What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Modern Squeenix

devs had no clue what they're doing

i don't know very much but they adapted it to much to de modern standards.
i still want to play it

Is it true that you can't even jump in it? How the fuck does it work?



Its true, like in metal gear.
>muh context sensitivity controls because im retarded

>Thief 1
>can bunnyhop into sanic speeds
>Thief 2
>can't bunnyhop
>can't hop at all



A strong lack in ambient audio and overall terrible audio mixing, forcing you to rely on your taffer vision.
Detailed minimap of every space you visit, ruining the sense of wonder and exploration.
Making Garret a capable fighter allowing him to take on a handful of guards without consequences.
Reducing your movement abilities through unnecessary contextualisation (not being able to jump of your own free will, making rope arrows work only in very specific spots compared to the more clever way the original did it)
Lightning is a joke and they spent to much time making the areas look pretty instead of having interesting spaces to navigate.
Terrible plot and characterisation for Garret.
Getting rid of the supernatural & dungeon crawl elements to break up missions and pace was also a very bad move in my opinion.

It suffered a lot from modern devs not getting what made the original so interesting and disregarding everything as old & busted.
Thief and stealth games are a very niche genre and by trying to appeal to every type of gamer out there you might as well make a generic action game at that point.

They casualized it
Generic modernise acclaimed series

At least with that game 3isn't hated as much now but it's still not as good a 1 and 2
A lot of problems are also when there's a new entry in a series which has been over for a while
It was never going to do well in modern gaming especially with a new Dev team

Only problem I had with the game was the story and the load times. The story and characters just weren't interesting and the story really shit the bed near the end. And the load times were very long and too frequent, to the point where it broke my immersion. The gameplay was a little repetitive too, but I think that could have been easily overlooked if the story was interesting enough to keep you engaged.

I only played 2 and while I enjoyed it a fair bit, I found that each subsequent mission past the first 2 became too big for their own good with too many useless areas and whatnot. I replayed splinter cell chaos theory and some of the Hitman games and found the level design much better.

Is thief 1 worth playing in that regard?

Thief 1 feels tighter in its level design, while still giving you some room to explore and get lost in.
You get your relatively straight forward mansion heists, but every now and then you get thrown in some bigger more labyrinthine / puzzle oriented levels like the old city or the mage towers.
I'd say give it a shot.

>"it's not like we are living in 1998 anymore"
>narrative director believes [current year] should ever be invoked.
all of these people suck, but that one hurt the most.

desu im biased cause I love simpler mansions and estates with cool ass passages and secrets.

It's levels like angelwatch in 2 where there's 6 floors with tons of rooms in each one that I can't be bothered to explore fully that make me feel like im missing out on a lot of cool shit but also like the level's badly designed.

The first and second mission and the bank heist of thief 2 were probably my favorites, but even that bank heist felt a lot tighter in splinter cell chaos theory. There aren't as many paths and rooms, but just enough for it to feel connected in a smart way.

If you think Thief 2 levels were 'big', Thief 1 would break you. Levels like The Sword, Haunted Cathedral, or Bonehoard are gigantic and mazelike

I liked it for what it was. A subpar dishonored clone with better graphics

The EH Stream was top shit.

>no hammerites
>no pagans

At first I was kinda mad but then I realized they might have fucked up the actual canon even harder than they did this atrocity of a game, then I felt relieved.

That's such a nothing statement, made worse by the fact that 1998 was one of the best years in the history of gaming.

Troubled development cycle I remember when this was first officially revealed and how the team changed basically 3 times during the development . From what I understand the original team making it wasn;t there by the time the game was released due to so many lay offs etc. Look through the art book you could see the passion and great ideas at first and then it was just made into a cash grab to satisfy modern audiences. Hell 2 fucking months before it was released it was downgraded and made available to all generations of consoles when originally it was to be a next gen exclusive. SQUEENIX basically saw they spent too much time and money and at the end even when it flops they wanted to make back profit regardless of the sacrifice to the game.

>What went wrong?
i played the original trylogy before playing this.

It's supposed to be a cobbling together of modern "stealth games" "inspired" by Thief, rather than a Thief game. You can't hear things.

>Haunted Cathedral
Haunted Cathedral thread?

Moving anywhere in there in was terrifying as a child. Being in a room with a haunt searching for you was preferable to going outside of it with the risk of running into zombies.

