Are streamers the most redpilled people on the internet?

Are streamers the most redpilled people on the internet?
>literally making thousands of dollars off retards and underages every month
>laughing behind everyone's backs while they """""work""""" 5 hours a day
>exploiting the system and hoarding all the monetary profits between themselves
>shitting on brands/devs/publishers without any negative repercussions
>pretending they have philanthropistic goals during """""charity""""" seasons of the year or after natural disasters when in reality they are simply selling their brand while also pocketing a big sum of money

They are making so much money that some of them are:
>wasting thousands of dollars in esport teams that will never amount anything significant
>unironically buying houses in Canada aka paying 1 million dollars for property that is worth 200k
>burning it on frivolous shit like luxury brands watches, women, first class plane tickets, etc

Some of them are making so much money that they actually believe they have talent.
So when will you ditch your job in favor of playing video games for money?

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That's not what redpilled means

>So when will you ditch your job in favor of playing video games for money?
But most people don't have the luck of a top streamer.

Thats exactly what it means.

So what happens when a streamer gets old? It's not like they can retire. Maybe the top streamers can but some mid streamers able to live off streaming probably don't make enough to retire.

>earning 50k a month
>doesnt start a retirement program
Also age doesnt mean anything since theres already a handful of +35 y/o streamers making mountains of money.

I know it's pathetic but sometimes I consider streaming games just so I have people to talk to. I wouldn't even bother with monetizing it. I'd just hope to have 4 or 5 people who'd watch and talk to me.

I wonder if "grandpa streamers" will become a thing in the future.

try talking coherently for more than an hour mr. daily bait user

Lirik is a millionaire playing vidya, while most of us are slaves to mcdonalds.

How does it feel user?

>quit job
>all you do is commentate on others playing games
>everything you do is begging for subs and donations
honestly i can tolerate regular streamers/speedrunners, but commentators as livestreamers? LOL what kind of fucking hell

>So what happens when a streamer gets old?
they continue to stream, and now have an incredibly established audience willing to give them a nice wage even if they continue to produce very little. look at spoony, he hasn't done shit in forever and still gets money.

It's a scam just like art, a way o move money around

Fuck off, Hollywood.

It's weird. I really like watching Sing Sing but holy fuck I cannot stand anyone else, they always remind me of why I hate watching streamers. I don't even mean the blaring nigger clanging at max volume like a 15 year old, just in general they're fucking boring to watch.

>go to his stream when Overwatch launched
>highest viewers so curious
>$5 donations every second
>sub every second so he doesn't even read them off
>$50 donations of people saying how he saved their lives and other emotional garbage
How the fuck do people even watch him? He wasn't even funny or entertaining, he just screamed "fuckboi" every second.

ITT: capitalism at its finest

I dont believe for a second those streams are real, it's more likely a psychological marketing stunt to get other real people to donate.

that's an easier pill to swallow, isn't it?

Most streamers, especially the bigger ones stream closer to 10-12 hours a day

Also most of them actually have to blindly shill for companies because early access/review copies are fucking gold dust for streamers, bringing in massive viewership and donations/subs with them, so they suck the companies cocks pretty hard

the world is more insidious than you'd think

What's up with the new generation of kids. Back in my day (yeah, I know) we PLAYED the games instead of watching some unfunny prick playing them.

It's called cheap entertainment you fucking faggots, why do people watch mindnumbing TV and same reason mindnumbing Twitch? Because they want to escapce and they actually find these entertainment outlets funny, but you have to realise they contribute nothing to your life. But again what do I expect, people spam emotes and twitchmemes mindlessly like they are robots, while these streamers playing vidya having fun and actually earning a shitton of money while doing very little, they fucking earn more than a doctor with 10yrs degree he worked fucking hard for, what do you do user? Watching them and cucking your life so hard, wake the fuck up.

>people get rich doing what they love
>meanwhile you slave your life away working for suits

>while these streamers playing vidya having fun
LOL, nothing sadder than seeing streamers slowly dying inside as they realise there is nothing more boring than playing videogames all day

And this is why I know you are under 18 and haven't worked a single minute in your life, but time will come and you will realise how easy they have it.

