I don't know what it is, but this game just doesn't feel as fun as the first one. I feel like I'm having to force myself to go through it. Am I the only one?
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Armor ruins it. No spell does anything worth a shit. It's just a race to see who does the most damage until spells aren't worthless anymore.
There's no such thing as Tanking in this game. Every enemy ignores attack of opportunity. Taunts are completely useless even in the rare instances that they penetrate.
Tactician is bloated stats: the difficulty
I'm using cheat engine to play this game at 2x speed when it gets to combat because it is way too slow for me
Reminder not to bully summoners: they want to do stuff too
Aw yea, can't wait for it to come out, for me to play 2 hrs of it just to realize it's trash, and then refund it. Sounds exciting.
Nope, it's superior in every single way.
>Staff member fired because he didn't have certified California opinions
i like this game more than any other western rpg ive played
>still replying to any of these posts
Even if its just ironic at this point, just fucking ignore that forced rivalry shit, the last thing we need is for that to become a meme and shit up every divinity thread
Just do this. You need lone wolf tho.
What's the best skill to invest in? I know thievery is downright broken but what else is good?
Source abilities are not nearly powerful enough for all the limitations and requirements they meet.
Lucky charm is by far the best one.
wow, almost like it might take planning.
What's the secret to beating tactician?
Lucky charm is pretty good too. Got 7 on my main character and you find pink gear in random ass caches.
Now post your attributes.
What do you consider savescumming? Reloading to the last save if you die in a fight? If that's it then everyone is a savescummer except people playing on honor mode.
With thievery and lucky charm you are pretty much swimming in loot.
Do you need to open chests with the character who has the lucky charm skill?
Am I missing something here? Source can not be used, period, because it attracts voidwoken. So the magisters created a source-gun that fires pure source at any moving object? Why are the shrikers not gibbed by voidwoken after firing one time? Not shitposting, I actually enjoy the game.
This is an issue. I can't believe they got through an entire year of beta and not see this. Trying to protect you're casters is impossible except by pure DPS against any aggro they pull. You can't CC anything for the first 2-3 rounds because of armor and by then everyone is crawling on top of you.
>Randomized loot that appears scaled to your level
Wha... why is this guard coming onto me?
I'm not 100% sure but I assume so which is why I made sure the one with it is my main.
I rarely need to atack with him because the reflect and my hunter kill everything
Savescumming by definition is reloading as often as you need to bring RNG in your favor.
I can't decide Do I take the -2 CON hit in favor of another stat or just kill the cunt
>No shield
Is it worth it?
savescumming would generally be always reloading when something, really anything, goes wrong.
Opinions on this vary, but I'd go with that. Save-scumming is usually used to ensure nothing can ever go wrong for you. Restarting a whole fight from a failure is very rarely calld scumming
Then that guy is full of shit and is just bad at the game if he thinks that's the way to play tactician.
You're party wiping leading to a reload is honorable.
Savescumming is quick-loading if 1 character dies because you fucked up, so you don't ever have to use a rezz scroll.
> Trying to protect you're casters is impossible except by pure DPS against any aggro they pull. You can't CC anything for the first 2-3 rounds because of armor and by then everyone is crawling on top of you.
What is 1AP spell called Fortify/Shell. Soothing Cold and Mend Metal also do wonders.
How to not regret that I picked an undead as my main character?
I am new to CRPGs and I tried to make a fairly balanced group focused on physical dmaage type.
I have a Ranger, a dual wield knight, A cleric that focuses on buffing and heals and a tank with sowrd and shield.
But I do feel like my Tank is almost completely useless. Enemies just ignore him, since his CCs and Taunts only work when armor is down, which he can't accomplish on his own so he does a relatively shit job of protecting.
Should I just replace him with another Damage dealer or Hybrid?
He wants to pound your moist cloaca and make you pump out a dozen eggs you dirty lizard fuckslut..
This game would benefit from having ONE (1) companion that was likeable
Why did the mods delete my post?
It is. One hand weapons are weak as fuck compared to two handed ones
Goddammit. Do you know if there's any way to reset attributes?
at the start of the second act
probably because you post it in every thread and its the same shitty bait you've been posting since launch
>dual wield
You fucked up.
Yes, moment you enter Act 2.
Also one handers are not awful, with shields you can use shield bounce to do a lot of damage.
Thanks, senpai.
your healthpool seems low, but if it works it works
How do you get so much retribution? I'm assuming the max is 10 so you'd need to have 11 extra points into it, is it merely from luck on gear or did you customize gear in some way to have retri?
>Red Prince
>Not likeable
Likeable in a personal way and likeable from a spectator position are two different things
Literally all I said is that the companions aren't likable. It's true.
>dual wield knight
Knights are better off using 2Handers
They really made casters weak this time around. I switched my caster into a ranger with some utility spells and heals and shit. Now he can actually do some damage when there's no buffs needed. Once I'm done with this run I'll try if you can make a full magical damage party work in tactician but so far magical damage is so lackluster compared to physical.
They are not awful, but the single-handed combat ability is. Why the fuck would you want 5%+ accuracy every single time.
For to different guys:
which ones are better?
Whatever you say man, I'll see you next thread
Shriekers don't fire source, even though the animation os different they actually do the exact same thing the purging wands do. Absorbing the source of any nearby creature, consigning its very soul to non-existent oblivion.
Wow, fortify, I've never heard of that spell.
If you are fortifying a caster it is because a mob is already on them and you need to keep them alive for 1 more round while your guys removes the enemies armor for CC.
