My grandfather just died and I feel like shit; recommend me games about Death or sad games

My grandfather just died and I feel like shit; recommend me games about Death or sad games.

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Don't do that. Play something happy and celebrate their life by remembering the happy times you had with him. It's OK to cry when there is happiness in them. I'd play a mario game or something you find nostalgic.

Stardew Valley.



play some Stardew and relax. get comfy

This charming little game rips out your heart and stomps on it during the last 30 minutes or so of the game.


no play fun game
always rember happy day

>recommend me games about Death or sad games
What Remains of Edith Finch

Discworld II...not only is Death himself in the game, he also speaks in capital letters and you can totally visit his house and have a nice little chat with his "daughter" Susan and feed his horse Binky.

Persona 3

Diablo 3 or doom. Nothing like slaughtering thousands of daemons to make sure your gramps arrives at the right place

I've been listening to some of his favorite artists. But I'd just like a game I could play that would sort of help the grieving process. But I'll try my best not not dwell in my sadness for too long.

I've wanted to play this, now's a good time as any to buy it.

Seems like a great time. I'll check this out.


My dad died recently and I still can't listen to this without tearing up.

I'm sorry, user

It's Sim City (Town?) but for dead people

I'll have a listen when I'm out of this shitty lecture. I can't even remotely concentrate today. I'm so sorry for your loss. My grandpa was my father figure so I can relate.

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective


Hang in there you guys.


>recommend me games about Death
Planescape: Torment

>recommend me games about sad games
I don't know any games like that, sorry.

Thanks anons, at least I can say that if my dad was in the same situation as Brad (kinda was) I know he would and has done the same for me. We're all gonna make it.

My punctuation is shit, I meant just sad games in general.

Here's a game about death and sadness.

But it's definitely not a good game for someone who Loves their grandfather

Corpse Party


>I feel sad
>Give me games to feel sadder

What the fuck is wrong with some people?

Life is Strange