It is over. Activision just won

It is over. Activision just won.
Are you ready for the fps of the century?

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what the fuck is with all the cod shills lately
I liked AW and World at War but jesus guys chill the fuck out, it's just a World War reskin of MWR

and then you open multiplayer and see devs shit all over the soldiers by pretending they were women
fuck off

Yeah because the fact that if you take damage you just need to go to a cover is not shitting all over the soldiers?

They should just start selling the campaign separate from the multiplayer like they did that multiplayer pack with Black Ops 3.

black ops 3 campaign was the worst from all cods

I was actually feeling it until I saw the guy with the drum on the Thompson and my autsim pulled me out

>Yeah because the fact that if you take damage you just need to go to a cover is not shitting all over the soldiers?
Its a gameplay mechanic
shit like niggers and women are to push agenda

>no swastika allowed even though their previous ww2 games had it including black cocks
>female black nazi soldiers

Those are pre-rendered CGI graphics,
Are you fucking retarded OP ??

Let's see some realtime gameplay footage, then I'll consider

go back to Sup Forums and cry there, while most of us will have fun with this

damn two games where I can slaughter nazis, first this then wolfenstein, it is like christmas for me

In the 4k video footage some of the beta testers had it looks like anktber generic cod

9/10 it was OK - ign


Is this really how Americans think the Nazis were?

>no niggers in the story

Holy shit this looks bad ass
Cant wait to see the pol babies cry over it

Hi Randy

>when you see neogaffers whine about Sup Forums more than you actually see Sup Forums

Hell yeah brother we need to kill all white "people"



It really does
I would buy it if there was a possibility of only getting single player

>Cant wait to see the pol babies cry over it
Hello n*ogaffer, go back.

Wer sind die Juden?

Soll das ein deutscher Offizier sein, der nur ein englisches Wort kennt? "Where"?

I know! Let's alter history books and insert womyn and genderfluid individuals fighting for our freedoms as well!

So progressive!! XD

sorry, can't speak evil

>that shitty lifeless mocap and terrible facial/lip animation
>normies will eat this up

>Sup Forums is just a natzee board
there's far more people than you seem to realize who hate both nazis and anti-white propaganda.
but enjoy playing make-believe soldier killing the nazi boogeymen you pretend to think are a current-year threat.

DAE hate Drumpf and Sup Forums? YAS QUEEEN!

>someone took time to make this image

It looks like every action movie made in the last 15 years but with ww2 and Nazis slapped onto it. I'm sure the game play is shit too.


Nope not buying this shit.

it's almost like people REALLY hate leftists or something!

Don't even say his fucking name, that actual nazi is literal incarnation of Hitler. How the fuck is the the president! NOT MY PRESIDENT THO REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

how triggered are you right now pol babbie

yooo on the "gear up, let's move" scene theres a shortbarrel thompson with a stick mag. hope that means we're able to use it at some point in sp/mp and not just with the drum

Das ist doch einfach wieder mal ne typische Ami Produktion. Am Ende der Kampagne springt Mike Tyson Persönlich in den Reichstag um Adi einen Knock Out Punch zu geben. Danach läuft die Amerikanische Nationalhymne während im Hintergrund geklatscht wird.

Its like you didnt even watch the trailer

Keep it up. Your cuck tears are delicious.

Watch the trailer, dipshit,

>tfw john oliver is the primary source of education for an entire generation

might as well be a movie

>Am Ende der Kampagne springt Mike Tyson Persönlich in den Reichstag um Adi einen Knock Out Punch zu geben. Danach läuft die Amerikanische Nationalhymne während im Hintergrund geklatscht wird.

Do you mean with it costing less, or what? Because you can just, you know, not play the MP.

nobody watches him except for numales that won't breed

conservative whites are outbreeding liberal whites at about 2.3:1 ratio. liberal whites are going to convert or go extinct.

>fps of the century
>pre-order now for double-xp

I just wanted to talk about video games

hot garbage

>its another super-linear COD game
>clown closets that will spawn endless enemies until you walk through an invisible line
>completely brainless AI that fills shooting gallery after shooting gallery with 1000's of identical enemies that you will kill all by yourself
>game will treat you like you have ADD and will break/you will die if you ever slow down

I would prefer more like this desu.

Nevermind, we just have to wait till Wolfenstein.

