I hope you guys aren't using ccleaner

I hope you guys aren't using ccleaner.

I don't even know what in the fuck that is.

Sage for not vidya.

Wow it's almost like you should update your programs or something. Guarantee you everyone who got infected over this was using an older version of the software.

but it was only the new version that was infected

if you updated on those four weeks you are infected kid

for fuck sake three weeks? they didnt know about it for three fucking weeks? who the fuck is their head of security cause they need to be fired you should be making sure those logs are checked three fucking times a fucking day what in the fuck? fuck that asshole thank god i dont use this piece of shit

Actually it was the opposite. Only people who kept up to date got infected.

Apparently it's only the 32 bit version though.

>tfw passed over because too lazy to update
Dodged a bullet there.

I know a lot of fucks in Sup Forums are affected by this because cccleaner is up their alley.