Call of Duty WWII story trailer, thoughts?
Call of Duty WWII story trailer, thoughts?
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Unironically this
>they suddenly have no problem using swastikas
What gives?
still a bit mad its only focusing on the americans and not any of the over countries
That was just multiplayer wasn't it? It's retarded but I wouldn't trust the average COD player with them either.
Ah you're right, they gave some bullshit reason why MP doesn't have them. I just remembered they were removed from both the SP and MP but apparently not.
Die Juden! Wer sind Sie?!
>story is about saving your jew comrades
As dumb as it sounds, we might get some kino attacks on auschwitz and birkenau. Maybe even an infiltration mission.
>France and the low.countries again
I will never see the battlefields my grandfather fought in italy.
Just becuase it's bringing back the setting of the early games doesnt mean it's gonna bring back the actual gameplay. It's gonna be the same poorly made mess with focus on a haevily casual multiplayer like the past 10 games have been.
Looks... OK, I guess. Mite b cool. The CGI certainly looks pretty.
The story looks like it might be coherent, at least. I hope we can have a CoD game with a story that doesn't feature five flashbacks, six flash-forwards and most of the plot being explained by a narrator over a slideshow of maps.
big red one had a lot of italy
CoD 3 let you play as a Polack and it was all downhill from there.
>Final mission is in auschwitz
>You can have to rescue jews
>Everyone looks Healthy
>No gas chambers or crematory found anywhere
Do you remember how many?
Did it mentioned FEB?
Somewhere between a billion and a goyrillion
>nu-Sup Forums likes cowofdudy
bbbut kod has gud stories
can we finally play as japs, french and nazis?
Reminder that they helped the Nazi get power and Hitler betrayed them because of "muh art skool".
Yeah no fuck this shit
I think they straight up said they only cared about historical accuracy for campaign.
Literally looked like a low-tier Michael Bay movie.
You can play as strong women of color, Hitler's own bodyguard.
how can we go to auschwitz if the holocaust never happened
More like. "muh world war one" which was lost by traitors that happened to be jewish elites.
with le afro hair?
not enough black muslim women in the US army
boycotting due to outrageous bigotry
Doesn't Battlefield 1942 have a expansion pack based on Italy?
Mafia 2's opening and Medal of Honor Airborne both have you fighting in Italy
There's going to be a level where you died in the Holocaust calling it now
You can even make it rainbow
>Black female German soldiers running around with silenced Garand rifles and shotguns that fire Dragons Breath rounds
I don't know what this game is but it aint WW2
Can't have a WWII these days without muh holocaust I suppose.
>preorder now to get weapon unlock and double xp
Way to ruin a trailer. But who am I to judge, I'm not the audience, last CoD I bought was 4 on PC.
And the music will start sad but soft but as the guards force you through a crescendo will begin until the zyklon is thrown in the shower rooms.
LOOKS TIRED AND GRAPHICS AREN'T EVEN THAT GOOD. CHARACTERS LOOK DUMB AND SKIN SHADING ISN'T THERE. But you know, this will get all the patriot points from American kids aged 10 to 19. Even little older guys buy the game as well. have been brainwashed.
>Use flamethrower on a German
>Turns out it was a woman
>Those screams
Am I a faggot if I don't want to do this?
First day pirate for me
You are neo Sup Forums
And then this will play
Early Newgrounds violent flash cartoons kinda jarred with me and I guess I've never really gotten over it.
>its a murican vision of ww2 episode.
Looks like gay bigender furry black afro womyn.
>putting an entire operation at jeopardy to save a jew.
They should all face the firing squads.
>thinking multiplayer in any game ever is going to be accurate
autism personified
Day of Defeat 1.6 remains the best WW2 multiplayer game ever and it didn't have any of that shit.
Accuracy improves game atmosphere and great atmosphere is always good for multiplayer games.
Can I play as /ourguys/?
Day of Defeat is still extremely inaccurate to how WW2 and warfare in general works. Video games will never be able to accurately depict armed combat outside of sims like Arma, so Activision went with what is fun and what allows people to insert themselves into what is basically an airsoft match with WW2 cosplay.
no game will ever accurately depict armed combat because no game makes you fear for your life
No movie will ever give a perfect depiction of warfare either. Day of Defeat doesn't challenge your willing suspension of disbelief as much as the new CoD.
Hell at this point the final boss might as well be Mecha-Hitler.
>muh gameplay reasons
Well balanced asymmetrical multiplayer FPS > games where you can choose any combination of equipment.
2005 wants it's game back
Looking forward to pirating it, getting my 5-6 hours of enjoyment out of the campaign, and then never thinking about it again.
Pretty much. They said they couldn't not use it in single player because it represents one of the darker chapters in human history and people should be reminded of it.
Online is supposed to be a fun community and its hard to have fun when one side is committing genocide they said.
One of the MoH:AA had an Italy level, but it was afaik one of the intelligence/infiltration ones.
Well i suppose it will have to do
>Well balanced asymmetrical multiplayer FPS > games where you can choose any combination of equipment
mein neger
why the fuck would you link one of that retards videos
I don't know who the fuck he is and the first ten minutes were uncommentated.
>we are the good guys even though we dropped two nuclear bombs on innocent people LMAO
epic meme brah
>germans are bad guys
>we are the good guys even though we started a world war that resulted in millions of deaths for literally no reason and then lost!
But Jews won?
Not to mention that they choose probably the most overused operation. I really believed they would try out some new, not well know but interesting battles and diverse set of nations, but they just reach for the lowest fruit. We don't even get soviet campaing which is a big shame because russian missions used to be the best ones in the old Call of Duty.
I just want a China campaign.