Start game

>start game
>it's turn-fucking-based
>can't believe myself
>check the calendar just to make sure I didn't timetravel back to some backwards era where unwashed plebians had to live without glorious real time games
>nope, still in 2017
>sit here in complete shock over the realisation that some people are still so slow of mind and averse to progress that they prefer clunky, boring turn-based games instead of enjoying the unparalleled wonders of real-time games.

SMART hamster poster is he /our guy/

dumb hamsterposter

>turn on 3ds
>play golden sun 1
>damn this game is pretty fun
>oh wait turn based jrpgs aren't so bad
>not a fag

>slow of mind
>didn't realize it was a turn-based game until he actually played it


How come weebs are so retarded?

umaru season 2 when?

Soon, fellow hamstafag

Definitely needs to be some better turn-based games.

Nothing wrong with it though.

October 8th. 3 weeks.

>sit here in complete shock over the realisation that some people are still so slow of mind and averse to progress that they prefer clunky, boring turn-based games instead of enjoying the unparalleled wonders of real-time games.
Hey Chris, enjoyed Sonic Mania?

>dumb Umaruposter's brain is afflicted with ADHD

Sorry you can't sit still for more than 5 seconds, poor thing.

>yfw all turn-based games are glorified boardgames, and can be easily solved by a brute force AI


>mfw season 2 in less than a month

I can't believe some people actually dislike Umaru. This anime is the purest comfy

I like umaru herself but the anime is cr*p sorry

Most of them are watamote fans mad because Umaru got a season 2 while watamote will NEVER EVER get a second season

I love it. Watashit is dead, the hampster lives. god I hated tomoko, so glad I never see her posted anymore

I like tomoko when her mouth is stuff with a big thick cock.

catch light

When is the manga getting new chapters?

The manga is getting new chapter in Japan every week, the problem is that the guy who was translating dropped because he said the fanbase is too annoying and it's not worth the effort.

>top down camera

I can't believe this meme hamster still alive somehow