Sup Forums The Musical V

Sup Forums The Musical 5 - the ride never ends
>First-timer's brochure:

>How do I contribute?
Write something! Or look in the Google Doc for something to sing or edit. Album art is always welcome, too! And consider not making any more Todd Howard songs, there are too many.

>Song Spreadsheet
>General Drive
>Meta Song List
>Art Folder

some of the song already done:

Other urls found in this thread:

Good job but where's the lewd?

Are you laughin' out loud yet?
Are ya?

Duck in Gamespot is comfycore

>removing FOUR

this is a blue board user think of the children.

didn't remove it just didn't have the link

Devola user:
2B's Ass ---- I'd squeeze it all night
Surely ---- her panties are white
Whats the size? ---- XL oh I wonder why
T H I ---- as fresh pizza dough

Popola user:
---- So fine I'd squeeze it all night
---- What color? her panties are white
---- The size? XL oh I wonder why
---- C C as fresh pizza dough



It's called Creation Club

Anyone wanna try singing something I wrote

No it isn't. We're getting a full on standalone Todd album.

Go samefag your nonsense somewhere else. We've gotten to a point where even singers want different lyrics instead of Todd-shit. Good job.

This is good. We needed a song about 2b's ass.

>Sonic Mania
(Xanadu- Olivia Newton-John and Electric Light Orchestra)

A game
With Sonic that doesn't blow
With classic gameplay we know
It's Sonic Mania
(Sega did it, they actually tried)
On display for all to see
Oh yes, the nostalgia's real
In Sonic Mania
(Christian Whitehead, he made it work)
Some fans will try to bitch
But really, I don't care
The magic's there
An almost perfect game
And it's not a bore
Like Sonic 4

Sonic Mania
(The magic's here)
In Sonic Mania

Sonic Mania
(The nostalgia's real)
In Sonic Mania
Mania, you can see the dev's love
In Sonic Mania

The love
For Sonics that came before
Large levels to explore
In Sonic Mania
And sure
Some mechanics feel real old
But still, this game's real bold
It's Sonic Mania
(Sonic is saved, at least until Forces)
The bosses are a bit piss easy
But I don't care
The magic's there
I really feel like I'm going fast
And it's not a bore
Like Sonic 4

Sonic Mania
(The sprite work's epic)
In Sonic Mania

Sonic Mania
(Ass, the music kicks)
In Sonic Mania

The effort's real
Nostalgic feels
In Sonic Mania
It's a real fact
The magic's back
In Maaaaaaaaaaa........
Aaaaaaaaaa......... I did another take of Grandpa Nintendo's vocals for I've Got a Golden Gimmick. I feel as though these turned out better than the first recording, but I'd still like some feedback

Fuck off. Todd album is happening, deal with it. I'll make it myself if I have to.

Ok, good luck pleading your case to the shadow cabal.

>Do an ELO song
>It isn't It's a Living Thing
why are you still here?

Sup Forumsirgins I'm thrilled
I'm in a tizzy on the boards
Waiting for switch's crash and burn

Oh what a chill
Celebrations and more
Oh babies, their refusal to learn

It's recall date is near
The power that Nintenbabies fear

Until that day
Until the fans no longer play
Until they say they'll be no more retries
Tears are in my eyes
But Nintendo never dies

Sony we've won
They're all done.
Third party, support bar none
It's more than my sides can bare

Bet you tell your "wife"
Every night
All 'bout your airplane flight
and how you would sperg out, up there.

It's recall date's so near
The shower of Nintenbabies' tears

Until that day
Until the fans no longer play
Until they say they'll be no more retries
Tears are in my eyes

Until that day
Until that day
Until that day

Why are YOU still here? The Roco drama is water under the bridge now.
Leave me alone.
Also, I don't anyone did a song from Xanadu, either.

You're water under my bridge

After a whole year on GIMP, i've done this
Res is kinda bad, so if someone wants to upscale it or do something with it so it looks better, feel free to

ive never participated in this shit but now im considering doing some vocals

stop that

Stop tripfagging and just post your written lyrics, nobody'll know it's you then.
Fucking idiot.

I could give it a shot, but it will probably sound ridiculous

We need more Atari disco

Well, if I'm water under your bridge, doesn't that mean you'll stop harassing me?

