League of Legendo

Silver V master race
What are your ranks and mains
How long have you been playing

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0 hours

Bronze 3
since beta,i fucking suck omg kill me plz why do play this toxic shit

>hey plays League of Faliure

OP here
My mains are "Tristana" and "Ashe"

morde only
since season1

Plat 5
Season 2

I suck as ADc

Leage died at 3rd season.

>below plat
Literally how is this possible? I have never placed an acc lower than gold. You make so much money eloboosting in this game it's retarded.

>Suck absolute dick at the game
>Still manage to get gold 5 playing a few months of the year
What kind of shitter do you have to be to be silver 5?
What kind of comatose manvegetable do you have to be to not make it out of bronze?

Not videogame

My account is from alpha but I hadn't played since beta until last year. I didn't start ranked until the last two days of season 6, got placed silver 3 and rocketed straight up to silver 1 with almost no losses. I was literally one game away from winning my promo series when the season ended so I never got past S1 and I haven't started ranked this season yet.

I play almost exclusively jungle, other than that I main mid Xerath and Viktor. Is Corki meta at all this season? I want to pick him up to show off UFO alongside King Rammus but I've never played ADC.

S2 Plat S3/S4 Challenger, quit when they introduced auto fill. Used to main Ashe, Cait, LeBlanc and before I left, Rek Sai.

Op here.
I'm mentally ill + on psychotropic medication.
Corki's meta mid not Adc

Plat 5
Wukong main (rework when), Malphite, and Yorick

Been playing since the end of season 2. Quit in between season 4-6.

corki mid is decent

I honestly don't understand autofill.
Why don't they just make the system ask "Do you want to fil in with role x or keep searching a little while longer?"
It makes 0 sense.

what is videogame then

I don't play ranked anymore it's not worth my time to deal with trash players and retard plays.

Been trying Urgot mid lately it's fun.

Because high elo queue times are crippling during daytime and midnight weekdays, specially past 2300+ MMR, season 3 I had 2 hour queues at Challenger every day, season 4 I had 1 hour queues but many top-of-the-ladder players decided to smurf and Challenger is nothing but a hollow husk of the system Riot intended it to be. Auto fill aimed to fix that but only made the thing worse by forcing players to smurf to avoid being put in off roles and escape horrid queue times.

I liked old urgot

I honestly love playing with Morde, I go Sion support and just love everything about it.

gold III Sona main.

Urgot just fell out with the times and meta. Rework makes more sense but I still don't really see him working with any specific comp.

His Ult is just satisfying to use

>discussing ASSFAGGOTS outside of /vg/

plat 4
support main, play any support tank (thresh, braum, alistar), refuse to play shit like janna
2 years

Anyone playing 3v3 flex?


I just finished getting gold in there. It's a fucking nightmare

I dont play anymore. Quit and never looked back.

Silver 4. I don't really main anything, but I usually see the most success going shyv jng, lux mid or adc.

His old ult was way better than his new one
I legit think he was better before the rework


Played since S1, main Lux.

Anyone below diamond is trash

Op here, again.

Apparently there is a thread somewhere else to discuss this. I haven't played in a while. (1 month)

I got 3 accounts to level 30 starting in S2 never hit higher than silver.

I was going to play today but decided not to. Thanks for the inspiration, all. I'll probably do something else. Bye.

Plat V Mundo onetrick


I main the uninstall wizard

How do you get into elo boosting these days?
I used to often but I'm outta the loop now.
I regularly hit master if that helps.

>Monstrosity of Flesh and Metal that strikes fear into his enemies and was reborn for battle
>Old ult was "You were there, and now you're over here", only recently did they give it a fear effect
>New ult is a public execution that terrifys everybody on their team

His new W is fucked but his new Ult is the reason you rework champions.

Plat V
Nasus and other random stuff
Since season 2
Been taking breaks alot and not playing seriously ( over 1500 euros spent on skins).
Totally worth it

The highest rank of all, higher than pro players.
Absolute 0. I have abandoned the game and never looked back.

Nigga i'm in diamond and people here are still garbage

D1 is almost as bad as Plat 1 I fucking swear

Usually place low gold, high silver.

Veigar, Bard, Morgana

>play since
Beta, have bowser rammus

i'm the asshole who plays ranked like its normals for most.