By the way SC/MM are super fucking weak. I use them but only because they are 1p to throw up. Make it 3p and double the bonus at a minimum and you have something there.
Both of those are not CC though. CC is stopping an enemy from attacking or moving.
Lone wolf doubles attributes and combat abilities. I reflect 110% dmg.
I literally got fucked both sides when I decided to not play a generic human knight for once and picked an undead wizard instead.
i thought the point was you get the ability from your shield
He's actually the worst out of all of them. The fuck happened to Avellone?
it's apparently broken as Necro scales with INT and War
>doubles attributes and combat abilities.
Ah okay. That sounds broken as fuck, almost cheating. Not that I'm judging you for doing a run on it, just judging larian from doing it this way.
Playing on hard?
It's even more broken than that as you can have two lone wolves at a time
Does the leech talent work with cursed blood? Also fuck cursed ice. That shit is annoying.
Also, 10 is not max.
It is pretty good to get +20-30% retaliation from shields, but the dmg output is much higher with a 2 handed because of the combat ability.
I've found the opposite, I'm running a full wizard party and it's going really well. It was hard as fuck in the first act but when you get actually good sourceries in driftwood you shoot up in power and start melting people.
Fane's time warp also helps a lot
I'm having the exact opposite. Had to force myself to get through 10 hours of 1 and I'm loving 2 so far.
So you use wands instead of melee?
Nope, there is a magister book (can't remember where) describing what they are in the game. It specifically says "fires pure source" so powerful nothing can withstand it.
How do you activate that skull altar to the East of the Cloisterwood waypoint?
I finished it a couple of hours ago
The story is marginally better than in the first game, but like all Larian games it has that really fucking drawn out part from 2/4 to 3/4 of the game that just kills your desire to go on. The story takes some unexpected turns and there are some pretty neat twists at the end, but urghhhh the gameplay itself feels like such a downgrade.
The armour system kills so many possibilities, effects and combos that were present in the first game. Not to mention tactician mode bringing very little new (at least based on my experience with act 1 during beta, I haven't tried act 2 or 3 on classic or explorer) to the table. I think the amount of fights in act 1 that had a new mechanic on tactician was 5 and in all of those cases it was only "enemy has an aura" which is a huge letdown considering tactician mode added so much more in DOS1.
I just don't know, the game's good enough in its own right but it feels like such a letdown. Guess I'll just wait for the inevitable enhanced edition before I bother replaying it unless a good community-produced mod or campaign is made.
No you use 2handed
It is broken. But it was even more so in the first game because civil abilities also doubled.
Almost as if there was this trait called stench, that makes them less targeted by melee.
It's also as if casters require to be using two wands or a stave. Shield/stat-item can be just as tanky as any sword/board user, and thus never get targeted. Bow-users have vastly bigger problems than most casters do in that regard.
Armor is rarely a glaring issue to me. Enemies tend to have clear and distinct weaknesses to one or another type of damage. Low magic armor? Well welcome to petrify town. Low phyiscal armor? Welcome to knockdown-ville.
It really is not mindblowing that everything doesn't work immediately.
Is shield and 1hand better?
I like Fane. Fight me.
Yeah I assume you'd have to go full wizard to make it work. My wizard didn't really do anything in a group with a str 2hand guy, a rouge and a ranger. God bless for bows though.
The first game was pretty good
>realize wands dont have durability anymore
>keep a fire wand on hand in case I don't feel like finding a certain key
Will Durance be back?
The armor system is really retarded. You are almost forced to focus on magic or physical.
Is it still two handed > broad & sword > dual wield in general in this game?
I remember it was something like that in first one. I might be wrong tho.
>characters notices some traps on the ground
>yeah, nah, just walk over and trigger them all since they're useless thanks to magic armor
Why did they even bother with traps at all? Was it just for immersion?
Armor feels added in at the last second. It's just so horrible and counter-intuitive to everything.
It's mostly just that traps do vastly to little damage.
This game is just designed to be a fun little time waster while we wait for the true great RPG, Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire, published and developed by Obsidian, to come out.
>play co-op
>friends always rush my turns
>pay less and less attention to combat because its less annoying just to use the same skills every turn
Stop deleting and remaking this post over and over again
I'm not deleting it. It's the butthurt Larianigger mods.
Surfaces outside of combat are useless too. One of those elemental plants or whatever causing a fire nearby? Casually stroll through the fire, there's nothing to worry about!
Why would he stop when he got braindead sheep replying every time?
That's what I ended up doing, yes.
During the beta I didn't run into any trouble running a 2 physical 2 magic group, but since tactician mode thought it'd be hilarious to give enemies a flat 50% health and armour bonus I was forced to respec my entire group into physical damage.
Yeah I think armor really dumbs down the game because every fight you need to start by wearing down your enemy's armor, and on tactician some of them have crazy armor values.
I think more CC/hazard should bypass armor or enemies shouldn't have high magic/physical armor at the same time. They can adjust for it by making success rate a thing again.
As it is the combat is missing a lot of potential variety because the only viable way is to stall and use summons to remove the armor before you can do anything.
Red Prince and Ifan are both quite okay.
>make all my characters Summoners
>breeze through the game on Tactician difficulty
so this is the power...of the Larian balance team...
Can you revert silent monks?
It's the opposite for me. I played the beta (act1 only) of 2 more than I played 1
>that retribution
I had around 10 with lone wolf when i was doing the teleport quest in act 1 and the guy who teleports you to the ledge always aggroed because the damage from teleport was reflected on him. Made me fliped my shit and delete the character. I regret it now