Demo on PC comes out in a few hours, will you play it, Sup Forums?
Demo on PC comes out in a few hours, will you play it, Sup Forums?
I prefer it on Xbox DESU
If the demo is less than maybe 30 gig I'll give it a shot.
>dubya 10
>track day shit
I'll probably try it but I didn't like Forza 5. Horizon or bust.
Few hours? 1 day.
no because PC gets actual racing sims
why would I play simcade trash without VR support
No, forza is a trash simcade, same with GT. If I want to play something fun I'd play horizon 3 or trackmania. If I want something realistic I'll play iRacing or assetto corsa. Not this God awful middle ground that does literally everything wrong.
Still waiting on a fucking sales of Horizon 3 on the win store.
I'm not paying 70 bucks for a game.
Graphics arent garbage like with your sims on your ultra powerful PCs
windows 10 is a console os and i'm a pc gaymer so no thanks.
and what are the graphics in service of? drivatars?
no mod content? physics suited for a controller? complete lack of proper steering wheel support?
What Euro time does the demo come out on PC?
UWP is fantastic at running games unless you need moddability for it (AKA no Beth games)
wow ur stupid
Isn't the demo just Forza 6?
looks like your new sibling is gonna carry my stupid gene
It's more fun
nah I can guarantee getting high and drunk while playing racing sims in VR is incomparable to anything forza has to offer
>driving high and drunk
>Windows store
Yep. At that what time exactly? I wanna try it my G902 wheel.
I already own the physical Xbone version but wanna play it on my desktop with the 1080Ti and it never goes on sale.
Shits like 40$ bucks on cdkeys
There's literally nothing wrong with it
>won't let you TRY to launch the game if you don't meet hw requirements
We're talking about shit like not being able to install Apex on a PC if you don't have latest win10 update, DESPITE THE FACT that my original pre-anniversary install could run the same version of Apex installed before just fine.
It won't let me launch run Horizon on my laptop because Iris' wierd VRAM configuration isn't properly detected, despite the fact that I shit on the likes of 930M in most games.
I don't like racing simulators, but I am fascinated by the technology in them.
Anyone here has all that +$1000 peripherals?
It is really good? You feel like driving the actual cars?
Like, you can feel the difference in each car?
then just update your pc you colossal faggot
Wow, fuckin solid argument there man, you should get into politics.
It's $48 on cdkeys and you can sell the physical copy for $30-40
>Windows 10
Yes, but as with all genre of "simulator" in reality cars handle more predictably.
In aims everything is dialled to 11 where every car is like driving a car with no power steering and rockets for feedback motors. Have to dial is down soo much to simulate real feedback.
And finally every sim has at least one wonky feature.
Forzas weight feels perfect but the tyre model doesn't have enough elasticity gripping the road. And dim steering exaggerates counter steer speed.
Asetto corsa has some weirdness with steering rack amounts and slow speed. and gives no options on xbox to change the curve rate of rotation etc.
I want my physical copy though, I'm not interested in paying almost full price for a year old game.
Cute, it's a simcade. Games like Forza and GT don't hold a candle compared to rFactor 2 or iRacing.
AC's weird understeer/wheel scrub at low speeds is usually caused by using the default suspension setup
just give it a few clicks of ride height in the front
i'm happy with my $250 G25
in assetto corsa cars feel different and you can shift weight around (esp. in heavy 4WD cars) and dance around differing levels of grip
of course it doesn't feel like driving a real car because there's no ass feedback and no Gs, but it's very, very cool
with 1000+ in peripherals, its worth it if you have a VR capable PC
its not worth buying anything past an all in one steering wheel setup like a g27 or g29, if youre playing on a monitor, but you're not getting anywhere close to 1000 dollars with those.
none of this applies to forza because the FFB is trash and it has no VR
Picked it up with all DLC for $67 a few weeks ago. The Ultimate edition with all cars was 50% off($50) and the expansion pass that contains the 2 area dlc(snow mountain and hot wheels) was $17. Still expensive but I think that's the best we're going to get as far as sales.
Anime paintjobs is one of best things of this game
This. Going to consider it a One X launch title along with Halo Wars 2: Awakening the Nightmare, Shadows of Mordor, Recore the Definitive Edition, Battlefront 2, and Cuphead since it seems launch titles aren't really a thing anymore with these version 1.5 consoles coming out.
I couldn't update my PC because Anniversary was crashing my other system like crazy until 6 months after the update was out.
Probably going to try the demo but I guess I will go with Project Cars 2. Looks better for me.
Racing sims are fun as fuck, fag
Just blast some eurobeat, drink some beer and go fast
And you don't need a 1000$ wheel, my cheap Thrustmaster T150 does just fine (I did however get myself T3PA Pro pedals)
And of course you can feel the difference between each car
Even slightly adjusting the suspension makes the car feel a little different
I'm going to get my first racing wheel soon, maybe a Thrustmaster. Do I really need a racing stand, or could I get away with just mounting it on the extending keyboard part of my desk?
i use the same design on one of my cars, a corvette i think
no because the sliding keyboard tray is probably not stiff enough
its real annoying if your wheel is on a flimsy surface, honestly better off drilling holes into a table that is suitable and mounting it like that
Hell no. Wake me up when the Windows store is doomed to close it's doors. Maybe then I'm willing to download a repack that cuts down that 100gb monster to a decent 20-30gb.
>in a few hours
I thought it was supposed to come out tomorrow.
A very pleasant surprise if true.
Try the demo.
If you like it, you should buy it or get a job.