>Been playing since beta
>Bronze 3
Do you intentionally feed? Do you have some kind of physical or mental disability? Are you actually a child who does not have the fine motor skills or reaction times to play?
You've been playing for 7-8 years and you're in bronze, something's wrong.

~1600 S1
Plat S2
Diamond since then
Naut/Zac/Kench/Sol/J4 jungle main
The junglers I enjoyed playing got nerfed too hard to remain junglers so I don't even play anymore.
Probably like $200 worth of skins and shit on my account

>Big flashy thing thats almost completely useless unless the enemy's low and probably would have died anyways
>A free targeted suppression and reposition at a huge range on a pretty short cooldown
It was one of the best utility Ults in the game and the only reason you would ever pick Urgot
Now there is no reason to pick Urgot

I'm Silver 1, 90 LP right now, I can barely play 1 Rank match a week.

I used to be Plat 2.
I main Leona, Amumu, Sion and Kassadin.

I just can't bring myself to play anymore. Every new champion is boringly designed or is an anime girl, and the art style is so ugly and muddy now. Everything used to be so sharp and bright.

People didn't pick urgot for his usless ult, they picked him for the EQ harass.

Diamond IV.
Vi, Panth, Rek, Poppy, Cho.
Been playing since sej came out, whenever that was.

>Every new champion is an anime girl
This is literally the exact opposite of what people have been complaining about.
There hasn't been a generic hot girl champion since Quinn.
Xayah is feminism embodied, camille is old and has knife legs, people constantly say taliyah is ugly, illaoi is tougher than most of the male champions, kindred is only hot if you're a furry, kalista is flat as a wall and a ghost, jinx is also flat as fuck.

>league of legends

I quit at season's 5 retard meta tank, playing vs fed retard tanks with smite and tp in toplane was enough for me

Gold 5.
Leona is my big-dicked waifu.
Morgana is okay too.

>The last attractive female champ was lamb

This picture is the good ol days

TO be honest I don't know how Dota friends complain about League or Riot as a company when Valve caved in and gutted one of the best designs ever in a Hero to give you Wraith King.

>But Karthus
Karthus looks better like a zombo and Reaper Kartus is still a skeleton.

Most people like that, either don't actually play much at all, or are horribly stubborn.

I am also now Silver 1 and i've played since 2012, but in reality it's always on and off, during my work season i play like twice a week, used to be different champs every time, so i didn't really improve in anything. It's like going to the gym only every once in a wile and never focusing on anything. Well no shit you won't progress.

Then there are people that actually play A LOT, and i mean 6+ hours EVERY day sometimes, yet they still suck. IN my observation, those tend to be really, really stubborn, where they just refuse to change things up in a any way. They play the same way every game, never changing items sets, runes or anything. This may or may not be due to some disability, don't really know.

I recently decided to go back to the basics, so I looked up a korean Garen guide from lol.inven.co.kr/ and i've actually been doing pretty well so far.

>Leona bro

420 praise it my nigger.

>usless ult
It's basically a targeted hook, his ult was never the problem it's that the rest of him was complete garbage


It really was. I don't feel nostalgia for any games from that time period like I do for early league.

>valve did thing most players didn't like but are now over it
>this means dota players can't criticize riot because reason
haha okay

>mfw lol players give millions of dollars to china
>mfw dota's chinese players bring millions of dollars into the US

Lulu, Sona, Leona, Evelynn and Karthus
about 4 years

Sun a best, my senpai.

>Big flashy thing thats almost completely useless unless the enemy's low and probably would have died anyways
You use it to signal focus of their teams carrys, once it hits it does damage and gives your team a reason to focus them as when they get past the threshold its a fighturning CC.

It has a billion more uses than the terrible ult that was Urgots old one, considering the range was puny and it could be cleansed.

>and the only reason you would ever pick Urgot
>Natural Armor Reduction, Manamune abusing Q's and basics, Lock on Q's which allow you to take out their carry from the back line.
You clearly never played Urgot, old or new.

>multi-billion dollar company owned by chinks
>no new summoners rift variations in 8 years
>IP rewards halved several times since chinks took over
>asian e-sports cancer and competitiveness forever changed an otherwise casual game

Asia ruined LoL

Is there a more beautiful character in fiction?

i main teemo in silver I

>who i give my money to matters more than having a good game
Thats pretty funny, because before DotA2 became even more of an imba peice of dogshit the Chinese were getting all the International winnings.

bronze 4 teemo main

been playing since s5

fucking elo hell is real

>teemo main
You deserve to be in B5

>no new summoners rift variations in 8 years
>christmas rift
>wanting Riot to throw balance out the window to add cosmetic terrains that give people who pay more of a vision advantage
But i guess when your game is dying and its 90% RNG anyway, you stop caring about balance.

