Thoughts on the final MGS game?

Thoughts on the final MGS game?

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Great Gameplay, incomplete story.
95% of people mistakenly believes it was just going for the same MGS2 twist or that it was mainly just Kojima telling the player that they were personally Big Boss

Its shit.

Good game

Literally unfinished mess.
An empty husk of a potentially good game.

>Great Gameplay,
I have no idea how people can say this kind of crap out loud, when a huge chunk of the gameplay is waiting for shit (timers, helicopters...), grinding for trash, and redoing copypaste missions, in empty open world maps.

Very different, but good. I feel like Ground Zeroes + The Phantom Pain could've been a completely new project titled simply The Phantom Pain. The story's worst part is how it's chained down by previous games' story.

It's also a shame that the Eli arc was never adressed. The game isn't missing its ending, like many people believe, as Sahelanthropus/Eli/Skull Face's plan all take a backseat in Chapter 2 and are no longer the main story point, but it certainly hurts the game.

Still, I liked it. Took me a while to adjust to the new style but I honestly prefer it to the old games'. I hope Death Stranding will be similar.

how many hours did you clock with the game? +400 here

Probably the best generic Ubisoft-tier open world game out there, basically the paralympics winner.
Story is utter garbage though, a disaster.

I dont think you know what gameplay actually is user

Story is clumsy and often hard to give a shit about but its underlying themes and the way it plays with tensions is the most interesting the series has been since MGS2. In terms of plot specifically, MGSV is mostly inconsequential. Probably by design.

Gameplay isn't very meticulous in its design but it's entertaining in bursts.

Not him, but the main gameplay is trash. Just tap R2 everywhere for your non-lethal run, don't even need to upgrade the tranq or get [STN] guns. And the level design is what makes the gameplay work, and when most of your levels are bland, forgettable desert environments, and you spend most of the game waiting or grinding, it's fucking boring.
Thus, the gameplay is not good. MGS4 was the peak of the series gameplay and before you say 'Wah, movie game', it's fucking better than everything that came after

>MGS4 was the peak of the series gameplay
I think in some respects it's better than MGSV, but for the most part it's all of MGS3's problems with few of its strengths.

I really enjoy it.


>it's all of MGS3's problems with few of its strengths
What are you on about? It decluttered the menu, streamlined the camo (as the theme was no longer Scene), added crouch walking, made CQC easier to pull off with accidentally slitting the guy's throat, had a larger variety of weapons (and unlike V, you could carry more than 3) and had a wide variety of side items that made the game fun, like the Mantis and Sorrow dolls.

Nice pasta faM

What was it?

Paz naked, but her face looked wierd as fuck

It's even more poorly balanced than MGS3 while also failing to provide levels that are interesting to navigate or sneak through. Even the first two acts are too concerned with being set pieces to be consistently interesting, and after that the game sidelines the basics almost entirely in favor of bombast and spectacle.

It does streamline MGS3's menu bloat, though.

126, I should do the weekly FOBs

>It's even more poorly balanced than MGS3 while also failing to provide levels that are interesting to navigate or sneak through
The only level that was really a drag was the third act trailing mission. The areas in the first and second acts were fun, the fourth act is weaker, but it makes up for it by showing the state of decay Shadow Moses is in and for the Rex vs Ray fight (as well as the Vamp fights)
The fifth act is fairly short, but makes up for it by having some good boss fights.

Shit story

Shit missions

FOB invasions were shit and extremely one sided and shit

The Multiplayer was shit and got boring quick

Was too easy with Reflex and D-Dog literally marking every enemy

Don't even get penalized for Reflex and the only way to S rank some missions is to rush and kill everyone with Reflex

>Don't even get penalized for Reflex and the only way to S rank some missions is to rush and kill everyone with Reflex
but using reflex once deducts points and cucks you out of the perfect stealth bonus. Yeah you can rush to get S-Rank but it's easy to get S-Rank at leisure pace if you don't use reflex

nice waifu, motivated me to get out and fuck real women.

I really liked it and it's a good start to enter the series

>S-Rank at leisure pace
Seeing how you can only get S rank before a certain time

there are multiple ways to improve your score even when going slow. Not only you have all the bonuses that can be stacked, but even if you play a slow-lethal game you can do long distance headshots which will count not only as headshots but also as tactical takedowns, and there are normally about 30-40 enemies per mission so thats an extra 60k-80k. The only thing that completely ruins your score no matter what is getting spotted multiple times

japan always makes the best video games and animations

western developers suck

None of what you said makes up for it though. The vamp boss fight isn't good and turns into a glorified gauntlet while you watch raiden do the actual fight, because it wasn't even meant to be in there as anything but a cutscene. That other user Is right, the only improvement was the bloat removal, but on a traversing the actual gameplay level 4 fails in every regard.

peace walker is unironically the best metal gear game

It has a lot of cool fun filler content but the meat and potatoes of it is pretty bad. I don't even mind the way the game controls on the PSP, but the core game design is pretty shit and so is the story.

