>muh white male power fantasy is ruined
Other urls found in this thread:
>commander of said squad is a black woman
You see how your gay little narrative falls apart here? Go be a nigger somewhere else.
Star Wars is everything except dead. It's the fucking hype these days. Again.
>Dreamers are violent extremists
I don't see the problem.
The entire premise of the series was based around an unlawful, unwarranted rebellion against an Empire formed through a unanimous vote of a massive republic that never actually did anything to merit dissatisfaction except for a purge of a subversive, cult-like organization. Star Wars was always ridiculous, people expect too much of it instead of just rolling with things.
Thanks for the laf
there is no consistency to the nu Star Wars. Every iteration of it exists to serve the monthly, nay weekly politically correct ephemerality
The Empire is a white supremacist organization that has a black woman leading it's spec ops group?
Ok. See you in 30 minutes OP
>run out of ideas what to do with your IP
>let's make a campaign from the Empire's POV
>but the protagonist can't be white or male, that would trigger the snowflakes and cause bad press
>fuck internal consistency, make it a nigger woman
the writer of new Star Shit game.
Or maybe they just aren't a white supremacist group despite what you want to believe?
I'm pretty sure the screenwriter who said the Empire was a white supremacist organisation got rightfully told otherwise, despite the Empire being heavily influenced by Nazis anyway.
Not him but;
First off she's Indian not black.
Second off I've found it really weird and unsettling that Disney has been doubling down on the Nazi imagery (salutes and speeches in TFA) while also having women of color to show how diverse everything is.
Why is she not wearing a helmet
I don't care that she's a woman, but I do care she's out of uniform
Or maybe they are deathly afraid of any backlash by tumblerinas and the normie news
I just want to be Mandalorian
Welcome to leftism pajeet
Either way you look at it, Empire just isn't a white supremacist organization. It's a human supremacist organization.
The Empire is more British Empire with Nazi fashion sense than actual Nazis in the films. Their mission is to rule the waves, not exterminate the wrong'uns.
It's almost like being a hardline prick isn't actually unique to one group of people.
No shit.
There hasn't been a good Star Wars movie in 34 years and not a single decent Star Wars game came out during last gen.
But even then they have Thrawn.
They want people to literally stop seeing skin color and destroy any opposing ideology at sight.
Black and indian imperials work well into the narrative that blacks who dislike Black lives Matter are just as bad as the slavers and similar things.
It is white supremacist when it suits (((their))) narrative.
Whose? The OP's?
I think the important question here is why goblins need to rape human and elven women, how can two different species breed?
How insecure are you Trump voters?
It's almost like I was specifically talking about the comments made by directors calling the Empire "white supremicist"
Death squads are something the Empire would do though.
>purge of the subversive cult
It wasn't even really a "purge". The Jedi acted first. Mace Dindu was trying to kill the democratically elected leader because he was the wrong religion or some shit. The jedi were a terrorist organization.
No goblin females exist
The evil God that created them is kind of a thick and thought that procreation through rape would be funny
Nah, only nostalgia fags give a fuck anymore.
So was I? The directors are completely BTFO. Don't get your panties in a twist.
The leading imperial after Palpatines death was Grand Admiral Sloane, another black woman. A black woman so badass she got to have the same kind of gian Super Star Destroyer as Vader despite no real achievements.
A smaller theory is the Battlefront woman becomes leader of the First Order.
I fucking hate Trump and I'm also annoyed by these political analogues
*Kind of a dick
they don't have females and they need to breed using them
I don't know, I didn't vote for trump you intellectually bankrupt Sup Forums user
whoever buys shit from disney star wars is a traitor
seeing as how the "dreamers" were radical terrorists that murdered innocent civilians and tried to blow up a school full of children, I don't think the narrative holds up.
That Berserk?
Thank god those smileys are there. My wifes son would've been traumistised otherwise
You mean TR-8R
Looks like it. Troll arc.
>34 years
So then Simpsons is still going strong?
Her uniform is a TIE pilot suit. That is the biggest insult of this game. So many imperial spec op units in old and new canon: Death Troopers Shadow Troopers, Storm Commandos, Blackhole Troopers, Crimson Stormtroopers, Dark Troopers in cyborg and 3 different droid/exoskeleton versions, whatevr Sgt. Krill from the shitty new comics is.
