Why don't you like diversity in video games?

Why don't you like diversity in video games?
We can get unique characters and see different stories.

so diversity just means "no white people"

Because developers don't diversify characters to improve the game / give it more character but to get approval from the social justice crowd.

diversity means all races including white.

I don't need any gaijins for my glorious Japanese game

but diversity in video games is realistic ugly black people not what you posted

I want to FUCK everyone in that collage.

Most diverse cast.

Not every white person is hot yet we get only attractive white characters i don't see why they can't do this for other races.

>all those mixes
They're watered down, cherry picked versions of those races. Wouldn't be surprised if some of those had white mixed in.

Regardless "diversity" in games amounts to skin color and pandering. An all white cast can be more diverse than a multirace one, and that's a lesson you people will never learn.

I swear those are all mixed breeds or sub-raced
No way that's the typical population for anyone but maybe mountain Asians.

Couldn't you have found better ones for the black and indian guys that didn't make them look obviously half?

>The best looking blacks on your chart are all white admixtures


I like diversity in games though.

I'd prefer if it was paired up with good writing too.

I want more games with sexy little girl characters, that's diverse right?

If your classroom looks like this you must be in the midwest or some shit

the indians are full indian, same as the koreans and other asians and arabs. Not sure about all the blacks though.

Except for maybe the girl on the far right, they are all mixed with something.

anime characters are not human
they are like robot

I can't believe you user, the middle female indian looks hispanic


But being non-human just means it's even more diverse, right?

middle asian woman looks like black mixed

Does that mean zoophiles are just into diversity?

She is probably just Thai or Filipino.

I like diversity in videogames. I just don't like Western diversity where it's just ugly black women with Afros and nothing else.

Blacks here don't seem very black, second one from the left looks mexican or something.

>Caucasian Arabs
>Caucasian north Indians
>Mixed race blacks that are at least 50% Caucasian
>Some mixed Asians including examples of heavy plastic surgery

Thats a pretty funny image you've got there.
You know what diversity games actually need? Skeletons. Skeletons and playable robots.

Fuck you stupid fleshies.

And yet they never do that.

e.g. Lawbreakers

>You know what diversity games actually need? Skeletons. Skeletons and playable robots.


Unless your state touches a major ocean, you are literally irrelevant

arab women>>>>>>>>the rest in one big pile of shit
t. not a shitskin

lmao dude

Middle Indian girl looks better than all the others. Your taste is just shit.
>liking Sandniggers

t. shitskin

>Wisconsin/Michigan singlehandedly secured Trump victory

stop projecting
>rohit khandelwal
>omar borkhan
>bunch of famous full breed koreans and asians


>look at all that diversity!
>no white males

>arab women
my nigger.
>know an arab girl in my college class
>looks like that erin girl that gets posted around here, but brown
>super nice to me
>always asks me for help
>broken as fuck english but I can tell she's trying her best to communicate so it's alright
>never had a boyfriend, almost got married off to a middle aged man.

If only I was handsome I'd take her out. She's perfect.

>this post
>the incorrect use of literally
Spotted the Pablofornian

Shit like this comes from rich white liberal bubble children who only ever saw minorities on tv.

Meanwhile, growing up in the "racist" south, I was regularly the token white boy.

you already know what white people look like, this is just to show not all are ugly.

>muh superior jap waifu
>t. fat virgin neckbeard
relax Sup Forumsio, nobody gives a shit what you think you shitskins

t. shitskin

go back to tumblr

Freshman year of HS there were like two nogs by senior year it was like 14. They're definitely a fuckin plague.

And that was like 8 years ago I can only imagine how far the average GPA for the whole school has fallen


the background is all white , now stop complaining shitlord

>the old flash of this with peach screaming at the end
i need this again, i was in tears the first time i heard it

>white features = beauty

Lel my state touches fresh water have fun dying drinking your shit water

Do it you fucking retard actually nevermind reading your post proves you're not ever gonna be worth any chicks time

>white features
>impying that swedes and germans don't have chubby baby faces and blonde girly hair
lmao dude, mediterranean is the feature that makes people hot

This guy gets it.