I liked the cut scenes a lot, though. Cool art.

Playing through it for the first time right now. Great game so far, all the complaints ive seen are literally wrong or people just hating to hate baring the "unfinished game". Cant have any input on that one yet till I get farther. So far though seems like typical Sup Forums hate it to hate it even though its fun as fuck.

It's weird. For some reason I don't want to finish it because of how bad the ending everyone said was.
That and the open world shit gets old fast.
I miss just exploring bases and even the jungle in 3 was linear as fuck, which is good for a game like this.
This RPG shit needs to go.


If Kojima just stuck to what he was good at then MGSV would've been a god tier sendoff, but as it stands its just a misshapen child.

>Great Gameplay
Kill yourself. The controls were good. Everything else was a steaming pile of shit.

Overhyped and underwhelming, but thematically underappreciated. The story was pretty simple and lacked the tangled web feeling of the previous entries, but there's a lot of stuff to chew on in the subtext if you let go of your disappointment long enough to look for it.
The gameplay has good bones but you can tell it suffered from a troubled development. It just feels like there's a lot of stuff that really should be there but isn't.

>basically the paralympics winner
m8 don't be shit-talking the paralympics, they can do shit I can't even with all my limbs and an otherwise biologically sound body

Just 100% it yesterday, gonna keep doing FOBS though.

well over 300, rarely did FOBs and only ever played enough of them to get the wood panelling mother base skin

Nearly a masterpiece.

I agree but the fact it just misses the mark makes it feel all the worse.

If it wasn't an MGS game, ended at chapter 1, and had a cohesive story, it's be a 10/1/ for me. Literally so close to perfect.

145, only one playthrough, almonst no FOBs

Meant to reply to

Sorry for the late response, I was at 7/11
>None of what you said makes up for it though
>focuses on something I put in brackets

GZ and Afghanistan were 9/10 material but just about everything after and all the FOB endgame shit drags it down to a 6. Really fucking bad second half that just highlights everything wrong with the whole mission structure and open world. MGO3 was pretty awful too.

Close to 200 easily

Roughly 500.
Game was fun and I still go back to it once in a while to mess around in missions
Did the MB Coin bug when Multiplayer launched and it's the only reason I'd be able to do the highest tier RnD.
The multiplayer scratched a primal itch I had of non-lethal against lethal enemies. The update that let the tranq pistol shoot through cardboard boxes and also anything similar to wood was the best shitshow I ever saw and will never be fixed.

The only real loose end in the story is Liquid, everyone who says the story is "incomplete" are just mad the game didn't validate their headcanon or that they didn't get to meet baby sniper wolf.

Just a shy bit away from 700h.

How can anybody think Big Boss was a good boy after MGSV? Dude was as bad as Zero, if not worse.



I think that was the point. We got our fall of Big Boss after all.

I know, that's what I'm saying, but there's always someone who wants to cry about how we didn't get MUH NUCLEAR.

I find it funny how people bitch about how the ending MGSV didn't tie to Metal Gear 1 when it literally ends with Venom Snake playing the Operation Intrude N313 on an actual MSX. I don't know why everyone was expecting some corny remake of the first MSX game.

Probably under 20 or so
I had never been so disappointed in a game before, I was tired of waiting for things to get better so I quit
I really wonder how people were able to get hundreds of hours out of it, I'd probably blow my brains out

Who gives a shit the story is terrible

so like

the operation intrude tape at the end, with the static sounds n shit. what did that mean? Was it meant to be a "get fuckt" by BB? Was he listening to this tape right before fighting solid snake in MG?

team miller all the way

that's your opinion m8

Those sounds are what you get if you try to play a data cassette as audio. That side of the tape presumably contained the mission brief for Operation Intrude N313 so Venom could be in the know with Big Boss' plans.

Everything from Snake Eater to the hospital escape is just Big Boss being under the government or Zero's thumb. It's hard for me to care at all about what Big Boss was even about. His career was a sham.

>That side of the tape presumably contained the mission brief for Operation Intrude N313 so Venom could be in the know with Big Boss' plans.
so did the real BB fuck up the tape to make sure venom got rekt by snake?

Calm down man, it's just a difference of opinion

Wait, there's wood paneling?

>did the real BB fuck up the tape
What makes you think BB screwed Venom over? Solid Snake was just too good to get caught out.

People knew he was bad since Metal Gear 2 when we found out he purposely wiped out areas so that he could kidnap children, turn them into child soldiers, and when they grew up have them perpetuate the cycle.

gee, i dunno. Maybe the part where BB played venom like a damn fiddle?

