Marvel vs Capcom Infinite TOMORROW

Black Widow, Venom, Winter Soldier, and Monster Hunter (Female) were officially confirmed by Capcom to be DLC later this year.

Tomorrow's the big day, what are your thoughts?

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if i got it digitally when will the game unlock?

Everyone looks like ass.
Dante's theme is bastardization of all the music in the series crammed together.

If DBFZ was released on the same day with what they have now it would be considered a far better fighting game than this pile of Marvel cinematic shit.

Probably midnight

That's the shittiest DLC I've ever seen.

I can't believe Monster Hunter finally gets a rep in a Capcom fighting game but it ended up being this piece of shit. Which of you used the monkey paw?

The only interesting character from that list is the monster hunter female.
everything else is basically a skin for another character.

>4 marvel and 2 capcom are DLC
>half the final boss is DLC
>an old asset is DLC again


10 pm cest

>Fire the bulk of the most talented people in your company to save money.

Saddest thing to watch Capcom like this.


This entire game is a Monkey's Paw

Okami being ported a second time is more hype than Infinite.

>this is the theme for the Mayor of metro city

Torrent when

wow i hated his theme but this remix sucks

striders theme is tragic

>Tomorrow's the big day, what are your thoughts?
It's the first Capcom VS game I'm skipping

The game is tragic.

these games came out in the same year how

That Capcom ain't getting a fucking cent until there's a version with all the DLC.

Poor Date

fuck off tripfag

But you can play as Roll

My thoughts are that I'll be skipping this.

No you can't.

>game isn't out
>dlc is already confirmed for characters who should be there day 1
>crapcom shills will defend this

>The art is shit
>the VA is bad
>the music is bad
>this game has no style
>this game has no grace
>this game has funny faces

yet i love the gameplay and makes me feel like shit

>that static-y shit
>that chorus
What in the fuck is wrong with Capcom? This sounds like a bad rip.

DLC was confirmed on the games very first fucking reveal trailer (Sigma). That should have been everyones sign to jump ship immediately

>6 DLC characters
>4 Marvel, 2 Capcom
But why?

jesus what the fuck
Devils Never Cry is one of my favorite songs ever and I can't listen to this without laughing

>who should be there day 1
Who the fuck are you to decide what needs to be there day 1?

Fucking entitled babies..

>Black Widow and Winter Soldier
Struggling to think of any less exciting characters. Holy shit.

Black Widow is from Capcom.

did they get someone from ocremix to make this?

No its the Marvel one

Honestly the music doesn't exist

>If DBFZ was released on the same day with what they have now it would be considered a far better fighting game than this pile of Marvel cinematic shit.

Unfortunately this is true despite the fact that MvC:I shits on DBFZ gameplay wise from what we've seen so far. I was hyped for DBFZ but all the combo vids I see are short ground combos into aerial launcher -> repeat literally the same aerial combo over and over then end with a super and sometimes there's an assist thrown in there somewhere.

It actually looks mad boring but people are calling it the greatest fighting game ever because it looks good graphically and they're being "faithful" by pulling moves from the manga and anime.

>People generally value looks and meaningless fluff over substance which take investiment to realize.

Wow stop the fucking presses.

>Meanwhile everyone is nullifying everything thats wrong with the game because "b-but the gameplays good!!!"

>No X-Men
Who even cares?

No it's not.

no because theyre missing the shitty piss filter

Who the fuck is this? And I'm pretty sure it'll be Marvel Black Widow.

It will clearly be the Marvel one.
If you haven't noticed, Marvel has been slapping it's Cinematic nuts in your face the whole time.

You're wrong, it'll be Capcom Black Widow, making it a 3x3 split DLC and tricking everyone.

What in the fuck?
>winter soldier
>black widow

No but the gameplay weights more on the buy/not buy scale at least for me, if it had KoF14 tier graphics and SG levels of forgettable sound design then it could have been enough to keep me from buying it, but both areas are serviceable and the only ones that really fail are the presentation (UI and menus) and roster (specially on the Capcom side).