The majority of streamers are one game only meaning if they switch game they face a massive drop in viewership. I'd like to see how much fun you'd have playing the same game 8 hours a day for four years

for $3 more, they get netflix
like where's the logic in subbing to someone on twitch when that's a reality or the simple fact most of them post highlights onto youtube
so like what

I'm a partnered streamer and I can confirm that shill donations to spur on other donations are a thing that happen although I'm not sure how common it is. You still need popularity and people willing to give money for it to work though but there is a psychological effect even without shilling where once someone does those initial donations others will follow and create a atmosphere of donating.

I value my dignity too much to become a streamer, next to not being sociable or talented enough of course. If you honestly think that putting thousands of hours into building a following, playing vidya for hours every single day, "building your own brand" and acquiring basically zero skills while doing it is worth it, be my guest. But I don't want anything to do with people that sell themselves out that easily.

Relative, I would rather grind a fucking game like WoW 8 hours a day and be a millionaire or really rich like that Towelliee guy who has been doing the same shit for years and buy nice car, house and actually go out on 2 days off, than doing excel and being annoyed by my boss who screams at me.

No it doesn't if you're stating that they are burning through their money because they think the eceleb well is limitless.

Game streaming is nothing compared to trailer/show reactors.

>actually paying a stranger on the internet so he keeps making generic comments about the latest flavour of the month show
Holy shit.

Redpill means hating woman and minorities.

Most of these people crave social interaction, the chat and interaction is why twitch works they way and why it is so popular, and if you want to feel part of the community and chat and be "social" you need to sub, altough the streamer does not give a shit about you.

Then you remember that only 1%!of streaming "make it"

That nigger is living in a studio apartment tho

>mfw I slave my life away making suits and looking fashionable
Cruel world...

Well I don't know about %, but plenty of people have above average lifes just by having like 4000 viewers average, like that Destiny guy.

>That YouTuber who quit making quality content to stream and beg for donations

most of them have discord links, only the biggest ones have locked it behind subs and even then you don't want to join largely because chat would be moving too fast
I don't mind the social aspect, it's why you and I are here, but when people bring up twitch as some cheap alternative and yet all these people are wasting a LOT of their money (money they most likely don't have) on some streamer (possibly more than one)? Now that's some sad shit.

>youtube monetization shit happening
>twitch will likely have something similar soon
>being 30 with no marketable skill

That's gonna end so well for so many people.

>his youtube videos are now just stream highlights, or "im streaming now!" videos
ill just dmca his channel desu

Beyonce and U2 make millions off from touring the world

I guess we should become subway/farmers market buskers. Were all musicians anyway

skip to 14:50

While I found these stream funny occasionly I quit watching twitch, and I check youtube for highlights, and that's it, why the fuck would I waste my time watching a guy playing for 8 hours a day and saying "thanks for subbing xy" every 2nd minute while basically doing nothing. Also most of these streamers only got big because they had great followers, who made their streams entertaining. Lirik isn't as funny as some Arma3 life mod people were or people who stream sniped him in games... If you pay attention you will see this and also how he beves is really monotoune and repeats himself.

>being mad that you're not charismatic enough to be a streamer.

Nah, people just get blinded by the success of that top 0.00000000001% of streamers.

Even high-to-midrange streamers struggle with making minimum wage nowadays. Just look at /ourguy/ Phil "I LITERALLY INVENTED LET'S PLAYS REEEEEE" Burnell, he streams all day every day and for what? Some $900/month through Patreon? He's still struggling to pay for his utilities and housing.

>all the autists on YouTube and twitch make the most money

take a guess of the demographic. The only real problem are the ones donating those $50 that means they're older and actually enjoy them

Yeah, but he's based and making money off playing videogames.
Never talk bad about /ourguy/ again on my board.

>Not going for the game analysis bubble
Super Bunnyhop makes 6k a month and hasn't posted a video since opening Patreon

>try talking coherently for more than an hour mr. daily bait user

So anyone that works in a call center? Or teachers? Or people that give lectures? Or literally any job that requires you to do more than say "You want fries with that?"

