>see someone's top ten vidya list
>contains FFVII, Chrono Trigger, SMRPG, and/or Earthbound
See someone's top ten vidya list
>best games of 2017
>nier, Botw, splatoon, p5
These are great games
>[game] is GOAT
dumb frogposter
>find a well produced videogame channel on youtube
>every video is about muh legend of mario: banjo-kazooie & knuckles
>sleep now
Is there a channel like this? Link?
retarded amphibian submitter
>These are great games
>#1: Ocarina of Time
>#1. Final Fantasy VII
redditfrog posting should be an instant ban
>work at game company
>Boss fave game of all time is Bioshock Infinite
>game is popular so it isn't good
>#2. FF VII
>game is bad despite being popular
Chrono Trigger is objectively 10/10
Debate me
found the user who's top ten contains FFVII, Chrono Trigger, SMRPG, and/or Earthbound
I'd give it a 6.5/10
>top ten vidya of all time list
>there's a Mario game on it
Tell me your list user so I can point at you and laugh
It's a solid 6/10, nothing more.
>top 100 vidya list
>there's a Souls game on it
>His list is full of contrarian hipster shit
I wouldn't have any of those but they're respectable enough to be someone's favorites.
>top zero vidya list
>there are games on it
What's wrong with this?
>Peepee the meme frog XDD
>These good games are actually SHIT
>OP is in unoriginal bait format
Can you please at least wait until your balls drop before using this website?
Paper Mario 1
Kingdom Hearts 1
Deus Ex
Golden Sun 1
Metroid Prime
Half-Life 1
Decent taste for a frogposter
Why shitposter-kun?
oh and Secret of Mana
To be fair, he never claimed that the contrary was true.
Popular =/= Good either
Not an argument
Pretty good/10
Half-Life 1 is the only flaw. Pick a better FPS
Rpgs shouldn't be on a top ten games list.
Half-Life is easily my favorite FPS so no. after that it's between Duke, Bioshock 1, Jedi Outcast or Postal 2.
Heh, I bet you think you're fitting in really well with that list. However, here's MY top 10:
>STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl
>Fallout New Vegas
>Deus Ex
>Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
>Mother 3
>Planescape Torment
>Gothic II
>Thief II The Metal Age
>God Hand
>single player game
>top 10
I don't care about fitting in. I hate any STALKER game, any mother game, and any gothic game. Plus I would have put KOTOR 2 over 1, but I greatly prefer KOTOR 1.
LOL so true m I rite bro PUBG 4 lyfe XD
I was the one that post implying PUBG was a bad game.
>kotor 1
>golden sun
these are all shit
>I hate any STALKER game, any mother game, and any gothic game.
>I greatly prefer KOTOR 1.
is that pic you?
>using "no u"
The absolute state of frogposters.
>3x3 thread
>It includes MGS 3, Dark Souls, Fallout New Vegas and Metroid Prime
>"Woah such great taste user!"
They're great games hipster-kun.
Maybe if you weren't so assblasted about what's considered iconic or well loved you could appreciate them.
>implying Super Mario Bros. 3 doesn't deserve it
You hipsters are such fucking cunts.
>They're great games
>the best this hipster can do is repeat "They're great games" with pepe image
I'm sure your taste is impeccable my dude. It's funny how hipsters like you get so upset about what others like.
>hipsters like you
Not an argument
>Chrono Trigger
>implying these aren't two of the greatest games ever made
Here's your (You), you contrarian nigger.
All of these games are SHIT. It seriously pisses me off that history will forever look at these games as amazing.
Neither is
>You only hate it because it's popular.
He's not wrong you know. Except for maybe Chrono Trigger, the rest don't really innovate or break ground within their respective genre.
dumb frogposter
CT is a legit 6/10
Alright, here's my top 10. How much of a faggot am I?
10. Halo 2/3 (2 for single player, 3 for online)
9. Left 4 Dead/Left 4 Dead 2
8. Team Fortress 2
7. Banjo Kazooie
6. Pokemon Gold
5. World of Warcraft (Vanilla/TBC)
4. Breath of the Wild
3. Majora's Mask
2. Super Mario World
1. Perfect Dark
I can tell you're a youngling. If you want to make the claim that FFVII wasn't a big deal and didn't try a lot of new things for its time and genre, well you're gonna have to back it up.