Come on dude.
Think about it.
Are any of the characters on the capcom sides a actual surprise or obscure pull?
Hell are any of the characters on the Marvel side a obscure pull?
No. It's marvel Widow. Because marvel demands it.

you do know the games started with the x-men right

From that-purple-zombie-girl to Vergil how good is X?

>Black Widow
>Winter Soldier
Look at these fantastic marvel characters who have sold millions of comic issues, certainly they are DLC material. Just fuck me up, literally only Venom and Monster Hunter seem like characters people would spend their money on.

Arthur 2.0

Zero got an actual unique Buster Mechanic and the same slide move X has.


That's disappointing

>X theme
>Sounds worse than the OCRemix one
>The fanmade MvC3 sounds better with beter rythm and instruments

mocap by Shawn Michaels

anyone know if these keys works in the US?

and let me know if there's somewhere I can get them cheaper


Game looks like shit. Roster is also ass. Didn't care much for Fate of Two Worlds or UMvC3 either. Clash of Superheroes and New Age of Heroes are way better.

Want new characters? Buy DLC goy

>recycle 80% of the cast whilst at the same time removing tons of iconic characters people love


I suggest Capcom moves Heaven and Earth to have an all X-Men season 2 pass announcement preferably before Black Friday but absolutely at PSX, no hints, no teases, no "we're trying but.." an announcement that state that specific X-Men will be available for purchase on a specific date.

>release half-assed shit
>entitled to my money

You've just seen shitters then honestly. There is a lot of leeway in the combo system if you have tge meter.

>Actually thinking Capcom wont fuck up

Even if Marvel demands it, Capcom will automatically fuck up and add a literally who.

THE BIG QUESTION how much will it sell i go for sub 400k ,this game is going to bomb hard

I mean fu kin this

Talk to Ike Perlmutter
He's the real reason for no X-Men

There isn't a single literal who in the roster.
It won't happen.
Marvel is pulling all the strings for this game.

dante is dead and there will never be another dmc

>Green Asari

Too optimistic my dude, you're all in for disappointment.

1m lifetime.
250k first month.

In a movie. In a on running cartoon on disney. People know who nova is. also he was in the last game.
>green asari
It's like you don't know what guardian's of the galaxy is and that it has 2 movies and Cartoon on disney?
Both those characters ain't obscure.
Capcom Black Widow is.

I despise MvCI in everything that it is.
What I'm saying is far from Optimism.
It's cruel hard fact and cynicism.

>1m or 250k

The only people hype about this game are the same 25 dudes that participate in tournaments. This wont even reach 1/3 of that within its lifetime.

>4 Marvel MCU bullshit, 2 Capcom

If we needed any more proof that Marvel is sabotaging this game.

>most of the new marvel songs are forgettable and generic trailer music
>capcom themes are arranged to death

what the actual fuck? strider's theme doesn't even sound like what it suppose to be???

How would people react if it actually ended up being Capcom's Black Widow? The creepy latex-wearing grappler?


What the hell, man.

confused after all the safe and easy picks why do with literally who? unless you don't want anyone to buy it?

I'm trying to be kind user.

You didnt understand

PR has been disastrous but it still has the brand name, so I say still will reach 900k lifetime sales.

crack when?

The cinematic character themes was the ultimate proof, more than a decade of classic themes thrown under the bus just like that, Marvel is running the show here, Capcom is just the enabler.

>man face

>black widow

wtf does she even do??

Jills moveset from 3

Ill wait for the Ultimate version.

Rocket's is literally the only Marvel one I liked. Capcom's are too dubstep for me.

Crimson Viper reskin

>tranny's face

How does it hold up to umvc3?

>Venom and MH confirmed
oh boy
>as DLC some months from now
>as were more Marvel movie tie-in characters

fuck it

>Assault Fire
>not Heat on Beat 2012

I dont wanna spend $60.00 on this. ESPECIALLY after those year one DLC characters.

>Winter Soldier

They aren't even trying to hide the fact that they pander to the shitty MCU right?

Fuck this game man, Marvel and Capcom has like 500 billions of characters yet we have the plebbiest ones.