>Minecraft thread xD
When did you stop playing Minecraft? Last time I played, sprinting and hunger wasn't a thing.
Tried playing it again recently and it was really boring.
But then I recently got into playing Terraria and really enjoy it.
Minecraft thread xD
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I tried for a while and occasionally come back to it. It just feels so empty beyond early game though. The Legos is fun, but the game is lacking.
Subnautica hits the comfy home spot better.
Is Subnautica "complex"?
I can't even remember the update, only the year, which was late 2011-early 2012.
I did try to play it again with some friends a year or two ago but I couldn't get behind it. It's this weird feeling of nothing's changed but at the same time, there's too much weird stuff added that didn't amount to much.
the game shines best with mods
not really if anything it has a lack of complexity, which would make it better but probably less accessible considering how slow paced the gameplay is.
I come back to it every so often to play the millenaire mod for like a day
I never really paid much attention to it, but when it came out on the Wii U me and my friends got it and it was great. We spent over 500 hours dicking around, building shit on different worlds, making up new game modes in a psudo-dungeons and dragons thing, etc. It was pretty fun.
I got it for Switch but the last time I played (Probably in April or June) I was having trouble connecting to my friend so I dunno if it was just some weird glitch or what, but I haven't played since. We got the alpacas and parrots update but I'm not sure if anything has changed since then.
That sounds comfy, shame to hear about the Switch stuff though.
Terraria is very different from minecraft, the only thing they got in commin is mining.
I stopped playing regularly around the 1.7 update. I still play now but usually only with mods.
a bit after hunger was implemented. I enjoyed playing single player and making a thing of trying to get as far away from spawn as I could in a single life. walk/sprint during the day, make a house somewhere and do some mining at night. It was pretty fun, but that was years ago. Haven't looked again in a long while.
I quit early.
Lava was considered "a new feature" then.
>When did you stop playing Minecraft?
when microsoft got the rights to it.
fuck I haven't played minecraft for at least 10 years
Batman's about to get DESTROYED
I'm glad you are always posting this. You're a cautionary tale to other game devs not to squander the potential of a world engine.
I got back to it for a while half a year ago, to play with my fiance. She knows nothing about vidya and Minecraft seemed simple enough.
I don't think I will ever enjoy it as much as during the indev days. "Infinite" map kinda kills it for me, as there is no point in saving resources or caring about any particular location. Procedurally generated infinite worlds always felt bland to me, as you are bound to see similar shit all the time.
Every time
I still play from time to time. Got the N3DS version, even. It's fun for just idle play, giving me something to do while I watch a stream or something.
I honestly don't think I've touched the game since 2005 or so
Remember 4craft?
Around 2010, they just released a new halloween update with new enemies and shit. I left my gf with whom I used to play with and the game reminded me of her so I just stopped and never felt like playing it again.
Was that where Sup Forums tried to play the game together, with each board getting an island, and the mods elected to give Sup Forums special treatment, so they just genocided all of the other boards?
Nothing will match those moments of playing mine craft in a private survival server with a friend and building an underwater house, or sitting in my house listening to the tunes of the game whole the rain pours down.
I own 3 different versions of this game I always farm a ton of resources, die then quit and play something else
It really activates my autism, my niece forces me to play it with her and I end up undertaking big scale projects.
Yesterday we spawned near a town next to the sea, she dedicated to put light blocks all over the town while I made a walled harbor with watch towers and an inner town with a garden.
post pics of niece pls
>Halloween update
dont even fucking mention that shit
fuck you notch
I stopped playing minecraft when I realized that it was never going to change from the state it's currently in, that state being a pile of shit.
I only play alpha 1.2.
Maybe it's just me but seems to me perpetual low intensity warfare through creative or bruteforced property destruction would be entertaining
I guess it's just that people blow it all up in one no fun fell swoop
Mods were actively anti Sup Forums usually, but yeah
I have rediscovered moded minecraft and been playing it solely for the last month and it's been more interesting than ever, it's really fun to see how different mods work with each other and discover new shit, since I don't read mod descriptions. Currently playing Project Ozone 2.