>Diversity = more humans of different colours

Nah son, Breath of fire did that shit right with a cast of "what the fuck am I looking at" deal

>A robot, a katana dog, a big cat, a kangaroo thing

Fuck yeah.

please try telling this to the media sometime for us. i think they missed the memo.

They don't ever post the real ones because they're ass ugly, gotta be caucasian looking as fuck.

correctly done diversity is as such that you barely even notice it, ala street fighter or tekken

poorly done diversity makes a point to shove it in your face, like "look how progressive our cast is"

Fuck these beautiful people. I wish i had hit the genetic lottery. I'll only be loved for my goods.
>caring what neets think

>post proves you're not ever gonna be worth any chicks time

even you know I don't have a chance with her. see what I mean?

She's a 10/10 and I'm what, a 2/10? I'm ugly she's not, I'm a shy loser cunt with no worth.

I play videogames all day and that's it.

damn sick comeback. sounds like you read your fifth grade science book for the first time and said polio. too bad it doesn't sounds like political, but then you probably can't pronounce it anyway....

the sad thing is it's mainly because the show/book/game is terrible and they hope pandering to identity politics groups will help them make money which never happens. It's literally diversity for racism's sake.

>Indian somehow jap
American education, everyone.

Because they literally are caucasian?

The fact that now "representation" is now a topic related to video games means we've lost the plot entirely.

>white features

So the Middle East is white now?

>Arab game
>Have to blow yourself up

>Indian game
>Have to shit in the street very 5 minutes

>Black game
>Get shot

>Asian game
>Have to do math

what a fucking beta

did you learn nothing from playing all these fucking games, just go straightforward and tell her what you want

you should have changed this limp-dick attitude long time ago

Just try it faggot.
If she is nice to you, and keep trying to communicate with you, then do it. Don't sperg out though.
You might be a 2/10 where you are now, but where she's from you might be an 8. I believe in you!

what a fucking loser you are.

Funny how they all emulate the look of white people.

>have diverse cast
>have well written characters
>have good gameplay
you can only have 2

>>have well written characters
>>have good gameplay

That wasn't hard.

stop projecting
I bet you're an ugly cunt too.

they all look mixed

That girl looks like she could be from anywhere in europe

That's not how it works user, that's not how it ever worked. Appearance matters, looks matter, and I'm an ugly fuck, I have no chance at all.
You guys don't seem like you have any experience with women and if you do it's because you're good looking

Because it's handled poorly. Who gives a shit about skin color; it's just that.
Atleast acknowledge foreign cultures, don't just make a character black and call it a day

ok if you say so then keep jacking of to aniems while the girls you want get fucked by someone else, and in 4 years from now end up on either soc or the betasquad of pol

Yeah, but there are always ugly but lucky bastards who score chicks way out of their league. I'm not saying you should go out there and think you can get every woman, but fucking hell at least try this time.

>ugly but lucky bastards who score chicks way out of their league


I will, I know I have no chance of getting with her, she's way too hot and attractive, and yes I hate this but what can I do? nothing, absolutely nothing.

Sup Forums has no idea what other races celebrities look like isn't anything new lol

Fucking this. Meanwhile, all those faggots asking for diversity always, ALWAYS complain about non-human characters because it's not real human diversity.


where's muh asians
where's muh native americans
where's muh indians
where's muh redheads

He said all the people in the OP are mixed breeds with XY+White.

If they're rich as fuck, then they don't need luck. I'm talking about ugly motherfuckers with an average income.
At this point you're only making excuses. You said yourself that you're a shy loser cunt with no worth, so what's the worst that could come from it? A rejection? The way you're talking about yourself it's not like you'd fall any lower by getting a rejection.


>The way you're talking about yourself it's not like you'd fall any lower by getting a rejection.

it would hurt my feelings

>posts pictures of different ethnicities showcasing white aesthetics and facial features

im laffin @ u

Oh, my bad. I didn't know I was talking to a child. By the way Sup Forums is only for 18+, boy.