Would MGS5 make a decent intro to the series, or should I start with a different one?
Would MGS5 make a decent intro to the series, or should I start with a different one?
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It's quite different from the others in the series, basically a disconnected spinoff
If you only care about gameplay then sure start with V since it has the best gameplay. If you care about the story then play in release order. The story in chronological order is a fucking mess and will just be more confusing.
Gameplay wise it's the best but if you want a great story play mgs1-4 specifically 3 is the best then 5 don't bother with any others just the mgs games and rising
You are better off getting into something else.
Kojima is usually cited as the George Lucas of video games. Story only gets worse.
>Would MGS5 make a decent intro to the series
if you haven't played any MGS game up to now then you clearly don't care and won't enjoy them
You've had 20 years to play them for fucks sake, why didn't you?
starting with 5 is the equivalent of asking a chinese man for directions to the ghetto
>it has the best gameplay
That's not true, the gameplay of V is good but in a different way than MGS2 or 3 are good, I wouldn't compare them since that only shits all over V if you do.
V is a filler story that will upset you a lot if you care about the story of the other games, so I'd recommend playing it and then picking up 1 with a clear mind and going in release order.
No, you're not gonna go back to how FUCKING TERRIBLE the gameplay is in the older games.
MGS1 to MGS3 are literally unplayable nowadays.
This guy is a retard who is trolling you, disregard.
Is there any game that exists that you haven't played? If so then fuck, you clearly don't give a shit about them
I'm not. If you don't have nostalgia for the older MGS games, there is literally no value to be found in them anymore. They play like shit. Controls are fucking terrible, AI is even worse, the level designs are just balls, the camera angle is arbitrarily close up so you can't see shit of the environments. Did I mention how fucking awful the controls are?
>brb, holding down FOUR (4) buttons just so I can enter first person aiming
Yeah, how about no. Fuck those games.
Honestly it's a fucking awful game.
It's shilled by shitters just play 1-4 and ignore the rest.
I'm not the one asking if I'll enjoy Ms Pacman, dickhead
Start with the first one you double nigger.
You're just saying that something is terrible or shit without explaining why and pretending that this is somehow enough.
>brb, holding down FOUR (4) buttons just so I can enter first person aiming
You mean one button? And then you press square to fire? Face it man, you're a massive casual and shouldn't be trying to tell others what to do. It's like if I was recommending music to people when I only exclusively listen to One Direction and Queen.
I'll admit MGS1 has aged like shit but MGS2 just takes a bit of adjusting.
>trying to speak the truth on Sup Forums
>trying to argue with nostalgiafags
I salute brave man.
t. ADHD manbaby
No it didn't, the atmosphere in that game is still amazing. Also, the gameplay in 1 is so fucking simple that it's essentially time proof.
Interesting opinions but I disagree about the no value part.
Really hard to not just dismiss you as nu-Sup Forums but you're entitled to how you feel.
There's some very nice movie cuts of the main series. You should at least watch them for any game you don't play. Metal Gear 1/2 are there as well.
>Metal Gear - The Movie
So just Metal Gear?
It's the furthest thing from an introduction that it could be.
>Want to truly get into MGS: release order
>Story/chronological: 3 > PW > 5 > 1 > 2 > 4
>Gameplay: 5 > 4 = 3 > 2 = 1 (roughly)
3 is the best game in the series in terms of gameplay, then 2 (they are basically the same), then V=4 and 1 is at the very end. That said, all of these are really good.
"V has de bezt gameplay" is a meme from people who have zero idea what "GAMEPLAY" is.
This is an excellent post to show how old most posters here are.
Think about it. You're most likely arguing with 15 year olds.
I get that feeling too. I mean who actually likes MGS?
Obviously that's my opinion but I also meant to say that the game play 'style' is like that:
>1 and 2 play the most similar
>3 and 4 play the most similar to eachother but with some improvements in 4
>5 has its own style but still stealth
>PW is totally something different but still in a MGS jacket
This is the power of high school bants.
They are not nearly as bad as the old RE games that are praised here to no end. Only the 1st one is painful sometimes, the others are still fun.
MGS5 is boring start with 2 or 3 preferably 3. 3 is perfect to start with too because you don't need to know anything about mgs to follow what's going on.
A lot of the story's impact comes from its connections to prior games, but the story is fairly minimal compared to a lot of modern action games.
>best gameplay
um, yes kid.
Not if you care about things like balance or level design.