But what do they do? Paint red stripes on a PILOT uniform and call it a soldier.
Sounds like a really bad DM and his magical realm bullshit
>Her uniform is a TIE pilot suit.
She starts her career in the Empire as a TIE pilot.
Don't worry user, the 2016 anime has just flat bumps so even your wife's daughter can watch Berserk and pretend she's watching the animated Barbie show she always wanted!
That's literally the case
She IS a TIE pilot, so...
>A black woman so badass she got to have the same kind of giant Super Star Destroyer as Vader despite no real achievements.
She hardly even used the SSD across the three Aftermath books. Book 1 she's on a planet the whole time, book 2 she's only on it half the book while the guy controlling her lives on it, and book 3 she's marked as a "traitor" by said guy and she's on Jakku the whole time.
The SSD is only "hers" because the guy controlling her took the ship for his own use, and he made her the figurehead leader of his section of the Empire.
I really doubt they use single TIE Fighters or Interceptors to drop into battle zones, that would be suicide and not very stealthy.
Even then, give them at least some more armor parts than just the breastplate.
you literally deleted your post because you wrote pilot wrong
nigga thats embarrassing
you autistic or something?
Friendly reminder that voting for right wing extremist parties in your country is the only way to have a future if you're a white male.
These (((people))) will not stop until everything you love is destroyed.
>Video games
>battle zones
Inferno Squad doesn't even battle in the debut novel tie-in to the game. They are more infiltrate and silently carry out missions instead of guns blazing. The cover art for the book was horrendously misleading. The first trailer showing off the story mode even makes it seem like she's flying a TIE Fighter off Endor through the wreckage of the DS2.
The squad does have their own ship (Raider-class corvette) that they use as a mobile base, but not as their drop ship for missions.
Go back to your containment board.
I read the book. Versio is an incredibly generic character.
It's pretty forgettable as far as star wars books go. Inferno Squad had a QT Asian ISB officer who ended up getting killed by the dreamers at the end because she blew her own cover. The book itself is very boring, with no real battles or flying missions. I don't even know why they are in fucking TIE armor when all they do is espionage the entire time.
Also, the leader of the Dreamers is Lux Bonteri
Even Hitler isn't safe anymore!
Just stop supporting western IPs altogether.
You seem to be confused. No one on here is suggesting it's a white supremacist organization. This is all based off of what writers on TFA said. The people posting on here are simply pointing out their inconsistent attitude towards the Empire.
>implying you will have any worthwhile videogames if this continues
Palpatine let aliens in when they suited his goals. Mas Amedda kept track of the DS project for Palpatine while it was going, and some of the government duties on Coruscant.
Thrawn was only offered a spot in the Empire, by Palpatine himself, so Palpatine could use Thrawn's knowledge of his branch of the Unknown Regions for his own personal gain. Thrawn literally isn't even loyal to the Empire and will easily abandon it at the drop of a hat.
it is neither, you retard. just because some faggot said this on twitter doesn't make it true. observation of the entirety of star wars media proves quite the opposite
>implying videogames exist in nazi world timeline
I always thought she had the SSD in her introduction where she tractorbeamed Wedge, now I remember it's two different ships, my Bad.
I based the soldier part more on the scenes where they shoot people in the forest alongside Stormtroopers.
I still don't get how you use regular TIE fighters for stealth missions, maybe something with cloaking tech like the Phantoms but those aren't used here.
The writers of the nu films have stated that the empire is a white supremacist organization.
So let me get this straight: nothing in the canon actually proves the Empire is a white supremacist organization and that, if anything, there are things that prove it's the opposite? What the fuck is the problem then? Because some screenplay writer for one movie said so?
life is so good in nazi timeline, videogames dont even need to exist. Qt asian waifus for everyone.
SW has been shit since TPM. Welcome to twenty years ago.
Yeah, the campaign will have you be bad the entire time.
>just some faggot on twitter
That guy wrote the screenplay for Rogue One you stupid twat.
