How did Blizzard get away with this? Why was there a fucking outrage over tracers ass, while you get this shit.
How did Blizzard get away with this? Why was there a fucking outrage over tracers ass, while you get this shit
Because everyone loves it.
You can't be sexist against men
tumblr dont care about men
This but unironically #sorrynotsorry
Sexualising men is okay
Ew dat roid gut
You now realize that the vocal minority is the loudest and are subject to the same boons and banes of opinion. Stop being swayed so easily by them.
because barely anyone plays heroes of the storm
This fits Tychus' character.
>opening crates is more fun and engaging than playing the game
nice excuse for not working out
Because liberals are hypocrites.
That said, more beefcake is always welcome.
who tf is the second skin of?
>Cut out Tychus' cigar because it's "controversial"
>Put in Tychus' giant dong bulge
Getting mixed messages here.
because this is one of the first times in gaming i've seen a man's bulge sculpted pretty clearly like that. makes you think, huh.
>Why was there a fucking outrage over tracers ass, while you get this shit.
Because Tracer is a woman.
>Because liberals are hypocrites.
Wasn't them that caused the outrage friend.
>Liberals didn't complain about Tracer's pose
Smoking is bad, sexualization is good.
Women can't handle that there are more attractive females in the world and get even more annoyed when it's digital/2D so they need to censor it as much as possible so they can feel better about themselves. Men just don't give a fuck.
it was 2 sexy 4 tumblr you dingus
Literally one guy did. And it was specifically about the pose, yes. Why go to Tychus or an example when pic related still exists in Overwatch and never drew a complaint from anybody? Would that make it too obvious that you're completely misrepresenting the situation?
The only actual "outrage" surrounding this was misguided Sup Forumstards who found another molehill to die on in the name of "free speech" because obviously they know better what Blizz ought to do with their own game.
eh let them be idiots, imma just sit here and enjoy the barabait
HotS has loads of babes so it's only fair they get some hunks in there too.
Because men don't care about beefy attractive men being depicted but women throw a shitfit if more attractive women exist. Women are extremely petty and insecure.
>gaijin4kona meme
I miss this so much.
Seems like you are pretty outraged, so I guess there is outrage isn't there
where you in a coma in 2016, when they announced the new poses in the beta?
People who put free speech in quotation marks absolutely disgust me. If you live in the U.S. please move somewhere else.
Should I have written to Naughty Dog about Drake doing the Dab?
No, I wasn't. That's how I'm able to describe what happened so accurately.
Yeah, no, we all know that you know what Blizzard *really* wants to do with their game, and so in the name of free speech they have to do as you say, for their own good. This is some real 1984 shit my friend.
I fail to see the problem here.
Clearly Blizzard liked the pose or they wouldn't have put it in the game? Regardless, please don't ever put free speech in quotation marks. Free speech is one of the most valuable things we have in the world. It's something incredibly precious that shouldn't be disparaged.
the problem is Reinhardt has no wrestling singlet skin
literally this
olympic skin when
>Clearly Blizzard liked the pose or they wouldn't have put it in the game?
Making a video game is an iterative process and not everything pans out. When you're working on something with a team of 50 people you can expect lots of things to be tried out and discarded.
And I'll disparage anyone who uses "free speech" as an excuse to chimp out about other people having opinions.
imagine this happened instead
>hammer is a giant dumbbell
>E throws a used towel
post more widowmaker
>Mfw there will never be an action game with a full male cast wearing nothing but tight and revealing clothing
>he doesn't know about dreadlord jaina
because woman doesn't get jealous about fictional sexy men, straight and faggy men can enjoy sexy character without complaining about it
That's a scar.
>tight clothing
Any superhero game?
>not twice as autistic
Where to find this modelviewer?
yesh I'am ritraded
>smoking makes people die
>sex creates life
Gee i dunno
Well, he had to put it somewhere, didn't he? Not many places to hide a cigar in that outfit.
That's a scar from getting shanked in prison.
You'll be a moron faggot. Kys
>her dance is swinging around on a stripper pole