>back-hop roar cancels into fireball
Back-hop roar cancels into fireball
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wear earplugs, shitter
git gud fag
The real bullshit is
>hitbox for dash attack appears before the animation even starts
>it doesn't even have any reduced start-up damage and lower knock back
>he hates Yian Garuga
You might as well wear a t-shirt that says "SHITTER" in bold letters, daily
>another Ridley thread
Get over it, kid. He's never going to be patched.
Some guy i know memed me into believing that garugas are the female counterpart of kut kus
Is this true
I hate yian garuga too, but not because he's too hard. He's just not fun to fight. Gen 1 flying wyverns suck; they're unpolished and they have small repetitive movesets.
Not him but
I hate Yian Garuga and have went through 3 generations of hating Yian Garuga.
I also hated MHFU teostra curving.
monsters stunning hunters and then cancelling into undodgeable moves is where the games start entering bullshit territory
Getting stunned by a charge and then getting knocked down and getting hit before you can get up and move is where it's at
Fucking this
It got especially bad in 4u when they decided to make wind pressure last 5 times as long for absolutely no good reason. It's just a way to give monsters more free hits on you. It looks stupid as hell and makes 0 sense too, especially when your hunter continually braces himself against when the source of the wind pressure is long gone.
i hope the frenzy shit comes back in world alongside apex monsters
>i hope frenzy comes back
I think that would be pretty c-
>along with apex monsters
You are not welcome here
>back-hop roar cancels into fireball
>dizzy and on fire
>charges you
>get up, panic dive, hit the ground
>covers ears like a faggot
>cames back, tail swipe inflicting poison
>last bit of health drains out
Did they even playtest this shit?
I'll get you guys t-shirts too
Garuga is fun with:
and anything with earplugs or evasion +1. If you're not having fun in the fight, you're clearly doing it wrong.
>say something negative about first generation monsters
I wish we could talk about Monster Hunter without insecure little dweebs stroking their e-peen at every turn.
>hottest monkey dick terrorizing in HD
gib pls
I don't "not have fun" with any part of the game. It's simply my least favorite wyvern
>lists weapons that didn't exist in gen 1
Nigga what? I bet your candy ass didn't even solo Land of the Tremors
>If you're not having fun fighting shitty old monsters whose main source of difficulty comes from a lack of start-up on attacks and bad hitboxes rather than interesting/challenging moves you're doing it wrong
The worst part about 4U was bringing back all these trash monsters without updating them at all. It's not even that they're hard, they're just really not fun to fight at all.
There is literally nothing(zero) wrong with Apex
The old "elite" fans of MonHun are the worst part of the community.
Except wystones and causing you to not be able to hit *zone* which depending on your weapon ranges from not inconsequential to really shit.
I just got Dark Akantor armor yesterday, going to enter G-rank now. Any tips? Using Hidden stinger.
on the plus side, it looks like rath has a start up tell for the tail sweep in World, hopefully we'll get similar changes for lots of other monsters
Maybe if you hunted a monster more than twice, you'd realize that it's not "pros stroking peens" but "normies who know how to press buttons"
>The old "elite" fans of MonHun are the worst part of the community.
That's not our fault. We used to make jokes about LS in MHF2 but everybody knew that those jokes were jokes. It's people now that think that all memes are reality and that Monster Hunter is a series about stroking your e-peen.
Literally /mhg/ grandpas
One of them posted FU tigrex as an example and said that monsters should have hitboxes bigger than their limbs because it forces you to "respect them"
I'm not kidding
>>I also hated MHFU teostra curving.
Haha just sit still bro like haha don't move
>his Wystone runs out before he manages to cuck the monster out of apex
I'm disappointed
What is the best monster and why it isn't
Pink Rathian
>If you're not having fun jumping in front of moving cars, you're clearly doing it wrong.
>"dude its not even hard lmao"
like a goddamned swiss watch.
First generation monsters aren't hard. They're a mess. Every first generation flying wyvern is a breath attack, charge, roar, tailwhip, and wind-pressure backhop. They're not exciting or interesting, and they're outclassed by literally every single monster that's come after.