I feel like every year I get closer to buying a COD game but I never actually do it

>Thompson with 50 round drum
>flamethrowers in europe during world war 2

Yeah, we get it. Just a game.

t. autism

>laughing at a crudely made shitpost makes me a lefty
t. (((Sup Forums))) but I opened my third eye years ago and know who the real cucks are

>think it's gonna be a return to a glorious campaign being a random nameless soldier in the middle of huge battles with death, sacrifice and courage around you, where the protagonist is the conflict itself
>it's gonna be a saving private ryan knock-off with just a small squad looking for their jew friend
I mean the story sounds good and interesting but god damn, is it so much to ask for another CoD like 1/2/WaW?

The M2 Flamethrower was actually used in the European Theatre but only in very small anmounts. Probably just to get rid of wooden barriers and bushworks.

plus it's fun!

t. youtube war expert


>generic us army fanfiction campaign
>no ruskies in stalingrad
>no brits doing secret SAS stuff
>no resistance stuff / no voluntary battalions

literally worse than it's predecessor

Are they sticking to the sole soldier perspective again?

It was way better when they switched between different fronts. Russian missions were always kino as fuck.

the russian campaign of W@W was so fucking good

I miss the diary entries between levels. Would never happen again, kids hate reading

Video game "stories" always ruin everything. They really should have gone the bare bones way like the original CoD and let the story unfold mainly in the player's gameplay experience.

4 was also decent because it didn't hide the fact it was an action story and not realistic at all.

That was all the story you needed. Fucking this cinematic bullshit. Tell the stories through gameplay and set-pieces like they used to.

One single American soldier.
I haven't seen any news talking about British or Russian missions. Hell I don't even think Brits or Russians will be in the campaign at all.

Step aside granpa, I always read the names on top of the leaderboard. And it's always mine. Now pass the Mountain Dew.

soon™ with our new nazi zombies™ and anime weapons skins™ DLC

Feels like I'm back in early 2000's.

>For three days, I have hunted him. For three days, luck alone has saved his wretched life.

Can we agree that the Yank campaigns were always the weakest parts of CoD games?

how else can they sell you Canadian DLC?

Pointe du Hoc, Hill 400, and crossing the Rhine were pure kino

Hill 400 was kino, I give you that.

>Russian campaign has moral choices

>wearing Iron Cross like this
>on field uniform

>For days I have crept through shadows like a rat. This place once echoed with conversations of friends and lovers. No longer. Mark my words, Comrade... One day things will change. We will take the fight to their land... to their people... to their blood.

Good goy, don't forget the season pass!

>what the fuck is with all the cod shills lately
They become more active closer to release every year

>Canadian DLC
>Mission One
Hey pal, pass the maple syrup.
>Mission Two
Hey Friendo, find my moose.
>Mission Three
Kill the Nazis bud, but be polite.

peak CoD kino

>SS soldiers covered in bandages dying to the last man
>artillery barrages on their own men
>that fucking music over the radio
>that speach

Fuck, everything about Reznov and the WaW-BO1 story was kino. Who in their right mind had the bright idea to ruin something like that.

Do you understand it's marketing? Are you underage? Anyhow you shouldn't respond to shill threads, it's obvious after a while.

I believe it's gonna be 90% american soldier with the other 10% being french resistance female and other guys (i think i read somewhere about a black tanker and a german defector but don't quote me on this.) 100% western european front though.

So basically they're copying the normandy breakout story of COD3 and the 1st division from COD 2 big red one with a JUDEN from saving private ryan. For fucks sake i wanted to see some Russian campaign, a Chinese or pacific centered campaign or hell even a winter war mission could be cool with the Fins. But nah we just get the same shit with new paint

so easy to trigger

What if he got field promoted?

>they are looking for jews


>these medals
jesus is it really that hard to get something like this right?

so easy to trigger

"The Red Army's advance in to Germany is swift and brutal. In mere months, we have reached Seelow Heights - the last line of defense before the German capital. We outnumber the Germans ten to one! Wave upon wave of our infantry are unleashed upon them to clear the way for our armor. Once we have control of Seelow, we will begin the march to Berlin. There, we will ensure that every sacrifice is repaid in blood."


>But nah we just get the same shit with new paint
This has been happening for a decade now. Why everyone ignores it, is beyond me.

You sure got those racists! I bet twitter loves you.

I don't believe a word your avereage Sup Forumsirgin says. Past experience has proven that they're all liars

so easy to trigger

Then you are wearing this without ribbon, you fucking untermensch

They average around top-mid.

>CoD 1
russian > american > british

american > russian > british

>CoD 2
american > british > russian

>CoD 3
american > canadian > polish > british

>CoD WaW
russian > american

Have you seen the gameplay?
The maps look kime they ere made 10 years ago,low textures,bad geometry and materials all around.

>stuck with one of these at level 1 in multiplayer

w/e im not fixing that

This is the new "u mad" how the fuck do you counter this lads