Big companies don't seem to be able to pick up small games without ruining them. All these reboots just turn into generic Hollywood nonsense.

great graphics at the cost of gameplay

you climb predesigned ledges that are usually marked in white chalk

You can also climb up bookshelves which is pretty cool though desu
I dont think the game is as bad as everyone say

It's a meh stealth game but it's an atrocious Thief game and doesn't deserve to be related to the trilogy at all.

>It's a meh stealth game but it's an atrocious Thief game and doesn't deserve to be related to the trilogy at all.
That's the thing, it feels they made an average game, and then later decided to slap the Thief name on it to try and make it sell more. Same with the orange Deus Ex games.

Close but you missed one.
>Thief 1
>can bunnyhop into sanic speeds
>Thief 2
>can't bunnyhop
>Thief: Deadly Shadows
>if you hop too much you get bugged and stuck to the floor and have to reload your save
>can't hop at all

Except Human revolution and Manking divided were actually decent games ruined bu cashgrabs
still. not as good as original deus ex.

I played through the first through games just recently and I can't even fathom how bad this game actually is if Deadly Shadows is considered one of the good ones. This series went wrong 10 years before this reboot.

TDS is good if you play on first person

It has better levels design and dynamimc shadows unlike the first ones

>inb4 muh arrows

>No jumping, no free-feeling parkour, rope arrows are for designated rope arrow spots only, they thought "swooping" and designated mantling spots with bird shit smeared all over them was a good idea
>Maps are all carebear shit instead of hand drawn scrolls that you have to fill in the gaps for
>AI has literally not improved since 1998, has actually gotten worse in some regards
>Sound design is in the fucking dumpster, you can't reliably use sound to locate enemies around corners or in nearby rooms like you could in T1/T2 on the Dark Engine
>Sound element of stealthing is limited to walking on random shards of broken glass and that's basically it, rather than having tiled floors, metal floors, stone floors, gravel, grass, carpet, wood all have different properties, etc.
>Picking up any loot item makes the player go through a 0.5 second animation that pulls you out of the game every time you grab something, fucking hell. Dishonored had the right idea in this area, actually just letting you grab shit quickly. Not everything has to be some hyper realism immersive retarded fuckfest, dumb fucking Thi4f devs
>And possibly worst of all, even after all of the fucking awful gameplay and core game design downgrades, they totally fucking raped the lore and setting, while making it a "Soft Reboot" where it's "TECHNICALLY" in the same universe as the old Thief games
>the story is fucking aids
>the thieftaker general's motives make no sense
>it's literally a capeshit plot
>Garrett is a fucking edgy kleptomaniac that steals because he's edgy and not to pay the rent like the old games
>Garrett looks like a fucking edgy donte with black eyeliner and nail polish
>Garrett's girlfriend is a fucking edgy retard that gets herself into trouble all the time because she's angsty
>Hammers, Pagans, etc. somehow don't exist despite same universe
>muh disease! dishonored plot ripoff
>old Garrett canonically got put in an asylum for the rest of his life

The list goes on and on and on.

Don't kid yourself. Deadly Shadows is dumbed down Xbox shit with flat, tiny levels with loading screens everywhere. Garrett suddenly forgot how to swim, rope arrows don't exist, the faction system makes no fucking sense, the physics are buggy as all hell to the point where it's almost unplayable. Garrett for some reason carries a dagger instead of a sword now, let's just forget that the reason he carried the sword was for taking care of D&D dungeon crawl graverobbing tomb enemies rather than assassinating humans.

And yet, even after all of this. It's still nowhere near as bad as Thi4f. But it's still really bad. Figure that out.

I did play in first person.

>Better level design
Than what, the first two games? Not a chance. There are barely even any secrets.

>dynamic shadows
Yes, there is a very small handful of things DS did better. Shadows, vaulting, deadlier combat, lockpicking. But it doesn't make up for everything else.

Instead of making the game play like a stealthier Mirror's Edge with a focus on thievery, they opted to make a generic and pretty linear stealth game. You no longer get that feeling of infiltrating a location. It feels more like going through a series of corridors of varying sizes until you get to the next cutscene.

You can jump on something and across something, but only if you close to the edge or near object

TDS enemies arent dumb like in T1 nd T2.
In T1 and T2 when they are suspicious they will always waddle onto your direction despite where the sound was made, the AI is easily exploitable

Dagger was a smart choice because in T1 and T2 you would pretty much kill 1vs5 if you strafe around enemies. Hell you can even kill them with the blackjack.

