Why was this so shit?

Why was this so shit?

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cuz u bad

It's not. It's the best Wolfenstein game.


Nice troll ranking there

Not even trolling. I had more fun in 09 than any of the others.

When was the last time you played it? Because by god it's mundane.

A few years ago. I played TNO and RTCW after 09, and 3D before 09.

3D is basic but enjoyable.
RTCW is a decent FPS but it plays like every other FPS that came out at the time
09 is a little linear but the sounds of the guns and the satisfaction of the special weapons just puts in on another level
TNO was really boring and really frustrating. the guns sounded awful as well. It was like every gun was a peashooter.

Can someone answer a question for me? It's pretty wolfenstein relevant.
Why's it okay for 99% if shooters to allow you to kill commies but when1% (wolfenstein) let's you kill specifically nazis it's somehow pandering and wrong?

Mah fucking nigga.

I keep replaying this game. For me it did a few things right.

>Modding weapons was comfy as hell.
>Weapons were nice yo use and the gore was nice too.
>The town of the resistance was comfy AF also.
>The medallion and its powers were also nice.

IDK, it has a few things at the perfect amount and in the end I really enjoyed the experience. I truly think its a hidden gem and I was really dissapointed when the new wolfeinsteins didt have that weapon modding mechanic.

You mean why it's better than nuWolfenstein? Maybe because it still felt like a video game not a corridor shooter and the supernatural elements added to the gameplay as well.

09 is literally just as much of a corridor shooter as TNO and TOB, if not worse outside of that pointless hubworld

on top of that the guns all feel unsatisfying as fuck

dude you're totally misremembering 09. the guns in 09 sounds like shit and feel like air rifles

I have all the online trophies for this game.
Good luck getting any of them today.

I can still remember the thud of the Gewehr and the MP40 in that game very vividly. I'm not misremembering them.

This guy gets it. Playing through the second time with cheats on made it even more fun.

Maybe because you didn't actually play it and just read online about how people don't like it as much as Return to Castle Wolfenstein so you based your entire opinion on that? Just a guess though.

Really good shooter, very satisfying and crazy weapons. Exploring the world for secrets is really fun. Nice atmosphere, very comfy.

I wish it had a traditional health system like the other games. Regenerating health is the one thing keeping it from being my favorite Wolfenstein game.

When I played through the series recently, I came in expecting a COD clone from everything people had said about this game. Not the case, it's a genuinely good game.

Here we are, skip to about 5 minutes in



Maaaah men thats it.

The second play was like "im fucking going to particle cannon all yo asses"

Also I didt quite improve the medallion the first play and it was OP af.

Idk, first prey, this wolfestein and singularity... Those games did something really right. They were new but you could smell a lot of 90 shooters in them and it was nice. Also the mechanics in the three of them are kinda similar, like "wrapons and something else" (wolfenstein medallion, time thingy in singularity and bow in prey)

They are the perfect pop corn shooter.

No. Raven one of the best game developers.

Why is it still not on steam?

Are you asking about the state of you brain or the game?


Dude, 09 is the least linear of Wolfenstein games.

All Wolfenstein games are excellent. The least great is probably Spear of Destiny.

Activision lost the rights. Abandonware.

u are shit

Heavy Activision interference to try to make it more palatable to an audience weaned on COD, hence everything is weird and underdeveloped. The open world is just padding, and the linear shooting parts are shit, and the setpieces don't even have the bombast of Return or TNO/TOB.

They own that game specifically, but they can't sell it due to not owning the right anymore

Copyright law wankery

2009 Wolfenstein is nothing like CoD

Ah, yes, the Wolfenstien game so bland Yahtzee reviewed it in limerick form.