You make Junko from last year seem like a paragon of humanity.

any hot topics to cover? seems there aren't really any interesting things to make song about

Nobody is stopping you

stop that

>seems there aren't really any interesting things to make song about
Shut up

anything but todd is welcome user

just as i wrote this i had an idea for a song, what a twist

Wait a minute? ROCO? I thought you were the other guy.
I'm still sorry for being a stalking cunt.
PS Years Come For Us All:


Newsflash: user/mem/ous is Junko inacting a fiendish plan to bring despair to this thread under a new alias. Wouldn't be the first time.

here's lyrics

yeah im just thinking about what to sing

Steam store going to the shitter
Skyrim being sold 4 times
Battleborn dead, Lawbreakers SUPER dead
Telltale going to the shitter
Game reviewers being retarded
Youtube E-celebs running away from youtube demonetization
Sonic is back
Monster Hunter coming to PC
Half life died for a shitty card game
Mobas mobas everywhere
Yakuza and shenmue relevant for the first time in a decade
overwatch bans locking in on people's souls

There's a lot of songs on the spreadsheet that are available.

>Andromeda being shit
>Mania NOT being shit
>Pewdiepie's faulty relationship with the letter N.
>Zelda being the GOAT
>Ubisoft surprisingly not blowing it at E3 this year.
>Creation Club
>Yet more Skyrim milking
>The JonTron fiasco
>Mario's tits

if you're gonna be a total sperg at least stop tripfagging youre just causing uneeded drama and derailing the thread

That's his aim.

how about forced diversity (black females nazis etc) instead of bear neccessities or is too much of an hot button topic?

did the parts for Trolls On The Twitter and will stick them in a pastebin with labeled links within the doc soon.

>student 1 and 2
>students COMBINED
>students HIGH
>students LOW


and concerning the Hamilton song because i have to edit this pos!

Lyrics - (embed)
Original - [YouTube] Hamilton - Alexander Hamilton lyrics (embed)
Instrumental -

Demo -

we have ONE main part OPEN:
and we always want more people for the
but also need people to send even the small bits at the end, bonus points if you actually did said things.
"We wrote for it."
"Me? Made art for it."
"Me? I bumped it."

if you're sending in a piece (or a few) please remember a few things!
>listen to the demo.
make sure you are in time with it. it makes my editing life easier and marpix won't yell at me when someone is out of place.
>keep your vocals clean and isolated.
don't put a music track when you export it else i can't easily retime your piece if i have to do that - else i might have to lower your track or not use it altogether.
>email me at [email protected] to make sure i get them.
if you post it in thread i will let you know that i got them but you know how threads are, and sometimes i'll miss them.

roles filled thus far and a couple notes

Burr - TheVoiceGuy - if you can, can you record the second half of burr's lines? the raps and last couple tidbits. it's a demanding role, so if you aren't up for it let me know asap.
Jefferson - cherokeejack- all peachy here, thanks yo
Hamilton - vannon - hopefully if there's spare time you can whip up a record for all the company parts but i think it should be ok.
Washington - SuperSounds - have yet to receive your bit but excited for it!
Laurens - Dr Worm - no problems here.
Eliza - Roco - gay!

anyway that's about it, ty senpai

>tfw been following this since year one
>did singing and songwriting since I was little
>don't have any decent recording equipment because poorfag

yea i know just gonna ignore him

What ever happened to that one autist who threatened to "expose us" to r/Sup Forums if we didn't leave Sup Forums?


we've already got a song about that called 'Paint it black'

Well, you EVEN BRINGING UP the drama is causing any chance of derailing the thread. And for the fifth time, I WAS TOO EXCITED ROCO NOTICED MY SONG.
Now, stop harassing me and let me write some damn songs.

Like ?
i'm dumb here's the original

3 weeks, 4 days remain

-Phantom Astley

Ayyyyy. Not feeling 100 about the chorus
>All i ever wanted was to pick up a new game,
>But i see that these are very much the same

Give thoughts pls

Your new is showing

Huh, I thought Marpix is doing the Hamilton thing. Surprised to see him absent.

stop that

Well, this IS my first Sup Forums the Musical. And I'm a huge fan of it.
BTW, my favorite songs are "DOOM" and "Miiverse".

he is! he wrote the thing, did the demo, i'm just in charge of editing while he's out. i'm unsure if he will take a part in it but while he's absent i guess we'll find out.