Just get better.

Nah, it's just a bonus in addition to being a great game.
>implying most of the prizepool isn't funded by the gooks in the first place
>every other year, the chinese manage to get 1/4th of the money spend on the battle pass back into their country, while the other 3/4ths stay in america

Keep defending League though, I'll be having more fun without you ruining my games.

>cosmetic terrains
>throwing balance out the window
What part of multi billion dollar company don't you understand? LoL is like TF2 if it only had 3 maps.

>huge tits
>mute, can't talk back
>demure, helpful support
Truly, a waifu for people who would be threatened by anything with more initiative than a wet carpet.
AP is funny though. and they are great tits

>in addition to being a great game.
Not so great if its dead, aye?

I've played since S1 and the highest I ever got was Silver 1 in S3. I could have easily got higher but my teammates were making me pull my hair out so I stopped trying.

Old Urgot was king of ARAM. A team lucky enough to get both Urgot and Velkoz in ARAM has like a 98% win rate

>cosmetic terrains
>not throwing balance out the window
What is Immortal Gardens

ASSFAGGOT wars are almost as retarded as console wars. Play the one you enjoy, who gives a fuck what everyone else plays. I don't care whether you like Dota or LoL or HotS or whatever more than my game, I'm gonna keep on playing Smite.

Meanwhile you idiots are going to keep ruining each others threads with your pointless Dota vs LoL bickering. Why come into a thread about a game you don't like? I'm here because I like LoL's champion designs even if I don't play the game, I can't imagine living with the mental illness I would need to come here if I didn't like the game or the company or the characters or anything about it.

ARAM master race. Don't give enough of a fuck for anything more serious.

teemo is a hard champ to main dude, you barely see him in high elo play because his skills are hard to play around

i am better i always get stuck with noobs

>Friends beg me to play this shit with them
>Check their profiles
>Silver 4 at highest
>Regularly carry them while they play the blame game if anything goes wrong
Most of them have been playing for years too and they always sound so mad.

Diamond 5
been playing since season 2 but quit a year ago
I realized your rank doesn't matter,that the toxicity follows everywhere and it just isn't fun

>implying she's dom as fuck

Smite sucks dick

she's not*
Don't drink and shitpost, kids.

I've never played ranked before. I played a lot seasons 1 and 2, then less season 3 and almost nothing until now. I played Dota for a few years. Now I just play ARAM with a friend of mine who is plat. Never do summoner's rift. How attainable is Gold V to me? How long do I have to train in normal draft to get myself ready for ranked? Since I played dota for so many years, my cs when I midlane is not fantastic. Not used to it on league anymore. I played one game as lux vs a syndra and was behind in cs by like 25-30% on my first summoners rift in years

>SG Poppy
>ever helping SG Jinx
Lmao no.

>have one IRL friend that I played with since the first season
>we were both horrible because fps kiddies
>i got better while he really didnt
>every game was me carrying him and his down syndrome friends
>he would ragequit at the first sign of a loss
>still hasn't improved that much
It's amazing how people can play the same thing for years and improve so little, fuck I was playing with fps dips on a toaster and still played better than him.

who /offlane/ here?

CS in mid lane is usually easy in the sense that you can get most of it with your spells once you get past level 6 or so. Bottom and top are focused on last-hitting with AAs but mid mages and assassins generally have spammable aoe.

>play premade with friend before reports could ban you
>we tower dive and feed and soon as the match starts

>i came here to masturbate to cartoon character designs
>but people who care about the game they play are mentally ill

Nigga Gold V requires no skill whatsoever with how many free wins you get for each lost promo seroes. It just takes patience. Spam a role or champion you're consistent with and play.
The people who are stuck in lower ranks are too arrogant or dumb to realize this.

I main poppy support. Tell me how much you hate me.

>but people who care about the game they play are mentally ill
No, the people who care about the game THEY play are fine. What you're seeing here is people bitching about games they don't play, i.e. dotafags shitting on LoL and LoLfags shitting on dota. It's just as retarded as the kids who feel the need to shit on Xbox or Playstation every time they're mentioned just because they use a different console.