At what point does a fandom become a cult?

At what point does a fandom become a cult?

at around 800$

When you try to justify shit like 60 dollars a year to access some peer to peer online multiplayer.

About tree-fiddy.

When people start defending a company doing something that they used to shit all over over another company for.

It's one thing to pay for PS+ because Sony has us by the balls, entirely another to rationalize it as anything other than Sony having us by the balls. Same with Nintendo's paid online and locking shit behind amiibos. M$ introduced tons of cancer into the industry and after it metastasized people went into denial because apparently people have forgotten that it's not the customer's role to pay to eat shit.

When they start mass producing brochures and trying to persuade others Jehovah witnesses style that their system is the only true choice.

When they start using the term 'master race'.

"SEGA does what Nintendon't"

I'm still upset that Nintendo's already moved over to the Switch. Fucking Wii U was such a waste of money.

When you cant criticize them.

Serious question. Should I even bother buying a next gen console now or is too late? Who has more exclusives, sony or microsoft?

Serious answer.
Look at the fucking game list and pick one that has more shit you might like.
>Who has more exclusives, sony or microsoft?

Action RPGs

Dude it's like buying a car
-Do you need it in the first place ?
- if yes, look at the available models and pick one regarding your needs

What are you like 15 and mommy & daddy wont pay for your xbox live? $60 a year is absolutely nothing. Poorfags opinions should be ignored completely.

You forgot the PC warriors

When you start shitposting on an anonymous imageboard making fun of the competition.

when it's a fandom

Nintendo fans are the most resembling of a cult imo. They have this weird nostalgia goggles effect and think they can relive their childhood by playing nintendo or something. they defend every stupid misstep Nintendo does which actually hurts the company in the long run.

PC really is the best. Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo fags don't even try to defend themselves when I bring up the PC master race IRL, pathetic betas.

No one hates Nintendo fans more than Nintendo fans, you can't like Nintendo games and criticize Nintendo without getting gangraped

Reminder you're a literal underage child or faggot ass NEET if you can't afford one of each console to enjoy all exclusives and resort to engaging in dumb ass console war debates. Poorfags should seriously fuck off.


When your a moderator on this board.

Fats doesn't take it well when you make fun of his favourite toys.

>t.consumerist swine
Xbox exlusives non existant and ps4 got like 5 or so decent game, its simply not worth wasting money

When they start advocating for the downfall of the other consoles and trying to impose their own views on others through aggressive demoralization and threats.

>flaunting shit taste and poorfaginess


T. Salty poorfag

No shit retard I can afford a high end PC so I don't need an XB1.

Go to be fantard somewhere else

>sony or microsoft

>waaaah how you dare to insult my favrit console!

>i i am not wasted money!
Keep telling this yourself, drone.


Keep projecting faggot. Consoles cost peanuts to purchase and doesn't put a dent in my savings.

its both sony and nintendo fans

>no you
great arguement

I guess I'm out of touch? I don't get it.

Not an arguement, underage fuck.

The fuck are you even saying man lol

Found the cult leader

>pointing to obvious things is projecting
Sure thing, console warrior.

PC Gaming was a fandom pre r/pcmasterrace.

Nah, your tears are right here and so am I.

He's claiming I'm wasting money and assuming I'm not getting my moneys worth out of the enjoyment I receive. I'm pretty sure that's projecting faggot. Consoles are only expensive to children and neets. If anyone is underage it's you fags who can't even rebuttal the fact you're all retards defending stupid console wars because you can't afford your own hobby and have to justify one console over another. All consoles have fun games and if you can't justify the price of them you should fuck off you shitty ass poorfag.

I don't know, when was neogaf launched?

When they buy Knack 2.

This. I bought switch because it has/will get games I want to play and has many great games I can play with a group of friends. It's also easy to take and even play on the go, so that's a plus

i just want to see you retards scream at each other ITT. it's been fairly entertaining so far.
who actually cares about their platform this much? shit's funny

Yeah, some people don't understand that you can like and play on multiple platforms at the same time

It's only the underage that can't afford multiple platforms that need to defend whichever they happen to have over others

makes sense, even I thought ps is the only good when I was little kid

sony = nintendo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> microsoft

Shitposters and falseflaggers

Hit the hammer on the nail.

At this point. Pic related.

One of many reasons why I couldn't take his death seriously.

When they list said fandom under religion in their census papers. I mean, I've yet to hear anyone seriously say they are a trekkie/twilighter/brony/etc in a religious sense.

Except for 'jedi'. Absolute madmen.

>Futurama is becoming a documentary

Fuck. And here I thought Futurama was just taking the piss.

I'll put it this way, it's never made the news here to the best of my knowledge. And a quick google search didn't help me.