Let me say one more time, they're not hard. They're not difficult to fight. They suck. Have a better argument than "gitgud"
Fuck that shit i wanna see Great Jaggi apex
A garuga is the offspring of a Kutku and a Rath.
Yeah Rathalos looks a lot better. Way less spammy too, he didn't tail whip or charge 5 times in a row in any of the footage I've seen.
I'm super hype for World, so far it looks like it keeps the fantastic gameplay of the series while fixing all the frustrating things about it at the same time
>Literally /mhg/ grandpas
He's not a grandpa if he thinks that's true.
This video is relatively one of the newer ones but it shows how we were making Tigrex our bitch for years. It's only recently now where natural evasion and learning to dodge is not the end all be all skill because many wyverns have hitboxes that last longer than your evasion window.
>Haha just sit still bro like haha don't move
you wot? he has three charges bro. It's also like when he spreads his magic pixie dust. You think you know where it's going to blow up at, and you'd be wrong.
acquire proficiency
>tfw mained SnS through MH4U endgame and entierety of MHGen
I will miss the shoryuken hunter art
You basically get it as a regular motion now with the shield dive.
Defend this, niggers
>>you wot? he has three charges bro. It's also like when he spreads his magic pixie dust. You think you know where it's going to blow up at, and you'd be wrong.
I thought you were talking about how his charge curves to predict where you will go unlike most gen1/2 monsters that just charge the position at the start of their animation and not about his explosion
too bad the back hop charge attack is screwed up because of it, wish they would have made the jump up another button after the hit instead of auto jumping
The only first gen monsters that actually suck are Plesioth (probably the worst monster in the entire franchise), Cephadrome, dromes and Silver Rathalos. The rest are serviceable.
I was talking about his charge curve. He has three charges and you won't know which one he's throwing out until halfway through his run from him to you. It's infuriating.
Looks like a normal charge into flip, with the distance so short that the charge hits very early in the animation.
>He has three charges
Really? Been a while since I replayed FU but I remember the majority of his/her charges being curved
>Meanwhile in Grandpa FU, Rajang lets you hug around its punch barrage without fear of getting launched like 4U
at this point of the game you're supposed to know the monster's patterns and when not to attack.
tl;dr git gud
I don't know about S.Rathalos, but Diablos is pretty bullshit.
the mental gymnastics it takes to be okay with an attack that eats a third of your healthbar before the attack animation has even started borders on insanity.
You missed a few.
Plesioth, Cephadrome, actaully just anything with Drome in its name, Khezu, Kut-ku, Garuga, Rathian, Rathalos, Kirin, Lao-Shan-Lung,
The problem with first gen mosnters is they're horribly unpolished. They're poorly animated, they feel robotic and lifeless, they're incredibly repetitive, they share way too many moves, and they're just not fun.
Kirin gets special mention for being the worst elder dragon and one of the biggest disappointments in the franchise
Silver Rath flies and charges way too much, it's a chore to fight. Never had a problem with Diablos.
>First gen monster comes from a game released like 15 years ago
>New games don't bother to fix this garbage
>It's somehow first gen's fault
there is always armor skills to avoid any stuns. git gud and stop trying to use the one clownsuit you looked up on youtube. casuals and cancer
You're right in that it's not the first gen's fault, it's the devs bringing the shitty monsters back without fixing them up. It's them pandering to the old guard rather than just moving forward.
Doesn't change the fact that the first gen is bad though, and a good example of what not to do for future games.
Think about monsters in terms of their attacks. Most have a bold cone in front of them, so hunters without blocking weapons should stop what they're doing and move if a monster turns to face them. YGR is facing that hunter while the hunter begins attacking, so the hunter has accepted the possibility of a charge in committing to the attack.
Hammer's whole thing is being at the head and has no blocks. Shut up dumbass.
I fucking hate you, Garuga.
Yian Garuga is still the premiere bitch breaker and I hope it goes to World completely unchanged.
Positioning is all fine and dandy but an attack hitbox that comes out frame 1 of an attack animation before it even really starts is just shit design by every metric. It also makes no sense, because at that point in a run there wouldn't be any velocity behind it.
lol just git gud m9 what are you, a casual?
