Mvci is a great fighting game

>muh graphics
>muh mcu story
who cares?
even maximilian_dood gave it 10/10 who the fuck cares about graphics mvc2 looked like shit and guess what? it didn't matter

Sup Forums is just a bunch of casual posers don't ever pretend you know shit about mahvel

Fuck this thread, what characters are you guys excited to see in FighterZ?
Im still hoping for Broly

Broly has been in every single game evr since he was made. He will be in no matter what.

/r/Kappa is actively sending its users here to badmouth Infinite. It's pathetic, really.

I'm really hoping Hit is in it, if any original Super character is

ya but hopefully hes not dlc
>muh reddit boogeyman
fuck off retard

I like max, he is probably the only e-celeb I actually like aside from AVGN, but I have really no idea what he sees in this game.
It's just shit, plain and simple.

>mvc2 looked like shit
t. millennial

He gave the gameplay 10/10.
he gave the roster a 4/10
and everything else a bunch of 6's and 7.
Making the overall score a 6.5/10

the game is actually fun and has a lot of depth, too bad the roster is mediocre at best right now

And gameplay is what matters. When did Sup Forums turn to shit? Oh, I know; when /r/Kappa took over. Just go back, please.


it's a fighting game the gameplay is all that matters

It does. most of the time.
But when everything looks like shit, sounds like shit, and is practicing shit practices.
I much rather go for something else.

Back to /fgg/, faggot

>mvc2 looked like shit

But that's wrong. MVC2 still looks great, even with reused assets. I'll take 2D sprites over shitty, half-assed 3D models any day.

Then why was everyone far more excited to play the beta of DBFZ?

So why should I buy the game? Tell me one good reason other than 'is a great fighting game'. Because I think the last three entries were good enough so I can go play those instead, if that's all this game has to offer.

I'm praying for some Jeice and/or Burter.

>casual posers like Sup Forumseddit who will drop the game in a week
no one gives a fuck about dbzf in the fighting game community

Yep. I played the beta for 3 sessions. Very shallow game and way too easy I was not challenged at all. So glad Infinite is coming out tonight it will be refreshing to play a game that rewards creativity and skill.

Don't tell r/Kappa or you'll trigger them!

>The absolutely assblasted state of Capdrones

"Buy our shitty games or the FGC will die!"

Well, then. Fucking rot in hell already.

Gameplay while important, certainly isn't all that matters. Believe it or not, the other aspects do have more impact on the overall experience than you are comfortable giving credit.

i dont think its likely those guys'll make it


why do people just use subreddits/8gag boards literally no one has ever heard of as the cornerstones of their argument

>a twitch subreddit.

It's like if you took a shit, the shit got cancer, and then it got aids.

FGCfaggots in general need to fuck off. They've become so cancerous they're outright defending terribly made vidya because of "muh gameplay"

>even maximilian_dood gave it 10/10
>Sup Forums is just a bunch of casual posers

The irony.

>20 years from now someone will defend mvci graphics

>no one gives a fuck about dbzf in the fighting game community
Then I guess the game will sell gangbusters because fuck the FGC.

keyword: even

I very much doubt that. Maybe they argue that wasn't so bad to deserve the amount of hate and utter failure it got, but I can't see the graphics being praised when it was released after the likes of GGXRD and FighterZ

The simple fact that he watches Maximillian makes him a casual in every sense of the word.

What do you think Max's wife does when he's going to cons and playing games with black dudes 15 hours a day?

it's okay when pubg has ps2 graphics because it has fun gameplay

>no Magneto
>no Cyclops
>no Wolverine
>no Sentinel
>no Storm
>no Deadpool

Graphics aside, there's absolutely no reason MVC:i should have as shitty of a roster that it does. Even without X-men characters they could add:
>Any of the new SFV characters
>Ruby Heart
>Luke Cage
>Jessica Jones

I could keep going, but there's plenty of characters from both companies, both old and new that would get people excited for the game. All memes about shit graphics and no x-men aside, the horrible roster is why I won't be buying the game.

Give it about 8 months and we'll have UMvC:I with a bolstered roster that will still make Zero overpowered.


If you can notice, people only complain about non-gameplay related things? Why? Because they are underage scrubs who don't know shit about fighting games.

And new characters are still shit from the avengers.

If the Music is cancer on my ears and the characters are cancer on my eyes and I don't want to play a single character in the roster than the game can just go fuck itself.

Keep eating the rotten shit that Capcom keeps feeding you stupid capcbro drone

>People playing actual matches they paid to get into instead of a demo

Or maybe because gameplay isn't the only thing about a videogame to consider, especially when everything else is so shit that makes indie companies LAUGH at Capcom's incompetence?

Who says it has "the best gaemplay evur!!"? The same shill who tried to be "Oh shit so hype" when they showed fucking Jedah at EVO while talking to the fucking phone? The same fucks who went on their fucking twitter profiles and said "Look! It's so SICK and CREATIVE!"?

I don't trust these fucking parrots. Maybe you do 'coz you're a good Capcbro, but I've fucking standards.

Would you play a game with fighting hitboxes if the gameplay was good?

>Or maybe because gameplay isn't the only thing about a videogame to consider
For a fighting game, it is the main thing.
t. Casuals

If MvC:I is so good why are you posting a pic of the last good Marvel game and not MvC:I user?

