HAHAHA its just an "indy mini game" game
HAHAHA its just an "indy mini game" game
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying the Hotline Miami level won't be cool as fuck
>no PC
>Hotline Miami
>Shovel Knight
Fuck that is so cool. What do you think the other 13 will be, Sup Forums?
Would it kill people to edit the stock photos they use of cars once in a while? Jacket's car wasn't a DeLorean.
Undertale maybe (I don't like it that much but it's popular)
We know Suda loves himself everything punk and retro so retrocity rampage and that junk?
Maybe a supergiant level? dunno
It's a shorthand for the 80's.
Transistor would be cool, although they'd likely use Bastion since its the more popular and well known.
>Hotline Miami
>Shovel Knight
>Meat Boy
>Gone Home
>Castle Crashers
>Dwarf Fortress
>Papers, Please
>Rocket League
>Paper's Please
Fuck yeah
It won't happen but Papers Please would be funny
>Travis vs Paperwork
I don't get it ...
I fucking hate western indie trash. This is disappointing
How would that even work? Like, is it even possible to license the name now that Fish is probably in an asylum somewhere?
>yfw they get lethal league
>travis hitting 1M ball speed
it's shit tier nerd "humor".
>bought a switch for NMH3
>turns out it was just an indie mini game
Fuckign end it bros
He's a DJ. You can literally just go to the club he works at and shit talk him to his face.
I thought he quit being a DJ because he was so awful at it and people kept getting pissed at him for it.
>Spam A to cut bureaucracy
The title is misleading, it's mostly just stuff like Travis wearing indie gaming themed shirts. Suda is saying he's been having discussions with Dennaton about maybe working Jacket in there somewhere though.
>Travis goes to the Gone Home world
>"hmmm, this is strange. Am I back in the real world? This doesn't feel much like a game at all."
>discovers little sister is a lesbian
>tries to hit on her
>Travis goes to FEZ world
>boss of that world shows up
>Travis tells him to "suck my dick, choke on it."
>Undertale world
>Travis goes on a rampage mercilessly kills all the undertale characters
>Flowey shows up
>Flowey begins his endgame speech, berating Travis for his actions
>Travis cuts him down mid-speech
>People still spamming the "indie mini game" meme
What part of "3D Action title" did you all not get?
I read the article and it explicitly says Travis will travel to different video game worlds. I doubt we'll have 15 different worlds though. Maybe we'll have crossovers in each of those individual levels, like Shantae showing up in Shovel Knight's world.
Its published by Devolver right?
This was the great new project they were working on?
Marvelous is publishing it most likely
Is it? If so
>Travis arrives in a desert
>Noise starts getting louder
>it explicitly says Travis will travel to different video game worlds
Those different worlds are ones made up for the game by Suda himself, not actual indie games. He clarified this in a couple of other interviews.
Why the fuck are you writing "humor" when no one implied it was for comedic effect.
>Jacket's car wasn't a DeLorean
It's very clearly inspired by it though. No other car has doors that open like that.
You're a tad slow senpai, we've known this since the trailer.
No if its minigame type is from devolver,they announced it for E3.
Sorry i could not find better link.
pretty sure it is
>No if its minigame type is from devolver,they announced it for E3.
Its not a minigame type though, thats just a meme spread by other people. suda has stated its a "3D Action title"
it's a bricklin SV-1, not some fictional mock up
"Travis and his nemesis are sucked into a possessed gaming console and forced to battle their way through big-name indie titles including Hotline Miami and Shovel Knight."
From the original engadget article. 3d Hotline Miami alone is almost enough to make this an instant buy for me.
the switch is so punk rawk
well he already announced colab with Devolver so I expect they will be publishers for the west.
That and he never took multiple projects at once.
First third of the level is just Travis doing paper work
Then he goes crazy and silent-hill esque bureaucracy monsters made of red tape come up, then the HUD reads: CUT THE RED TAPE
Also, Hyper Light Drift and/or Furi could be on the table too
>lethal league blaze is coming out soon in 3d
it could happen
The collab is most likely the indie game tie-ins
That really makes you stretch the definition of the word "mini-game" at this point
I just hope it plays like No More Heroes and not Hotline Miami. A fusion of the two gameplay styles also work.
>Sonybros getting mad that a game franchise not even for their platform isnt coming to them
Fucking hilarious
Here's a direct link to the article to confirm it. This shit sounds fucking amazing.
Engadget seems to have simply made a wrong assumption. See 6:42 here:
However there was this in another interview
>However, I am seriously considering ways to possibly incorporate the characters from some of these indie games, for example Jacket from Hotline Miami. I’ve been talking to Dennis [Wedin] and Jonatan [Söderström] from Dennaton Games, trying to figure out some way to work him into the game. Again, I’m not sure at all how that’s gonna work yet or if it will work out but it’s definitely something that’s being considered seriously right now.
Suda is a big Hotline Miami fan so that collaboration is very likely to be more substantial.
>Gone Home level
>Travis getting hype for a boss battle in a creepy house
>Ends up getting pissed because all he does is run around the house while looking at stuff
>All narration is done by him being super salty
>"Goddammit this is supposed to be a fucking action game. I've been running around this fucking house for the past 20 minutes and for what? EXPOSITION?"
>"If I find any of these cry babby assholes they're getting ground into dirt for putting me through this shit"
>"Wait that's it? That was my payoff?! Some gay girl runs away from home? What the fuck?!"
>indy mini game
Where is this stated?
There's only gonna be 6 "worlds" though.
Is he just gonna group them by theme or something?
The 6 worlds are their own things and the indie games are in as t-shirts.
fuck real games, indies and ports now thats punk rock!
they could just be minigames like that shmup game
I am ok with that
What the fuck does this even mean?
Are we getting NMH3 but there's an Animal Crossing-esque room with indie games you can play?
The levels and bosses will be based off of indie games. The gameplay will be the same as previous NMH games.
>Undertale world
>Travis goes on a rampage mercilessly kills all the undertale characters
>Flowey shows up
>Flowey begins his endgame speech, berating Travis for his actions
>Travis cuts him down mid-speech
that would be brilliant
How would Sup Forums react?
It's still a 3D action game. The basic gameplay in all the worlds Travis goes to is the same, but with some kind of a twist. There seems to be some kind of a co-op mode too.
Suda said this is a somewhat smaller scale project than a numbered sequel would be, but he'd definitely want to make NMH3 too if TSA does well.
I'd fucking cum in my pants for unrelated reasons and not give a shit about that game
he seems to really like Devolver Digital
i wonder if there will be a Serious Sam level.
>directed by Sudasi
NMHx5NAF actually sounds like it has hilarious potential.
>NMH Hearts
The maker of Nomo rehero 5
I hit 1m for the first time last week playing online, that game gets so fucking hype when you get a good rally going.
Super underrated, hopefully blaze had more content though.
They've already said on the website that Doombox is "one of" the new characters, so that's good. Not to mention that they'd have to rebalance Doombox to not be completely busted in multiplayer like he is now when you select him with the cheat code.
>only two doors
Yeah, sure.