>that one sweet grandpa streamer that SJWs almost destroyed because he kinda sorta looks like a random pedo they found

Money laundering!

It makes so much sense now - Let's Players are the only people that can plausibly support getting thousands in "donations" from anonymous overseas accounts.

> No expectation from Let's Player to know his/her donors - unlike a laundromat, a lawyer, a babysitter, etc. no one expects a Let's Player to understand where donors get money = less questions asked about sources
> Small amounts of individual "donations" = less likely to flag automated systems
> Global = can accept "donations" from high-risk regions and have plausible deniability
> Super cheap to set up a cover business, just get some slut with a webcam and a free LoL account = no need to spend money on legitimate employees, rent a brick-and-mortar front, manage the "clean" side of the business to make sure it appears profitable to outsiders, etc

>So when will you ditch your job in favor of playing video games for money?
If I was lucky enough to be part of the 0.00001% of people that do this shit and actually make any money, I wouldn't need a job in the first place

Why is he even so popular? He's not funny, he's not entertaining, he's not witty, doesn't stand out in any way whatsoever. The most stereotypical braindead dude weed faggot I have ever seen.

I can understand why some other people got as popular as they did because they actually do have some charm, skill, sense of humor or nice community, but LIRIK is 0 talent, 0 skill, 0 effort, and yet he's the most popular streamer on twitch.

His chat is useless due to how many people are posting at the same time, so you can't even say it's about community or socializing, like with other streamers.


Don't forget crippling depression and stressing about being able to maintain your viewbase or losing your livelihood.

> streamer

isnt he the fag who got triggered by people making fun of that guy who couldn't even pass cuphead tutorials

>Don't forget crippling depression and stressing about being able to maintain your viewbase
Oh yeah, because their life is just so hard.
It must be so rough playing games all day and making sure you're not an asshole while working,
It would be much easier to make $700 in a day if they just quit streaming and picked up a hard labour job sweeping and moving steel around in a metal shop or some other degrading, menial task like most other people.

Oh wait, its almost like doing hard labour at minimum wage for a company that could replace you in a moment without giving a shit is way more depressing and way easier to get fired from

>not enough to pay his bills when he has a condo and rented a new car iirc

T. Phil

There had to be at least one devil's advocate for that. I'm just happy with the opinions of the other 99% of respected game journalists.

seems like his entire niche is just being the safe devils advocate

None of those jobs require you to be entertaining, teaching and call center work is like reading from a script most of the time, it's very rare that you'll actually have to think about what to say, especially call center work, after a few days you just start going on auto-pilot the second you log in.

>it's very rare that you'll actually have to think about what to say, especially call center work, after a few days you just start going on auto-pilot the second you log in.
t.someone that never worked at a call center job and hasn't had to listen to an old lady tell you about how alone she is and how you sound like her dead son while you are forced to try and sell her life insurance and can't stop until she says no at least three times because you might get fired

>especially call center work
>literally spending all day every day having people to go kill yourself
>not depressing

How do you go about becoming rich from twitch?

get really lucky and have wealthy parents that can help you afford to buy high quality webcams, microphones and meme chairs

You kinda have to be rich to start off with, or at least not poor.

He has arab oil money in the family so they use him to launder it to the states while paying people to go watch his streams. Of course they don't need to pay anyone to watch anymore because everyone wants to watch the biggest streamer on twitch.

>be live show host
>""""Work""" for 5 hours a week
>make millions of dollars

I hate eceleb shit and streamers are bullshit for autistic kids but it's not anything new or unheard of. Also there's only like a dozen streamers out there doing what you describe, most of them make less than anyone with a real professional job. Maybe 20,000 is a lot to an unemployed autist like you but it isn't much for anyone else.

> His chat is moving too fast
Sounds like someone hasn't discovered the secret truth to twitch chat.

Wtf i thought Robin Williams off'd himself

>5 hours

From what i've seen streamers stream for 6-8 hours a day or more and don't take breaks because they fear getting overtaken by someone else. It sounds like an awful way to start to hate video games fast.