The only bad thing about Yaruga is the look of the sets you can make out of him. Good skills but god damn do they look like ass.
>thinking world will have any g rank quests
lmao the hardest quest we'll get is a 5 star rathalos
garuga is chill in fu i feel
Solo hammer wants to hit between monster attacks, charging to buffer damage, hitting, then rolling away before the monster attacks.
More importantly, that video isn't a hammer, so stunlock isn't an excuse here.
Absolutely 0 chance.
DIdn't you see? Rathalos has start up on his tail whip. Clearer heads are finally managing to take control of MonHun and get rid of all the old gen bullshit that has plagued the series
Only problem is being too easy, I agree Gigginox is better but it doesn't suck per se.
I don't know why people shit on it, it dies so fast that it's not even a problem anyway.
Never had a problem with it, can't say much else because I never farmed it.
Only the tail swipe is a problem which I agree it's annoying, but I wouldn't go as far as saying they suck.
Only problem is the randomness of the lightning strikes. You're supposed to wait until it taunts.
I guess it would be more fun in a group of 4, but soloing can be tedious I agree.
I agree that first gen wasn't good, but scrubs usually take the fair criticism that comes from people who know what they're saying and then go on a limb to shit on everything that came from it for stupid reasons. I think that's why the "genwunner" effect shows up in MH threads.
but it's the same old dev team with Tsujimoto and Fujioka, they're just making a bunch of QoL changes with the monsters themselves like with the jump to third gen
>He hasn't encountered a Khezu that does nothing but roar the entire fight
>I don't have problems with those
>literally cannot separate not liking a monster and having trouble with fighting it
No one is complaining that first generation monsters are too hard.
You don't get it user.
>Boring piece of shit. Gigginox is a vastly better version and yet they brought back Khezu because fans like him better.
Boring as hell. All he does is charge and tail whip. Not to mention his animation is laughably bad.
See above. Also has some really dumb hitboxes.
>Rathian and Rathalos
See above. Also, Rathalos spends the entire fight flying and it's annoying.
Kirin is a pile of shit. The lightning isn't the problem, it's the fact that all he does is dance around. Because he's a kelbi. It's the instant charges that are the real issue.
Literally one of the most boring fights in the series. At least monsters like Ceadeus actually fight back
I have to stress a point you seem to be missing. This has nothing to do with difficulty. This is all about how enjoyable these monsters are to actually fight. None of these monsters are fun. They're all really boring and really predictable. Sitting there watching a gen 1 flying wyvern spin around 4 times in a row or charge forward 6 times in a row does not make for good gameplay.
It's clunky, agreed. But an experienced hunter should know that YGR turning to face directly at the hunter could result in a charge. IMO the animation/hitbox isn't the most important thing to change, rather tuning YGR's behaviour so the AI doesn't incorrectly think that hunter is distant enough for a charge.
I just realized that I hate every game after 3U because all the monsters backpedal which serves NO purpose but to waste your fucking time casing them down, like you were playing with cats or some shit.
Brachydios was the only 3U monster who did that.
Just because you can avoid the attack does not mean it's not a problem. I've killed plenty of Garugas. I've avoided the charge all the time.
It's still poorly designed. The games shouldn't be "clunky" anymore. And difficulty resulting from clunkiness is frustrating and unfun.
>I hate every game after 3U because all the monsters backpedal which serves NO purpose but to waste your fucking time casing them down, like you were playing with cats or some shit.
They backpedal to fuck up your camera. Brachydios was designed to mess with the camera. It's honestly really fucking stupid, a shitty camera system should not be exploited for added difficulty.
But let's be real, old flying wyverns waste your time far more effectively than sidehopping and backpedaling brute wyverns thanks to constantly charging, roaring, and tail-whipping.
I fought one that roared like 3 times once, I play lance so I just block that shit.
With "never had a problem" I meant bullshit like Plesioth hipchecks, not difficulty. Most of the criticism you're throwing here can be applied to gen2 and early 3, so I don't really see your point. Can some fights be boring? Yeah, but they don't exactly suck. I guess it boils down to what sucking means for each of us.