I subscribe to Max on his Twitch channel and even I think he's talking out of his ass on MvCI.

mvc2 didn't have competition.
every fighting game out of japan in recent years has had solid gameplay with the sole exception of SFV, so when someone says "well, it has good gameplay", that means nothing to me tbqhwyf.
you can play for your ugly turd with a shit roaster where the bosses are locked behind dlc walls... I wont.

Was at Evo. Can confirm.


It's fucking Evo. The people that showed up were hungover or high as fuck(me included)

DBZrd is fucking sick. Mahvel is....alright to play. Gives me something to mash until DBZrd comes out.


What is r kappa?
Why settle for just good gameplay when other fighting games give that and more?

That post had me laughing more than it should.

Yes OP Marvel vs Capcom Infiniteā„¢ is a great fighting game. Most people don't realize the amount of CREATIVITY and FREEDOM that this game brings to the table, but smart gamers like us know better.

By the way, who else preordered the Collector's Edition? I know I sure did.

Go back. Infinite is far deeper and fighterz is casual shallow shit

Whats your agenda?

Yet the general populous is more looking forward to Fighterz than infinite so really who gives a fuck about infinite?

You're literally shitposting. That, or you're not actually following anyone in the FGC.

The most negative thing people have to say about DBFZ in the FGC is that it's almost too easy to get used to. There's absolutely no question that when it comes out it'll be the most popular anime fighting game, and one of the most popular fighting games in general.

Virtua Fighters has the best gameplay among 3D fighters and it died

Skullgirls 2 when

>G A M E R V E R S E
>MvC:I a game aimed at children that 40 year old overweight virgins will play a couple of times a year at gaming event not cunt cares about.

You sure told us user.

Wow, casuals are fucking retarded, who knew? Stay mad about your shallow trash though, kaappa

lmao did you switch your shitposting because you got blown up in the previous thread?

Gameplay is a given in any Japanese fighting game and only comes up if it's bad (aka SFV). Tekken, KoF, GG, BB, Uniel, etc, all have great gameplay. They also have good presentation, music, and roasters too.
You literally need more then gameplay when everyone has gameplay.

>kof has good presentation
>tekken has good gameplay

>mvc2 looked like shit
Nani? You might want to get your eyes checked, anonymous

>Thinks a game with Hulk and Spiderman is hardcore

I bet you play MvC in Mighty Thor pyjamas.

>no footsies
>t-rex limbs
>most characters play the same
>easier inputs
>simplified for casuals
>samey combos
>made with the explicit goal of catering to e-sports
>cast is made of a lot of blond people
>shit netcode
Reminder that DBFZ has the exact same problems as SFV and if you like one but attack the other you're a hypocrite.

VS games have no depth either way.

>tekken doesn't have good gameplay


>aka SFV
But why? I like Crush Counter.

all characters play the same, game has retarded input delay and now its plagued with shitty one button comeback mechanics.

Tekken does have great gameplay frankly. I can understand it's not your cup of tea, but please.
Also, KoF has presentation that suits it well, even if it's not super flashy like GG. This is much better then it being actively garish like MvC:I.

KoF14 is literally the ugliest game released this gen and Tekken is absolute fucking garbage gameplay wise, which is why nobody takes it seriously.

So... It's like Street Fighter?

>retarded input delay
Isn't that only on console?

>all characters play the same
So you're complaining about a game you literally haven't touched?

No. Marvel is the ugliest game. Hands down.
Also, everyone plays the same in any game that isn't GG/Vampire/BB.

You do know an image's MD5 is easy as fuck to change, right?


when did Sup Forums became so shallow and cared this much about graphics over gameplay?

Tekken has no zoners. No characters like Dhalsim.
Not even characters like Urien.
It doesnt even have real grapplers because command grabs can be broken.

Everybody has the exact same gameplan. A character like Menat would break the whole game. Nobody would be able to handle a character with Rashids mobility.

>Also, everyone plays the same in any game that isn't GG/Vampire/BB.
thats screenshot material

>Batman's face when this time next year his game has still outsold both MvC:I and DBFZ combined even though his game is a pile of fucking shit.

MvC:I vs DBFZ arguments are like two spastic children arguing over who came in second place.

This user gets it

>Also, everyone plays the same in any game that isn't GG/Vampire/BB.
Don't be stupid.

Its corporations

Why the fuck did they make this abortion of a game instead of rereleasing capcom vs snk 2 and improving the online play?

Game developers are pretty fucking stupid lately.

Its mostly Switch fags that hate anything Capcom because they don't give a shit about their shitty tablet.
Straight from a fanboy himself, he shitposts all Capcom stuff because of Monster Hunter World jumping ship.

you're fucking brainded my man

>it's only nintendo
>it's only reddit
>it's only normies
>it's only twitter
>it's only dbzfags
>it's only people that play other fighting games
>it's only everyone

Dbz is the true mvc3
Even though it has a shitty ass roster

How hard is it mvc makes a game with 100

Crack when?

Wait Nova's in? And not the faggot teen kid Nova from nu Marvel.

Shiiiieeet I'm hesitating now.

I am surrounded by total retards

I somehow doubt that I think its more down to the game being a shit ugly stand alone expansion to UMVC3

I definitely forgot about those Sex-men until the director mentioned them in interview. I'm glad Sturm isn't coming back. Isn't she from Advance Wars anyway?

What? How does Ryu even plays the same as Dhalsim or Guile? How does V.Akiha play the same as Aoko?

>>Luke Cage
>>Jessica Jones
Defenders DLC pack