>is like reading from a script most of the time

Funny how I've never once been able to find that script that I'm supposed to read from when dealing with a screaming adult child who thinks that if they scream and yell for long enough that will magically mean that they don't have to pay their bills on time. Or with crazies and drunks who are in need of attention. Or people that are pretty much pouring out their life stories because they can't afford medication or medical equipment and I'm the asshole that has to say "No, I'm sorry, but we're not going to pay for that medicine you need to live."

They transition into being a terrible debater.

You definitely want to start off with money. Get good internet, strong PC to stream, webcam, mic, and be entertaining. Be able to juggle whatever it is you're playing with interacting with chat, have a schedule so people know when to "tune in" to you, and having the ability to laugh at yourself are also really good.

I mean sure, but what the hell does any of that have to do with being redpilled?

You do know 99% of them had enough money to live the dream before even starting to stream, right?
Them asking for money to buy specific things is just them not taking any fucking risk at all.

"Redpill" is just a buzzword thrown around here nowadays

Said anything?
Demo doesnt beg for donations, tho


If you're not a woman or already famous you're shit out of luck.

If you still want to try, you got to give people a real reason to watch you and keep watching you. People should be coming to watch you, the video game you're playing is just incidental. You need charisma, if you don't have this you're never going to make.
If you think you've got what it takes to make it big, you just got to stream, a lot. You're going to have to do it everyday, probably like it's a full time job. When you're not streaming you have to be networking and plugging your stream.

There is so many people trying to get into streaming now that unless you're going to put in a fuck ton of effort and know you have what it takes, it's not even worth it.
Don't go into it expecting to make it big though, almost no one does. I know someone who is a sad sack of shit. He streams daily, has been for years and years, he's never made it big, never will and has essentially wasted his life and ruined many of his future prospects betting on streaming. He's wasted so much time and made so little money he'd have been better off just getting a minimum wage job. Don't become like this guy.

>I don't mind the social aspect, it's why you and I are here
speak for you're self, loser

they are actively destroying the current generation of kids who are willing to sit for 8 hours watching some faggots act like a retard while playing vidya instead of them actually playing something themselves or doing something else. The vast majority of vidya streams are just as retarded as your Dr. Phil/Oz shit, Judge Judy shit, and Steve Wilkos shit

here's the attention you so desperately wanted

this. my friend's little brother is trying to be a youtuber rn....and he's doing Hot Pepper videos.

Hot pepper videos were like....2012/2013. He's just doing shit thats old news.

Why do some streamers look like they actively want to kill themselves?

You know the answer to this question.

>he figured out you can make more money streaming than making movies so he faked his own death
Streaming have gotten out of control, it must be stopped!!!

Unless you're a woman, you're gonna need connections like anything that could net you a profit, or you'll be wallowing in the abyss with the countless others who are trying to make it big.
Personality is EVERYTHING when it comes to streaming. You'll need some ridiculous natural charisma so you aren't coming off as forced or "ripping off" someone else, and that's probably going to be the hardest part is finding your place in the madness that is Twitch Streaming. You'll also need to completely rebrand your sense of humor and mannerisms if they're even the slightest bit offensive beyond basic swearing, and even that needs to be kept to a minimum. Remember, Twitch likes those who can appeal to a universal audience, which means you have to consider the kiddies at all times.
Not only that, you'll also need to have quite a lot of money ready to acquire a setup (Webcam, outfitting your room for streaming/recording, a good PC, strong internet, the actual fucking games, etc) and rearrange your schedule and social life to accommodate the fact you'll be streaming for several hours a day, ideally EVERY day.
Just remember you aren't often gonna get to do something you honestly like since most people care about shit like PUBG, MOBAs and Fighting Games, and you won't get a chance to really express that without accidentally alienating your audience of retards and children.
>tl;dr don't bother unless you already have some bank, are willing to sell your soul and can actually entertain people


Quit making xcom/arma videos to just stream pubg every day and sometimes D&D
I don't look forward to his Thursday night xcoms anymore ;_;

keemstar is literally an antisjw

I miss him.

We all do. Just don't say anything in his chat or they'll berate you. His streams are pretty fun though, when they fucking work.

Good point user