I hope you guys aren't using ccleaner.
I hope you guys aren't using ccleaner
I don't even know what in the fuck that is.
Sage for not vidya.
Wow it's almost like you should update your programs or something. Guarantee you everyone who got infected over this was using an older version of the software.
but it was only the new version that was infected
if you updated on those four weeks you are infected kid
for fuck sake three weeks? they didnt know about it for three fucking weeks? who the fuck is their head of security cause they need to be fired you should be making sure those logs are checked three fucking times a fucking day what in the fuck? fuck that asshole thank god i dont use this piece of shit
Actually it was the opposite. Only people who kept up to date got infected.
Apparently it's only the 32 bit version though.
>tfw passed over because too lazy to update
Dodged a bullet there.
I know a lot of fucks in Sup Forums are affected by this because cccleaner is up their alley.
Downloaded this like 9 months ago and never updated it, what do I risk ? Should I uninstall now ?
>Apparently it's only the 32 bit version though.
Correct. Who the fuck is still on 32 bit?
>don't update mine since five months
Bullet dodge
fuckin lel
that's what you get for not cleaning your registry manually.
>never update my shit
Good thing I'm not using a 32 bit system
2.27 millions it seems
>do a clean once a year
>still using old ass version 3.0
Dodge the bullet there
It's like one of the most recommended programs for temp file and registry cleaning so you can gain a lot of file space back and have your PC run faster, even I was using it before I upgraded from Windows XP
Do viruses do anything these days other than steal your card info and shiet?
What's the best anti virus?
Antiviruses are a meme. Don't bother.
Do you live under a rock or something? Fuck off
Haven't noticed anything weird. Obviously still uninstalled it though.
Thanks for pointing this out OP because obviously the cocksuckers at CCleaner didn't send out a message or anything.
Well, I stand corrected. It's been a few weeks since I've even powered on my computer, I wonder if I have the bad version installed right now.
They recently got bought out by a chink company and we all know how much they care about security. Shit is going to be overrun with toolbars and other crap soon anyway.
o no, not my shadman folder and my vintage gay porn collection in 640*480 avis...
>I never updated it.
NOD32 is still king, but it's paid software.
Common sense.
If you want something free, Avast and Trend Micro Housecall
only """tech savvy""" indians use ccleaner though
*updated SHIT
>He doesn't disable automatic updates for everything
yeah, malware nowadays is actually more usually tied to remote access and botnet insertion, your rig basically becomes a tool for other people to do a variety of things. at the moment, bitcoin mining is really popular to do with malware.
Nice dodging reply
You ever heard of ransomware? Shit will lock your computer up all the way to BIOS
>being above version 5.16
Literally no reason.
>ccleaner updates every month, without doubt
>sometimes even multiple times a month
>doesn't have an automatic updater, wants you to download and install the new version from the website manually
why is this so shit.
If Alan Wake did an insanely huge brap he'd be Alan Quake
Phew. Glad i haven't got that reddit of a software inside my system.
yes i use it but it constantly bothered me with that one update i missed and i never really updated it, so im good, right?
lol I bet you have a credit score of 300
>he's to poor to care about securit
I can't wait until the first major hack/virus goes live, I'm talking like 1 billion systems infected. It's a shame that only then will people care about proper COMPSEC
you don't need one
Was always shit
so what does the malware do?
It's a fucking question, imbecile. Just a couple of months ago not-petya and petya fucked up shit worldwide.
Stay under your rock and starve, you fucking child.
>user uses his pc
>account gets hacked
>guess I shouldn't ever use a pc anymore
great so speccy alternative? only chinese company i trust is 8bitdo
>It's been a few weeks since I've even powered on my computer
Why do you even have a computer if you clearly don't use it for anything a gay phone can't do?
This. Common sense and a bit of luck will protect you from almost any virus out there.
That's kind of ironic to hear that
So why aren't YOU using norton antivirus?
>downloaded it last night just to see what the big deal was
Never again
Fucking fantastic
Try 850
Probably because I don't get scared and waste my money on pointless shit.
seems like I dodged the bullet.
installed ccleaner in june/july and just checked - my version is 5.32.xx, the infected one was 5.33.xx released in august. phew.
Literally for college.
whatever, any cryptocurrency but if a retard doesn't know what malware is doing they're not gonna know about altcoins
That's really not a common thing tho
Lmao why are you so angry man? Your autistical sperging is amusing
You're not an old fag if you didn't get internet until the Blaster Worm epidemic was over
w-which version....
Am I safe?
>being this retarded
Hey, I wasn't claiming you were bad with money, I'm implying that your rig is probably full of spyware since you don't scan your system ever.
I use it but havent updated in a year.
To all smug faggots, what's a comfy alternative without much hassle?
ok but what does the malware do
microsoft security essentials
not even joking
"Floxif is a malware downloader that gathers information about infected systems and sends it back to its C&C server. The malware also had the ability to download and run other binaries, but at the time of writing, there is no evidence that Floxif downloaded additional second-stage payloads on infected hosts."
jesus christ how can you survive in this world without turning on your comp at least everyday?
You're retarded.
Don't need to. I don't download random shit or open unknown attachments. I use a computer like a white man.
>Start to panic
>Remember I use bleachbit.
Sounds like you wasted your money on the computer and college
oh it's not a malware at all, it's just some backdoor vulnerability that MIGHT be used by hackers
literally nothing
From August till September 2017
The "don't run installers with russian texts" Anti-Virus.
No u
what version, i have the 5.27.some numbers and hsit
>what versions?!
>how do I scan for virus?!
>what's a good program?!
Holy shit, do none of you know how to use a search engine or are you just that damn lazy?
you are retarded as fuck stupid dumbass fucking flog
>Sup Forumsster
lol opinions invalidated
>tfw i never bothered to update.
Guess that paid off for me.
MSE or nothing if you have W10 because it's built in. It's better than any free AV and won't nag you about upgrading ever
Avast was seemingly able to disarm the threat before it was able to do any harm.
Enjoy never installing anything then, smart memester.
I use ESET because I get a free key from my job.
>why are people interacting on Sup Forums reeeeeee reeeeee
>are people who waste their time on a mongolian sock knitting forum talking about video games lazy
and i typed this with one hand since i'm laying on the floor and to lazy to get up to write properly.
I havent used that in years and decided to update in the time frame of the exploit. Fuck my luck.
>tfw dodging a bullet by being too lazy to update Teamviewer and now CCleaner
Post this shit on Sup Forumsay.
>There's no fix, we're not sure what they got a hold of but it was probably nothing. Please download the new version of CCleaner :D
These fuckers. How about how can I scan my system for the malware? Or any info on what it was?
>Not using Avast + Malwarebytes
You know bleachbit isn't an antivirus, right?
You literally do not need one
Isn't CCleaner bad for computers in the first place?