No it isn't. The vast majority of normies have moved on from it, only hardcore superfans still give a shit but they were always stupid. You can't run a hype machine with a new movie every 24 months, at least not for longer than 2-3 movies. People get bored and move onto something else.
>race mixing in nazi timeline
>2d waifus in nazi timeline
>I still don't get how you use regular TIE fighters for stealth missions
The Empire only has one kind of flight suit for pilots, and that's the TIE-whatever suits. When they do their missions in the book, they usually dress up in outfits other than their flight suits while using non-Imperial ships so they don't come off as Imperial the second they land and go off ship.
While she's doing Imperial missions where it requires her to use Imperial uniforms, she uses her only actual uniform that she has: the flight suit.
He's not wrong, though. Storm Troopers are a direct reference to Nazi soldiers by the same name. This shit's been known since 1977, older than pretty much 99% of the board is.
And they're the bad guys. So what's the fucking problem with painting bad guys as bad?
Its not race mixing if they are honorary aryans user
Yes. That's exactly the problem, or part of it rather. It shows that the people working on the new Star Wars media don't know what the fuck they're doing.
The Empire is white supremacist in the movies. OT and Rogue One correctly show only white males, the movies are the model to go by.
The old EU added some women which all
got explained away with nepotism and sleeping up the ladder.
The new EU added women as Stormtroopers and basically all positions, black people in all positions.
Going by the movies only the First Order is a completely different organization and absolutely not a continuation of the Empire.
exactly, he is just *some faggot*. him tweeting that doesn't make it true. he helped write the 8th star wars movie. the rest of the entire fucking universe doesn't support that claim
>Storm Troopers are a direct reference to Nazi soldiers by the same name
no shit, but how does that make the Empire a white supremecist organization? It just equates the ultimate evil of the empire with the ultimate evil of nazism. it's just evil and nowhere in *any* media of star wars, including rogue one, is the idea supported that the empire intentionally racially discriminates
I mean look at the OP for fucks sake
>Western developers
You're an idiot for expecting anything less than shoehorned politics and butch lesbians.
They're aesthetic is bases on the Nazis, but not much else is. They don't go on purges as part of pushing some racial or ethnic purity. All the genocide thy commit is meant to simply cement the power of the Empire. Saying that this has anything to do with white supremacy is just wrong.
Depends on where you've set your goalposts for "*any media of star wars*" - cuz it was pretty well-established in the books that the Empire was Xenophobic. Yes, a few aliens could get higher ranks, e.g; Thrawn, but those were decidedly rare and exceptional cases.
In the later post-movie books OH NO POST-RETURN OF THE JEDI EU ISNT CANON ANYMORE BLAH BLAH shut the fuck up every instance of the Imperial Remnant is STILL human-centric, isolationist, and constantly starts shit with any non-human race that gets too close, even their Chiss "buddies".
Hell, even when the Yuuzhan Vong invaded they put up that anti-alien shit against their allies as much as, if not more than, against the Vong.
Who cares about canon and non-canon if not even George Lucas doesn't give a shit?
Why would anyone actually argue that the older movies show that? They don't. I thought everyone here was talking about the post-Lucas content like this game?
The reason the original movies don't have any black Imperials is because there are basically no blacks in the entire trilogy, save for Lando.
Lando's not even stereotypically-black, he looks more on the Caribbean side
They added blacks and asians in ROTJ and still the Empire had none of them.
By that logic the Rebellion before the DS1 blew up was also a White Supremacist Organization with a few token figureheads
But TFA had a black stormtrooper play the lead role and RO had an Indian pilot who also played a huge role. I'm not sure how you missed that. Also, don't you mean 'person working on the new movies' seeing as it was only one dude who said that once on twitter and it was never mentioned again anywhere?
Lando is your average 80s black you faggotron
What black person was there other than Lando? I don't remember a single one.
I wish I was around for the coke fueled gangbangs she had.
>Empire racially discriminates
In some stories, it has been a pro-human thing. Dooku had a line somewhere like
>The Empire would put power back in the hands of the only beings who could be trusted with it, human beings.
Of course, that was what he thought the Empire would be like, but Sheev was rusing him so who fucking knows.