Official Call of Duty®: WWII - Story Trailer

Looks really solid. Are you hyped, Sup Forums?

Next time please check the catalog before making a new thread, shill.

damn that looks like some excellent kafkaesque kinotography

Very lovecraftian

why cant you play as the good guys?

>call of duty

If I want to buy the same fucking yearly game that's now routinely infested with manipulative microtransactions among many other problems, then sure.

but you are playing as an American?!

Please delete marketing threads

The world needs a new Brothers in Arms title.

Stop trying to force this meme. At the very least use some kafkaesque/lovcraftian merger.

>another shill thread

>no russian campaign

Why even bother

These fucking shills

>Ser sind die Juden?

Hoho it's gonna be one of those.

>All American campaign.
>No more British seqments.
>No more Russian segments.
>No African front, no Eastern front, no final taking of Berlin,...

Get fucked, saged.

Any WW2 game that doesn't focus on playable Nazis is a waste of time. Everything else has been done to death.

Absolute cliche dogshit. Fuck off with these fucking American soldiers only WW2 that's been done to death and adds nothing new. We seen this same American point of view bullshit a million times and I'm fucking tired of it.

I'm certain he's just a Sup Forums user posing as a shill to get guaranteed (you)'s

It's amazing how when reddit flooded the site (you) fishing exploded. They need something to replace those upboats I guess.

>but you are playing as an American?!

Like he said "why cant you play as the good guys?"

Remember to never forget the 6 quadrillion goy.

>these plebs never had it occur to them which theater would be the most fun

Is this like WAW for retards?

>tfw born too late to participate in the greatest war in human history
>born late enough to play shite video games that are a mockery of it
fucking gamestop

Either this or playable Japs. People bitching about no Russians or British are just as dumb, that shit has been in every WWII game as well.

BO2 was the last good CoD campaign.

This is indesputable fact.

wtf I hate the allies now?!1