Yeah I'd give it a 6/10. I played through to Lavos this year on DS and got fucking slaughtered and thought fuck it. It's a decent game with lovely music and visuals but nothing else really stuck with me.
pretty big fag for wow, l4d and halo. rest are good. Well, old TF2 anyway.
But please tell me what FFVII did that was special?
>can't even beat Lavos
>meh 6/10
SMRPG and FFVII did plenty of new things within their genre and I still haven't played a game with the same charm as EB. Biggest fag in the thread right here.
Who are you quoting?
WoW, L4D, and Halo all bring back fond memories of fucking around with friends, so I guess it wasn't that they're great games but the expetiences I had with then were great.
For us non younglings, it was an experience. It filled our minds with wonder and excitement. You need to have played it as a child and let it grow in your heart.
You didn't answer my question.
I was a teenager when it came out. So get fucked, kid.
WRONG! FFVII isn't even part of the Final Fantasy series. It stands apart, above and isolated from all others by it's sheer brilliance. When you type in Cid theme in Youtube, the theme for Cid from Final Fantasy 7 comes up. Not the theme from any of the other shit Final Fantasys that noone cares about. The graphical style is without peer, the perfectly proportioned models fit perfectly with the high art backgrounds that have never been eclipsed in any game before or since. The storytelling and dialogue convey some of the most fundamental ideas that rage within the human psyche. No other work of human literature can so effectively communicate the struggle of the id, ego and super ego that is the dynamic between Cloud, Zack and Sephiroth, and this is without even touching upon the indescribable masterwork of the main plot and the events within it. Final Fantasy VII is not just a game. It is a work of holy prophesy. It will probably end up becoming the basis of the next major human religion after the Fall.
I did. That's what it did that was special.
Top bants right here
How? You're making a claim that's false. If you were alive at the time, you'd know that there was nothing else like FFVII. You're baiting, or a youngling.
>But please tell me what FFVII did that was special
The burden of proof is on you bro. You made the claim that it did nothing new. Even if it did nothing "new" per se(which it did, Materia alone justifies this claim) it combined a lot of new features in gaming at the time to create a one of a kind experience.
You're just mad that I called you out on being young.
>Top 10 RPGs
>#1 Skyrim
>the burden of proof
No, you faggots are making the claim that FFVII is anything but just an okay game.
>Not just a rehash of the magicite system in FFVI
>combined a lot of new features in gaming
So basically it's groundbreaking because it's unoriginal now? What?
Holy fuck. Go suck some Noctus dick on /vg/ the adults are talking here.
>ad hominem
>non arguments
>unrequited anger
>refusal to back up his own claims
This is solid gold shitposting
>No, you faggots are making the claim that FFVII is anything but just an okay game.
Nope. It's on you dude. YOU made the claim without backing shit up. Fuck you.
Magicite works differently from Materia. Play the game.
>Go suck Noctis dick
I don't like the new Final Fantasy games. I'm too old for them.
You're an assmad faggot that can't stand that FFVII will stand the test of time and remain in the history books until there are no more history books. Get rekt bitch.
I want neo-Sup Forums to leave
ITT Triggered FFVII fags
Facebook Frog off my Sup Forums
literally the exact same thing as what you're complaining about
more like triggered hipsters
>turning the burden of proof around backwards
>expecting to be treated like an adult afterwards.
and triggered chrono triggered fags like
You haven't even said what makes CT so good
>he seriously thinks the burden of proof isn't on him when everyone knows why people like FFVII, especially if they played it on release year
You still haven't backed up your claim faggot.
>muh hipsters
More like
>Faggot college students larp as 30 year olds
pepe posters are too stupid to laugh at boys club
A-user, why d-did you list my t-top 5?
I literally have no horse in this race faggot. Im just telling twitter users to stop posting the normalfag frog here
>Pulls out the Carl the Cuck "argument"
>#1 Tetris
i seriously love boys club and feel bad for matt furie because of assholes on here dragging his creation through the fucking dirt
>He likes the first game in the series more than a sequel even though it's objectively worse
>Having a problem with chrono trigger or Earthbound
How about you reply to me and tell me exactly what your problem is, because I think your issue is that those are popular games and you see people as below you for not having more niche titles for their favorites.