Why is he so upset?
>Most of the criticism you're throwing here can be applied to gen2 and early 3, so I don't really see your point.
Old monster hunter sucks and is more frustrating and tedious than fun and they should have left the old monsters to die or at least drastically update them instead of bringing them all back unchanged?
If you're bad. I've learned the ins and outs of each hitbox and know the exact position to follow up on even the worst attacks. I even figured out how to stand right under Plessy's hitbox in MHFU and not get hit.
But you can't do anything if the monster isn't near you. In 4U they backpedal twice in a row so many times that any strategy feels like a hopeless endeavor. Like in war, you're forced into a sub-par strategy just so you can engage the enemy before they flee.
I'd be upset and confused if I had no eyes and looked like a big floppy willy.
>trash monsters without updating
Why are you talking out your goddamn ass?
1/2gen monsters in 4U got updated and are a lot easier/fair than ever, for example the Gravios was a pain in the ass MHF2/FU because it had only 2 breackable part, infinite range lazer and gas after almost every attacks now you can break a lot more parts, dodge more easily the gas and the lazer. Stop complainning about 1/2gen monsters.
The only 2gen monster that became harder in 4u is the Ranjang become you can't stay forever his right to avoid his attack.
He knows he's just an inferior gigginox that's only been in the recent games due to favoritism from old fans
anyone defending garuga is just memeing
regarless people clear his hunts all the time just fine. all you have to do is take a little more care into not standing in front of him
you have no eyes, you can't tell how you look. he's just a screaming cunt
>still talking about difficulty and fairness
It's like talking to a brick wall
The other monsters make fun of him all the time.
They tweaked them a bit but they didn't actually update them. They didn't change any movesets, which is the problem.
>Bringing up difficulty
Once again, this isn't about difficulty. Why is it always abut difficulty with people who try and defend the bad old monsters? This is about whether or not these monsters are fun to fight at all.
They aren't
That's not to say all old mosnters suck by the way. There are exceptions. It's mostly old flying wyverns, and not the pseudo flying wyverns like Tigrex and friends
>All he does is charge and tail whip
Just like Tigrex
>Also, Rathalos spends the entire fight flying and it's annoying.
Flash bombs. This is like whining about Gigginox spending the entire fight poisoning you, you have items for a reason.
>it's the fact that all he does is dance around
Just like Rajang and Blangonga.
Jehn wasn't that much better in the interactivity department.
>People lumping Diablos, Rathalos, and Rathian with first gen monsters even though they had their models, animations, and rigging updated with third gen
You don't want old Rathalos, that shit was lame as fuck.
>All the old gen monsters get brought back in World with shiny new models
>They still have their shitty old hitboxes, movesets and animations
Capcom wouldn't do that, would they? Surely.
They updated Rathalos and Rathian and they STILL suck because they stayed too close to the old gen 1 flying wyvern base moveset, which is trash. I love when Rathian just runs around and tail whips for 5 minutes
They wouldn't. Have you seen Rathalos? He has a fucking start up on his tail whip and his charge is either much easier to avoid or doesn't even hurt you.
Old Rathalos was handsome-lookin fella, though
>Just like tigrex
Tigrex' charge and tail whips function much differently than gen 1 flying wyvern charges and tail whips. For one, his tail whip has start up. His charge is also a lot more fun, because he doesn't just robotically run forward out of nowhere; it's a big involved attacked where he claws forward and can trick you up by pulling u-turns and shit.
Tigrex is how to take the shit tier flying wyvern attacks and make them fun.
>Flash bombs
Okay. He's still annoying.
>Just like Rajang and Blangonga.
My point was that Kirin is just a fancy Kelbi, and that's dumb as shit and not very fun. There's a reason people call Kirin Kelbidrome.
>Jehn wasn't that much better in the interactivity department.
Jhen tries to hit you all the time. Lao literally only walks forward for the first half of the fight.
Jhen's still not a great fight.
>They didn't change any movesets
Why would they do that when they can pop new monsters with the same skeleton? See frontier
Yeah I should have said more fun especially for the Rajang.