why even live?

Its just winter weight.

Best conceivable taste.

Worst conceivable taste.

There's literally no point

Best blonde

No need to be rude.

>Best blonde
and since blondes are best, by extension we get best girl

Why, I ask again, WHY is Kat so fucking perfect?