Mark the date.
in 5 days new LWA gameplay about Diana (Best Girl) is revealed.
>chromatic apparitions
>receding hairline covered by fringe
Comfy rivals playing vidya.
You are the reason why we never got a Straight LWA porn.
I know, isn't it great?
Diana is the best girl
So kill yourself, fag.
Damn right.
>we never got a Straight LWA porn
What the fuck are you talking about? Most LWA doujins are straight.
Akko is a Marvelfag and a westaboo in general.
The TV series is so shit, the only good LWA is the first OVA. The game will be shit just like the TV. Trigger have a great potential at taking a good idea and turning it into the most boring shit ever.
Trigger was always trash.
>Diana (Best Girl)
>Putting this much hype in what's little more than a glorified take of a licensed anime 5.5-6.5 JRPG of the 8-bit to late 16-bit era.
The production values on graphics are fair, but fuck stop thinking this shit will be GOTY just because you're a fan of a Chinese cartoon by the guys who made a show about symbiote clothes
All of Straight LWA doujins are shit.
Diana is nice but the best team will be Amanda, Akko and Constanze.
Great, cant wait for the SFM models
For /u/, I enjoy my underage witches getting fucked by all kinds of things, even though I ship them with each other.
>no straight LWA porn
Exactly why Talented artist who can draw LWA accurately should draw straight LWA doujins
You have low standards then, are you living on Africa or South America ?
But there is.
Which is how it should be.
>low standards
No, I just don't care about either Sup Forums or /lgbt/ bullshit, I just enjoy porn.
Explain why its good.
You cant fap to it (unless you are a fag)
Idolmaster got tons of Good Straight hentai doujins
Talented artists don't have such shit taste as you my friend.
>You cant fap to it (unless you are a fag)
Idolmaster is het trash so who cares.
>Isnt shit taste.
Yeah, faggot confirmed. cant wait for Kim to nuke the world already.
I don't feel the need to self-insert like most clinical retards on this site.
Idolmaster is 99% Woman 1% Man just like LWA.
So you cant explain then, then i can freely calling you a retard.
At least we'll all die together
>het shitter
>commie fuck
Like pottery
No upskirt, no buy.
>People who enjoy straight porn is an het
Idol master is 100% shit, so hat's your point again?
>1 cute anime girl and some fat faggot I didn't come for
>2 cute anime girls
Try rewriting that to make sense, fucktard.
Sure idolmaster is shit.
But the porn isnt shit, its a goddamn diamonds.
Producer was a bro, while Andrew was a fuckboy.
Okay. And what that has to do with LWA? Go back to your idiotmaster.
Because it doesn't belong in the series unlike something like Akko X Diana. I'm not a hetfag or a yurifag, I just enjoy doujins a lot more if I can believe the relationship. That's why I dislike doujins with faceless old men. I can't fap to still images anyway so that's not a factor.
so where's the porn
>Because it doesn't belong in the series
Episode 19 LWA is a Hentai Doujin story material.
>dislike doujins with faceless old men.
Wew user, truly you have a shit taste
Not him, but I enjoyed that doujin where Sucy gets hard fucked by an old fat guy because it's what she honestly deserves. Just wish it was longer. At least Lotte was spared.
So what the fuck is this game exactly? Every time I read the threads it's just people roleplaying as lesbians.
I mean, some kind of magical lesbian dating sim RPG(?) is fine, I guess.
It's like Dragon's Crown but with lesbian witches.
Since they only have value as stories and not as fap material to me, I usually find them shitty. Not that there can't be good stories about rape, but in doujins they're one-in-a-million.
>Fapping to penises is straight
>Hannah and Barbara are not playable
Why do they keep getting cucked? I just want my team of Barbara/Lotte sperging out about Nightfall.
Beat em up with a 3D exploration element.
So like Dragon's Crown except the Amazon isn't magically sprouting some aftermarket accessories to plow into the female cast. Sensational.
>chromatic apparitions
Ghosts from the 80s?
This was before Trigger realized they had decent popularity. We gotta wait for a sequel.
post the entire thing
irelevant if she can't get raped
No. Go find it on dynasty, it's good.
What went wrong?
I misunderstood and thought they were. My hype died slightly when it became apparent they were only confirmed to appear.
>Tfw no bully dream team
>giant Diana crushing a city of helpless plebians
The fapping will be real.
Its prostitution
Diana whoring herself to Paul & Andrew is a good doujin material.
Why not her aunt and cousins? They're hotter anyways.
Adding males to the show.
Why can't she be real?
When a goddam fucking Andrew gets more episode and character development than most side characters.
They not popular.
LWA was unironically one of the best tv animes ever made
I think I'm too attached to Diana's character to enjoy that. But that image I saw of Diana's aunt and cousins with Paul was good.
He was a meant to be a more important character.
>no pubes
fucking whore.
Its fiction user.
Now if someone who can draw do it....
Even with his relevance slashed, he had much more screentime than Lotte and Sucy in the second cour, which is retarded.
t. 80 year old
Look at this.
This body is meant to be fucked with 6 dicks, not a finger.
>not wanting your waifu to be happy with her beloved instead of having to whore herself out
They shouldn't make him important then.
Lotte and Sucy deserve more spotlight, heck the whole goddam academy deserve more spotlight.
Adding politic bullshit ruined the series.
Homo, heres an Andrew. Im sure you love him.
She shaved.
>post men in a thread about cute witches
>calls someone else a homo
>posts limbs attached to a limbless idle
Nobody loves Andrew.
Wow gurren lagann reference?
Trigger confirmed for bros!!
When will this meme word end?
Akko would have if Netflix wasn't run by SJW.
Akko is a lewd girl
? ? ?
>Netflix wasn't run by SJW
I seriously can't tell if you're being serious or not.
Jews push sjw agenda, so he's right on that point. It doesn't have anything to do with the topic though.
Superior comfy girls watching lets plays