TDS faction does make sense considering, he's been with and against both faction on the previous games, it gives more depth and objectives to the city hub.
there's no assassination in TDS

In T1 and T2 you hold a button to pick locks, in TDS you have to have to move the lock pins.

T1 and T2 really suffers from bad level design. Most levels are confusing
How many times did you get confused in the thieves guild sewers because that thing looks alike everywhere you turn?
What about the mages guild?
Was it fun to go into teh lost city in T1? did you enjoy revisiting it in T2 to bring back that Cavador guy?
TDS level architecture does not look the same. It has a lot more variety

Finished it a weak ago. It was nowhere that bad i expected it to be. I played on master difficulty with every shitty marker, map and other cancer disabled. But sadly it doesn't fix unfinished game - everything is kinda slapped together. I don't want to go into detail, so i will name key bad and good things:
- super retarded edgy plot
- mediocre level design with to much linearity
- terrible pacing with forced action sequencies
- simplified exploration - while contextual jumps i can tolerate, predefined climbable locations and rope spots are kindergarten tier
- unrewarding exploration - smugglers map and candles are shit
- unrewarding gadgets and AI, you are never forced to do something extraordinary or even think out of the box
- wait a minute that card tier puzzles
- battle system is shit, you can click to death even on master difficulty, evade is op
+ graphics and most setpieces were extremely enjoyable, i love abandoned and old wooden buildings
+ hands animations were immersive as was keyhole peecking
+ moira asylum was very good, everything after was just bland
+ city hub was fun to explore (but to small and separated in districts)
In conclusion i must say that you simply don't have alternatives, old thief games are too dated. If you love abandonshit and creepy alleys game is must play, but don't forget to disable modern cancer enhancements and don't expect masterpiece.
Personally i would love thief freeroaming game with massive city, undercity and it's creepy urban legends with separate missions from clients and thinly veiled lovecraftian shit going on

>T1 and T2 really suffers from bad level design. Most levels are confusing
Stopped reading here

>not the thief's guild

>In T1 and T2 when they are suspicious they will always waddle onto your direction despite where the sound was made, the AI is easily exploitable
Wrong. They waddle to where the sound was made and then search in a radius around it, not to where you are.

t. was playing a T1 fan mission literally 10 minutes ago

>Dagger was a smart choice because in T1 and T2 you would pretty much kill 1vs5 if you strafe around enemies. Hell you can even kill them with the blackjack.
No. You can't. Maybe if you're a savescumming retard and doing some retarded shit. You could also just flash bomb them in any of the 3 games and blackjack them all.

>TDS faction does make sense considering, he's been with and against both faction on the previous games, it gives more depth and objectives to the city hub.
He literally killed the Pagans god and stole one of their artifacts from them in the same game where he shoots moss arrows at bricks to get back in their good books. He also steals some holy artifact from the hammers and kills some cockroaches to get in their good books. You can somehow balance being an ally of the hammers and pagans at the same time - it's fucking retarded.

>there's no assassination in TDS
Why give him a dagger instead of something to fight off zombies, haunts and other shit with then? Daggers are for assassinating people.

>T1 and T2 really suffers from bad level design. Most levels are confusing
Incorrect. See how easy that was?

How the fuck are you getting lost in the Mage Towers? That map is one of the most simple ones in the game. Use your compass you Xbox retard. Same shit with Lost City. The compass and the hand drawn maps are extremely easy to follow so you don't get lost in circles.

Kidnap in Thief 2 is a shit mission because it's a Lost City rehash with mechanist junk thrown in that doesn't fit. I'm not about to start defending that.

Kill yourself, brainless kid.

I've just installed Th4if, what am I in for?

uninstall wizard

I just installed Thi4f too. Played the tutorial and I'm already considering uninstalling this shit. Even at 90 FOV it feels like everything is zoomed in so much.


Not that guy but T1/2 AI clearly has some kind of homing system to always waddle in player's direction even if you moved away from the source of sound.

They didn't though. They walk to where the sound was made and then roam around in a radius around it. If they come out to where you went to next that's just luck, because they only walk away from the point of the sound for a few seconds and then start roaming around on the other sides of it.