I will try the Madison part and company parts later today

Threadly shilling.

>with instrumentals

Don't Stand In My Spot:

Augmented Man:

>no-instrumentals on the off-chance someone's good at Audacity or something

Head Inside the Oculus:

The Masquerade:

god do you realise how pathetic you sound

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Its bait, he is literally baiting, just ignore his posts and he will get bored

What? I wasn't talking to you you absolute retard. Or did you forget to wipe the name off this time?

Yes, I admit I was a bit pathetic, but I'm past that. And moving past it allowed me to write 3 BEATLES PARODIES IN A ROW. The lyrics are on the spreadsheet, if anyone is interested.

Someone should get to editing the meta songlist. There's some songs being done in this that hasn't been greyed out yet.

Just stop dude.

Where is the whitest man in Argentina to remind us of gems yet to be sung?

Man. You faggots have talent


I kept the name because a) I liked it and b) so people might read my lyrics off the spreadsheet.
*sigh* At this point I'm the Kayne of Sup Forums the Musical. I was a dick ONCE, and now people will NEVER let me live it down.

i appreciate the TMBG lyrics, but if you're gonna write something from them, i'd suggest checking out the MIDI pages first. Those could at least be worked into an instrumental

You type like chris chan


you mean 2 and one that's already been done

It's been 3 days. You already need reminders?

Stop that

This is definitely a troll picking up the poor dudes name. Just ignore him.

Yes! Mostly to confirm the man's well-being, but still.

when are you guys uploading them to youtube to add to the playlist?

Its the third fucking day there's still like a month of shit to do

That's usually the last thing on the list, after songs are done and albums are finalized.

>posting generic navy seals

Oh shit nice, I just googled "[song] karaoke/instrumental" like an idiot. Might be able to get something out of "I Should Be Allowed to Think."

If someone really likes Oculus for some reason there's also this:

Are you like, what, fifteen?

Actually, hardcore Beatles fans consider "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" and "With A Little Help from My Friends" to be one song, so paired the 2 songs into one about gaming in 2017 (so far) using that loophole.
I can make songs out of the entire Sgt. Pepper's album if I wanna!
If you want me to get out of your face, though, why don't you go to the Sup ForumsTM thread on /vg/?

Talk about Todd songs, crossposting from /vg/ in case the relevant people only come here:

People wanted a non-Todd version of Phantom of the Opera, so here you've got one. I'll leave it to the singfags to decide what they'll do with it or if they want to do both or whatever.


>All through their history
>They’ve changed our games (/ I’ve been perplexed)
>It’s such a mystery why swap those names(/ change the text)
>It’s straight up censorship they know no shame (/ And there they go again it’s such a shame)
>Nintendo of America is here
>To change our game

>Can’t let this filth just be
>She’s just a child
>So showing too much skin would be reviled
>The change is small you see, so don’t complain
>Nintendo of America is here
>To change your game

>What you call localised
>Is what we hate
>No dual audio

>Our dub is great

>Those factions and those foes they/we will rename
>Nintendo of America is here
>To change our/your game

>They’re here, Nintendo of America
>Beware, Nintendo of America

>It’s way too Japanese, this game won’t do
>They’ll think we’re pedophiles

>No, that’s just you

>The Western industry
>Is much too tame
>Nintendo of America is here
>To change our/your game

>Change this cultural costume

>They’re here, Nintendo of Amerca

>Change that script
>Change this minigame of skinship
>Change that game!

stop that

This is actually fucking hilarious

Stop that.

This website is for people above the age of 18. Go away.

I've been in these threads since I was fifteen and I wasn't this bad.

Least I hope I wasn't.

Okay, now I'm considering reporting you for spam.

There are two remindanons. At least one is alive.


At least post the original song so we can see if it fits

the doc has some complete songs that haven't been edited yet - or even just songs that are straight up done. stay responsible for your songs everyone! move them where they're supposed to be.

completed songs:
Games - written by user - Mooch
>Stars - Les Miserables

Come and Play Mountain Blade - written by P - Some Guy
>Take Me Home Country Road - John Denver

and of course

Get Good (Git Gud) - written by user - El Pato
>Beat It - Michael Jackson