Considering the events in MG1, I think it can be safely assumed that BB knew only one of them was getting out alive and he was covering his bases in case it was Snake.

>What makes you think BB screwed Venom over?
well one side of the tape has BB explaining that we are the same person

then the next side of the tape is operation intrude which is when solid snake killed venom snake

so I just assume that BB fucked the other side of the tape to make sure venom died at the hands of snake, or my other interpretation is that the tape being fucked up means snake is already in the building and he's about to kill you.

idk, i'm still not sure if the tape sequence in the bathroom is supposed to be the moment before the final showdown in the original Metal Gear

Well, yeah, he exploited him for his own gain, but there's no reason to assume the N313 tape was tampered with.

Africa has better environments, but Afghanistan has better towns since they're you know, actual towns.

Wheres sniper wolf?
Wheres gray fox?
How does BB return to Foxhound?

What makes you think the tape was fucked with, though? It plays as intended. You see Venom load it into an MSX which begins reading it.

>series known for great characters and boss fights
>final game has the worst characters and boss fights in the series
It was a terrible way to end.
4 was enough. Instead, we have memesters discussing this unfinished mess.

I don't know, I hated PW's bosses way more

>BB has white hair
>Venom snake does not
>Le clone
Bravo Nolan

This is the most blatant issue with the game

But they all did their own unique thing, aside from fucking with their core unit none of the boss fights played the same.

It's already established that DD and it's daughter PMC's take in war orphans, child soldiers etc. so somewhere along the line they scoop up wolf and fox. Also while Venom was taking the heat BB did his foxhound gig.

Yeah and you had to farm the shit out of them for Zeke. I got fucking tired of those bosses.

Each skull should ve been alone and be a bossfight

Unique isn't always good tho

I still haven't played it, lying around sealed for my PS4.

Should I play it?

Just stop sucking kojima cock
There were tons of missions rescuing and fultoning literal whos instead of some mision rescuing loli sniper wolf in Irak or Gray Fox in Mozambique


It still hurts

>What makes you think the tape was fucked with, though? It plays as intended.
What good was the static screeching supposed to do? Am I just retarded and didn't notice that Venom was looking at a monitor or something? Seemed to me like he saw "operation intrude N313", put the tape in, heard static, and got ass hurt. Am I wrong?

No it doesn't.
I have my Legacy collection and i'm glad it's over.

Open world was a mistake for the series. Also skullface was underwhelming as a villain. Ground zeros was cool tnough, should have left it alone after that.

who cares man, decide for yourself

fuck you I thought this was a comp video

>used reflex mode
only yourself to blame

The static screeching is the sound of data being played as sound. That's completely normal, it's like the static tone you got when connecting to dial-up. It was reading the data on the computer, you can see the thing boot up and start outputting to the screen next to it.
The "him getting asshurt" thing takes place after a timeskip, and the bloody demon appearance is a symbolic thing that indicates Venom completely giving in to the Big Boss identity. He's angry because he's become Big Boss in the worst possible way by playing along with his plan.

I still have yet to play it. Ive seen thats its gotten generally mixed reactions but i put 10-20 hours into Ground Zeroes awhile back and I'm actually kind of hyped to get into this at some point, but ill see where it goes.

Honestly though, considering Kojima had been saying he was done with MGS since 3 I would take this game with a grain of salt. So we'll see how I like it.

Also it features nuclear disarmament, the whole plot of MG1 relied on this.

close to 300 but i played a lot offline.
i think i would reach around 500

>Honestly though, considering Kojima had been saying he was done with MGS since 3 I would take this game with a grain of salt
This is why I'm not with hackjima posters, MGSV just felt like the guy was trying his best to make a game he didn't really want to be making. Especially considering how he didn't want to be attached to MGS4 to begin with, before he started getting death threats.

Gameplay-wise, its pretty great.

Storywise, eh its kinda out there, more so than usual.

Also a chunk of the game is missing, which is promptly finished in a text scroll

>you can see the thing boot up and start outputting to the screen next to it.
ahhh okay this clarifies just about everything for me.

So him punching the mirror is the time skip, right? The logo on his arm goes from DD to outer haven, and then he walks into the fog towards the gunfire. Do you think that's supposed to be him walking out to confront Solid Snake in the next room?

Personally I interpreted the unbloodied Venom walking into the smoke is the last part of his identity that was "him" disappearing into obscurity, since after that point he's completely indistinct from Big Boss himself. Nobody knows it was a body double in Outer Heaven, they just think Big Boss survived. "Venom" never existed, as far as they know.
Take that with a grain of salt though, I'm a complete autist for symbolism.